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How To Get Rid Of Snakes Under Porch

Can Garter Snakes Bite And Are They Venomous

How to Get Rid of Snakes Under Decking

While not easily visible, garter snakes do have teeth and can bite if threatened. However, the teeth are quite small and while the bite may hurt, its harmless.

In fact, it wasnt until quite recently that scientists discovered that garter snakes produce venom. The dosage is so weak that to this day, garter snakes are considered non-venomous.

Benefits Of Having Snakes Around

It may not seem like snakes would be beneficial, but they can help keep rodent populations down. A single small snake can eat 3-4 mice at a time, and larger ones can go after rats. They also eat moles, voles, insects and some can even go after fish. In other areas of the country, snakes will eat animals like rabbits, nutria, and other rodents that may be destructive to homes and crops.

Keep The Snake From Being Able To Easily Enter The Crawlspace

Keeping the snake from being able to easily enter the crawlspace is also important. The snake shouldnt be able to get in the crawlspace under normal circumstances, but there might be cracks or openings that you arent aware of.

Most crawl space areas have grates of some sort that can be removed when people need to crawl under the house. Sometimes these grates can get old and theyll wind up cracking or holes might form in certain spots.

You might even have mesh coverings that are meant to keep animals out of the crawlspace. The mesh could have become torn, and this might mean that youll need to repair things or get a new covering for the crawlspace.

Go around your crawl space and examine all of the entrances thoroughly. This should allow you to see any problems that are present so that you can make any necessary changes.

You can use boards to patch up holes so that snakes wont be able to use those holes to get under the house any longer. If you see any cracks that are being used as entrances, then youll want to fill those with silicone caulk to get things back to good.

Youll need to be observant and take the time to do the necessary repairs. Yes, this could be a time-consuming process, but its necessary if you dont want snakes to become a constant problem.

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How Much Does It Cost To Get Rid Of Snakes

If you choose to hire a professional to remove snakes from your property, you can expect to pay an average of $150 to remove a snake from your yard. If its made its way into your home, and its a non-venomous snake, you might pay closer to $350 to $500.

The removal company will likely work to catch the snake and remove it from your property, rather than killing it.

Removing A Garter Snake Den

Snake Removal Dayton, Ohio

Known as a hubernacula, these dens are usually found somewhere warm and secluded such as under a porch or even in an attic. Remove the snakes one-by-one and put them somewhere far from your home.

You may wish to wear gloves and keep in mind the cold can kill garter snakes, so plan your relocation carefully if you want to keep them alive. Be sure to seal any entry points to the den afterwards.

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When Garter Snakes Give You The Willies

Why are you trying to get rid of the garter snakes in the first place? Think about this for a while. If it’s just that you find snakes personally unpleasant, you may want to simply avoid them and let them be.

Garter snakes are harmless and can be beneficial to your yard. They can act as natural pest control, and unless the snake population is booming, chances are that you will hardly notice them.

Still, if you are determined to run the garter snakes off your property, consider doing it as humanely as possible using the tips above.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

How Do I Get Rid Of Snakes In My House

Question: I have seen two snakes in my house since late November. After the first snake, I placed mothballs around the foundation of the house. Could I have trapped them in the house? Im wondering how to get rid of the snakes. At this point I will try anything! Can you spray for snakes?

Answer: Snakes in the house or around the house are not easily controlled. Although most snakes around houses are not venomous, it is prudent to be cautious.

Snakes enter a building because theyre lured in by dark, damp, cool areas or in search of small animals, like rats and mice, for food. Snakes can be discouraged from entering a home in several ways. Keeping the vegetation around the house cut short can make the home less attractive to small animals and snakes.

Other methods include screening all outside vents, making sure doors and windows fit tightly, and sealing cracks and holes around the foundation. Check access doors to basements and crawl spaces to be certain they fit tightly. Even tiny holes should be sealed.

During cold months, snakes often try to enter crawl spaces, cellars, sheds and basements. Once a snake is inside, it can be difficult to find. To coax snakes out, try leaving piles of damp burlap bags or rags in areas where the snake was seen. After several days, use a large shovel to remove the whole pile of bags and the snake.

local Orkin Branch office to discuss the situation with them.

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Seal Any Possible Entryways

If the goal is to keep snakes out, limit their possible access points. Check your home for cracks and crevices. Watch your drains, vents, and routinely check crawl spaces. Seal up any entryways with caulk, expandable foam, or weather stripping. With any openings that cannot be closed, cover them with a fitted screen. Close up the holes so neither reptile, rodent, nor insect can sneak inside.

What Attracts Snakes To Your Porch

how to get rid of garter snakes under my deck

The best way to get rid of snakes on your porch is to stop attracting them in the first place. Snakes love moving into places where they can find food and resting spots. If you can take away these things, you can eliminate the risks of finding snakes under your porch. Here are steps to remove attractants from your porch:

  • Snakes love rodents and insects. So you want to eliminate the chances of having those by investing in mice repellents.
  • Birdbaths, bird seeds, and nest boxes also attract rodents. Eliminating those will help you keep snakes away.
  • If you have nuts and fruit trees, ensure to pick them up as quickly as possible and store them in sealed containers.
  • Get rid of wood piles, dense bush/shrubbery, rock/bush piles, and shed spaces.
  • Store wood piles on elevated spaces out in the open where there is nowhere to hide.
  • Trim, clear and burn all dense brush and shrubbery. Keeping them low enough should be enough to avoid providing hiding spots for snakes.
  • Patio cushions often attract snakes because of the warmth they provide underneath in the nighttime. You can take your cushions off to avoid snakes, transforming your patio furniture into their resting space.
  • Consider adding snake barriers around your patio, sheds, and outbuildings. Chicken wire is also an inexpensive system you can use here.

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Chasing Garter Snakes Away

Garter snakes want the same things as most critters do: food, water, warmth, and shelter. Thus, the trick to keeping them off your property is to deny them these amenities. You can also usually chase a snake out in the process.

  • Keep the lawn short and any plants properly pruned. This makes it harder for snakes to hide while simultaneously chasing away a lot of the larger pests these snakes like to eat.
  • Keep your property clear of debris, including any large rocks. This also means keeping any wood pile away from your home.
  • There are a number of snake repellents out there, from synthetic to natural and even animal urine crystals. Be warned, theyre not always pleasant to humans.
  • Snake fences are short barriers of smooth material or mesh that will either cause the snake to get stuck or be at an angle they cant scale. These need to be places around your propertys perimeter and are sometimes expensive, but they may help deter other pests as well.
  • Use complimentary gardening. Aromatic plants such as cloves, garlic lavender, lemongrass, marigolds mint, and onion will not only deter snakes, but also their prey.
  • Smoke reminds snakes of danger and theyll actively flee an area that smells like smoke.
  • Remove any standing water on the property and make water features inhospitable to snakes such as a vinegar perimeter or barrier of repellent plants.
  • Add gravel or other uneven surfaces which irritate the snakes.
  • Fill in any holes or burrows, as the snakes will often reuse these.
  • Remove Debris And Keep It Clean

    Snakes often like to hide in dark, cool places. Under your house, porch, or deck is a location that often creates ideal living conditions for snakes.

    Another thing that can make these locations even more desirable is plenty of debris, trash, or other items inside.

    Its common for people to store debris, leftover wood, equipment, or other objects under homes, porches, and decks.

    Unfortunately, this will make these locations highly desirable to snakes. Remember, snakes prefer to hide in tight, dark places.

    Debris will create an ideal environment for snakes.

    You always want to make sure that the space in your crawlspace, porch, or deck is free of debris. Another thing you want to avoid is overgrown grass or large piles of loose soil.

    Grass should be removed or kept short and well maintained. Loose soil should be patted down to make it more difficult for snakes to create holes and dens inside the soil.

    These locations can be hard to reach and difficult to cut. I recommend using a handheld weed trimmer or hedge trimmer to reach under and cut any overgrown vegetation.

    Likewise, you should remove any debris or items under these locations and store them in proper locations.

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    Garter Snakes Vs Ribbon Snakes

    Unlike water snakes, which are so similar even the experts can mix them up, ribbon snakes have a few differences from the garter snake.

    They have a much longer tail and smaller head. Their extra thin bodies also have a different stripe pattern. A little white spot is in front of each eye. However, their other habits and foul odor are nearly identical to that of a garter snake.

    Trap And Relocate The Snakes

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    Another way that you can get rid of garter snakes without harming them is to trap them in simple, humane traps. You can build snake traps yourself or buy them, but with a simple funnel trap , you can collect your unwanted neighbors and relocate them.

    You can use all kinds of things as bait. Try some small eggs or even a live lizard or rodent. If you buy a commercial humane snake trap, often the bait is already included.

    Hide the traps under foliage that offers good coverage and makes the snake feel comfortable. Make sure that you’re laying them close to where you’ve seen snakes before.

    After you’ve laid the trap, check it often and relocate your new friend somewhere far away from your house. Find a nice park or wooded area a few miles away if you can.

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    Why Are They Called Garter Snakes Anyway

    This has been a question haunting people since Carl Linneas identified the eastern garter snake in 1758.

    This name is curious because it literally translates to bush snake like a garter. However, whether or not the esteemed botanist intended the name to refer to the striping and how it resembled a garter strap is unknown.

    Its entirely possible the association with garters was accidental or possibly even based on a Native American pointing to a garter when describing the snake to Linneas. Sadly, this is just another mystery that may never be solved.

    Invest In A Snake Repellent

    To eliminate snakes, you need two repellents repellents for keeping mice away and repellents for snakes. These repellents often combine scents and tastes to make your porch and outdoor spaces inhabitable and uncomfortable for snakes and their prey. The best snake and mouse repellents should be easy to apply and must offer instantaneous results. Also, remember that some repellents are toxic to pets and children, making them dangerous to use in places like your porch.

    So whats the best thing to get rid of snakes without harming your pets, kids, or environment? Natures Mace snake and mice repellent sprays and granules are ideal solutions that can be used anywhere in your outdoor areas. With these repellents, you can effectively eliminate snakes and their prey from your home in rapid succession. Natures Mace combines a proprietary list of eco-friendly, non-toxic plant-based extracts that are proven to keep your home from unwanted invaders. Get your Natures Mace repellents today and gain that much-needed peace of mind that your home and outdoor space are snake-free. Product Review

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    Get Some Chickens Pigs And/or Guinea Fowl

    A few years ago, we finally added guinea fowl to our flock of chickens and ducks. We had 6, something ate 4 of them while they were young keets and we wound up with a pair.

    Forewarning, guinea hens can be very annoying. Theyre incredibly noisy. And theyre really not very bright. But, they will most definitely eat snakes. And ticks. Ours actually attacked a fox that was trying to get into the chicken run and chased off a rogue rooster from our neighbors .

    Pigs are another natural predator of snakes and can be a great addition to your homestead if you have the space. Theyll add a sustainable source of meat, help clear up land and keep the snake population in check.

    Chickens can be a great addition to any size homestead. My chickens go crazy over snakes, toads, and mice. If they see one, theyll get it and fight over whos going to eat it. They ganged up on a mole once and it didnt end well for the mole.

    Livestock can be incredibly beneficial in several ways. These particular fowl and porcine can help keep the snakes away.

    How To Remove A Garter Snake Den

    how to get rid of garter snakes under porch

    Garter snakes hibernate during the winter in large dens called hibernacula. These dens tend to be in relatively secluded and warm spaces, such as underneath a house or in an attic. Removing the snakes and placing them outside in the cold will most likely kill them, so you have to be careful with what you do. If you live in a warmer climate, there will be less of a chance of the snakes forming a hibernaculum.

    If you have determined it is safe for you to remove a snake den, you will have to remove each snake one at a time and place them somewhere far away from your home or yard. Garter snakes emit a strong odor when threatened so be sure to wear some type of disposable glove when removing them.

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    Simple Steps Help Keep Snakes Out Of Your Yard

    “We know food attracts snakes,” Vandeventer said. “Since snakes eat rodents, we want to get rid of them. Get rid of the shelter and get rid of the food and they’ll pass right by and go to your neighbor’s ratty house.”

    So, how do you limit food sources and shelter for snakes? Here are some simple steps that will make your home unattractive to snakes.

    Feed your pets inside. No, snakes don’t like cat or dog food, but rodents do. Feed your pets inside and limit the food for rodents.

    Get rid of debris and leaf piles. Piles of leaves and other lawn debris not only attract rodents, but they also provide protection for snakes, making them a great place for snakes to set up shop.

    Keep your grass cut. This may seem basic, but tall grass provides cover for snakes. Keep it cut and not only is your lawn less desirable to snakes, you can more easily spot them. Your neighbors will appreciate it, too.

    Beware of birdhouses. Everyone likes seeing birds and hearing their young chirp, but these can be an attractant for snakes. Some snakes such as the gray ratsnake are excellent climbers. The gray ratsnake is also one of the most common snakes in Mississippi. Placing a birdhouse on a fence or tree limb is the equivalent of sending a dinner invitation to a ratsnake. Instead, place birdhouses on a metal pole of a wooden post that is wrapped with metal sheeting or has a conical barrier in place.

    How To Get Rid Of Snakes In The Chicken Coop

    Snakes in your chicken coop can pose a real problem. In addition to the fact that most snakes will eat chicken eggs, a chicken coop provides hiding spaces for a snake, making it difficult to remove them.

    To get snakes out of your chicken coop, address the underlying problems. For example, if you have mice in your coop, snakes will follow. Its also smart to cut grass, move debris piles, and trim any bushes near the coop.

    Finally, collect all eggs frequently and consider making amendments to the coop like raising the floor, installing snake-proof fencing, or adding an apron to the coop.

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    How To Keep Snakes Away From Your House

    To keep snakes from coming back, follow these prevention tips:

    • Replace grass or mulch with gravel. Snakes cant move or hide easily on gravel and other hard surfaces.
    • Remove bird feeders, birdbaths, and other sources of food and water. Food and water sources attract snakes and their prey mice, rats, and insects.
    • Keep pet food inside. Feed pets indoors to deter rodents and snakes from gathering outdoors around an easy food source.
    • Trim bushes and trees. This keeps snakes from climbing trees or using your landscaping as shelter.
    • Reconsider water features. While ponds or fountains are beautiful landscaping elements, they can also attract snakes to your yard or garden and provide nice secret hiding places.
    • Install snake-proof fencing. Thin fencing that sits just above or below ground is an effective way to keep snakes and small creatures from entering your property through multiple entry points.


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