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HomeBuildHow To Clean Painted Concrete Patio

How To Clean Painted Concrete Patio

Vinegar Rust Stain Remover

How to Make Old Concrete Look New! Painting Concrete Patio DIY!

Vinegar is acetic acid, which forms during the fermentation of sugar and starch. Not only is vinegar safe enough to be consumed, but it also makes an excellent eco-friendly cleaner, that can be used for many things, including removing rust stains from concrete.

  • Sweep the concrete patio first with a soft broom to remove excess dirt and dust.
  • Put undiluted distilled white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray directly on the rust stains.
  • Leave the vinegar to dissolve the rust, so let it settle about 20 minutes.
  • Using a wire brush while still spraying more vinegar, scrub the area vigorously. Brush until satisfied the rust stain is gone.
  • Use a water hose to rinse the patio and leave to dry.
  • How To Remove Rust Stains From Concrete

    Ugly rust stains might emerge on your concrete patio if a metal object, such as an old garden tool or a bristle from a wire brush, was left on its surface, especially during a rainstorm. Thankfully, its easy to use an acid like lemon juice, white vinegar, or even a cola soft drink to dissolve the rust on your concrete patio.

    These everyday household products each make an excellent rust remover. Pour your chosen acid onto the rust stain and allow it to sit there for at least ten minutes. Scrub at the stain using a scrub brush and rinse the concrete with cold water. Voilà! One rust-free concrete patio.

    All you need to clean your patio with one of these easy methods are products that you likely already have around your house, such as dish soap and vinegar, and standard cleaning tools like a broom and a nonmetallic scrub brush.

    Purchase any additional items, such as hydrogen peroxide, if necessary, and then youre good to go. If you were puzzling over how to clean a concrete patio, now all you need to do is gather these supplies and get started.

    Whether you decide to sweep, spray, or sprinkle, with our easy concrete cleaning solutions, youll soon be able to sit on your patio without wincing at the grime and stains.

    What Is The Best Paint For Concrete Patios

    When it comes to a paint that has been specially designed for exterior concrete floors, our experts highly recommend 7200 RustOleum Floorcoat. This is a highly advanced solvent-based floor paint that is hard-wearing, easy to apply and is ideal for use on a wide range of exterior floored surfaces, including concrete patios driveways and garden block paving slabs. It provides the durability needed for a concrete patio as it contains a polyurethane that offers superb abrasion resistance. This ensures that the paint film remains intact, preventing paint peeling or flaking that will require constant maintenance.

    Aside from its performance, 7200 RustOleum Floorcoat offers excellent versatility in terms of finish. It is available in both satin & gloss finishes and it can be mixed in almost any colour. This means that no matter what look you want to achieve, it is possible. When it comes to painting an exterior surface like a concrete patio, you get what you pay for. As any professional decorator will tell you, if you buy a cheap paint, you will have to buy it twice!

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    Cleaning Unsealed Concrete Floors Inside The Home

    As we mentioned, unsealed concrete is exceptionally porous, and you may find more stains. To maintain your floors, give attention to problem spots as soon as they occur. It may be possible to fade existing spots, but if a stain has penetrated the concrete, it might not be entirely eradicated.

  • Following the surface sweep, dissolve three tablespoons of washing soda in one gallon of warm water in a bucket. Soak the mop, wring it out and start on one side of the room, making your way around the area methodically.
  • Refill the bucket with warm, clean water.
  • Again, mop your way around the room, starting on the same part of the floor as the step before. Rinse the mop every 3-square foot, wring out the water, and continue.
  • If the mopped area is enclosed, create a breeze with an electric fan or open the windows for natural airflow to dry.
  • Can You Paint Concrete Patios

    How to Paint a Concrete Patio With Tutorial &  Tips

    The first step is to establish whether concrete patios can be painted. The answer is yes, they can be painted, however they cannot be painted using any generic paint. Contrary to popular belief, a standard masonry paint is not suitable to be applied to a concrete patio. This is down to a number of reasons:

    • Masonry paint is designed for vertical concrete & brick walls
    • Masonry paint cannot withstand standing water, which a concrete patio has to endure
    • Masonry paint is not designed to take the wear and tear from foot fall that a floor must endure, which is why floor paints are specifically designed

    While a masonry paint will adhere to concrete once a primer has been applied, the durability of masonry paint once applied to a floor will be poor, lasting a fraction of the lifespan of the product if applied to an exterior wall, as it was designed to do. The reality is, even under conditions they were designed under, standard masonry paints are susceptible to moisture soaking through the paint film and causing the paint to peel & flake off the concrete. This is why waterproof masonry paints were developed in order to prevent this water ingress, although these are not suitable for horizontal surfaces also as they have not been designed to repel water that sits on the surface of the concrete.

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    How To Paint A Concrete Patio: Everything You Need To Know

    Want to clean up your patio? Heres your step by step guide on how to paint a concrete patio.

    Depending on where you live, the exterior of your home may need painting as often as once a year. Which is why its worth knowing how to paint a concrete patio.

    If your patio is long overdue for a good paint job, then we suggest reading our useful pointers below to help you get started.

    Three Wait For The Right Weather

    Weather is an important factor to consider when it comes to sealing outdoor concrete. It is important that you apply the concrete sealers only when you can count on getting at least 3 days when the temperatures stay between 40 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. This part is often overlooked by many as they do not realize how important it is. Moderate temperatures ensure that the application is effective and that you end up with the best curing. Do not seal the concrete if you expect any sort of precipitation rain, dew, snow, etc. – during this period.

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    Detecting Urine Spots In Your Concrete

    Sometimes trying to figure out your dogs urine spots is easy and sometimes not. If you were able to train your dog to pee in a particular place, good job for you! However, there are still some dogs out there who have not found their perfect place yet and they tend to pee in different locations. This usually happens when you move into a new house or when you decide to adopt or buy a dog for yourself.

    A way we can detect the urine spots of your dog is to use a UV light or a black light. This magic wonder can get the precise location of even the tiniest urine spots and locate where the unpleasant smell is coming from. This tool gives off ultraviolet light which allows it to detect even old urine stains and spots on your concrete. Make sure to darken your place first and not to move it more than three feet away from the concrete when using this tool. Urine stains usually appear as blue, green, or yellow when viewed under the UV light.

    Once you can already find where the urine spot is, you can now start with your journey on cleaning your dogs urine.

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    Concrete Cleaner Or Degreaser

    How to clean a stained concrete patio

    Typically, concrete cleaners and degreasers are made from concentrated alkaline soap. These will loosen up the oil for easy cleanup. They do not, however, break down the oil so they will not work well on concrete that has been stained for a long time. This solution is most effective on porous concrete.

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    How To Use White Vinegar And Lemon Juice To Remove Rust

    Natural products are safer to use than harsh chemical products. You can use either vinegar or lemon juice to provide an acidic reaction that can dissolve rust. For a stubborn rust stain, you can combine white vinegar and lemon juice. If you opt to combine the two liquids, do so on a 1:1 ratio for best results. Do not dilute.

    Supplies needed include:

    • White vinegar and/or lemon juice
    • Water for rinsing

    Steps for removing rust on concrete:

  • Pour the lemon juice and/or white vinegar directly onto the stain.
  • If combining both liquids, use a 1:1 ratio.
  • Leave the solution on the concrete from 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Vigorously brush the rust stain with the hard-bristle brush.
  • Rinse the area with clean, cold water.
  • Repeat process if necessary.
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    How To Get Rust Stains Off Concrete

    Rust stains on the concrete around your home, like in your driveway or garage, is a common problem, especially for those who rely on well water, because well water tends to contain high levels of iron. It can be challenging to prevent rust stains, and if not adequately removed they can quickly become an eyesore in the neighborhood.

    Using all-natural products that you can find around your home is one of the most inexpensive and effective ways to remove rust stains from concrete, as well as any other ugly discolorations. This recipe also works as a way to clean a brick wall that may accumulate rust from a leaky faucet or gutter.

    • Spray bottle

    For cleaning concrete, pour the lemon juice or vinegar directly onto the rust stain and allow it to sit for ten minutes, so the ingredients can fully penetrate the rust. Using the scrub brush, scrub the stain, using a considerable amount of pressure. Rinse the area off with cold water.

    If you have hard to reach rust stains, you can use a spray bottle to saturate the stain with lemon juice or vinegar. Spray the stain with the ingredients and follow the above process. Lemon juice and vinegar are both great solutions for removing rust stains because they are highly acidic. The acid reacts with the rust, which causes it to dissolve.

    Use this recipe for how to clean rust off stainless steel or to get tarnish off other metals, too. You must be careful to rub with the grain, however, or you risk scratching the surface.

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    How To Clean Concrete Floors

    hfzimages / Shutterstock

    People who have concrete flooring love how quick and easy it is to clean. The basic steps are as follows:

  • Dust mop, vacuum or sweep to remove dirt and debris from the floor
  • Damp mop with a pH-neutral cleaner and clean water
  • Let the concrete dry before allowing foot traffic or replacing rugs
  • Reapply sealer or floor wax as needed for a protective coating
  • Tip: Clean spills from the floor as quickly as possible so they don’t stain the surface.

    Basic cleaning is easy to do yourself, but if your project requires special attention, hire a professional.

    Enlist A Power Washer

    How to Paint a Concrete Patio

    If the stain persists, try a pressure washer. You can buy attachments that convert your garden hose into a power washer or rent a machine from your local hardware store. If you rent a machine, step up the pressure carefully as needed, so you dont inadvertently damage the concrete. Dont forget to don safety goggles and protect windows, plants, and the like, as the water pressure can damage them.

    For more specific concrete stains, follow this guide:

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    Removing Mold Mildew Or Moss

    Sweeping alone isnt enough to remove mold, moss, or cement from other organic matter. To clean mold stains on your cement, you have to kill the spores or plant material causing the problem.

  • Spray the moss stain on your cement with equal parts of distilled white vinegar and hot water.
  • Using the push broom, scrub the area well after spraying.
  • Rinse with a bucket of fresh water and let the area completely dry.
  • For really stubborn mold or mildew stains on cement, use a solution of 1/4 cup oxygenated bleach mixed into 1 gallon of hot water. Let this sit in place for 15-30 minutes, then rinse and dry the surface.

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    How Do You Get Stains Out Of Concrete

    As you can see above, there were still a few stained areas on the porch. Stains can be extremely difficult to get out of concrete since its a porous material. Thus, you have to draw them out. To get stains out, make a thick paste using your cleanerit should be the consistency of peanut butter. Spread the paste mixture onto the stain and let it sit for a few hours, then scrape it away and rinse. Repeat as necessary.

    See? So much better!

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    What You Will Need

    • A paint tray or kettle
    • A stiff brush

    1. Clean

    Dirt and grime is extremely easily collected by concrete patios, which is why you must clean the surface first before anything else. Clear the full patio of furniture and sweep the surface using a garden brush in order to remove large amounts of leaves & dirt. This will be significantly easier if you do this in dry weather, especially as to continue with the other steps it must be completely dry anyway. Scrub any dirt or grease from the concrete using warm soapy water and a stiff brush. For a deep clean, you can use an anti-fungal cleaner such as Emperor Masonry Cleaner that will kill any fungus that can bloom underneath the paint film, causing the paint to fail. This is highly recommended if you want long-term results.

    2. Preparation

    3. Prime

    On bare outdoor concrete, depending on the floor paint you are using, it may require a primer. Even if the paint you are using is self-priming, it is recommended to use a primer for the best possible results as primer ensures the paint can properly adhere to the surface long-term. Rustoleum 7201 Floorcoat PU Floor Primer is ideal for use with 7200 Rust-Oleum Floorcoat. Apply one-coat of the primer using a paint brush or a paint roller, ensuring a thin but even coating. Allow to completely dry before moving on to painting, as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

    4. Paint

    We would recommend using an extension pole to take the pressure off your arms and back.

    Cleaning And Staining A Concrete Patio Or Porch

    How to remove a sealer or paint off a concrete patio

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    Staining can improve the look of a concrete patio. Heres how to go about it.

    Staining a Concrete Surface:

    • Clean the Concrete: Start by cleaning the concrete thoroughly with a concrete etcher/degreaser, following the directions on the container. Be sure to wear protective clothing, rubber gloves, and goggles.
    • Stain the Concrete: When the surface is dry, apply a stain made especially for concrete using a brush for the edges and a roller for larger areas.
    • Seal the Concrete: After the stain has dried the required period of time, apply a concrete sealer to give the surface a finished look and protect it from dirt and wear.

    Watch this video to find out more.

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    Cleaning Concrete Using Bleach

  • 1Mix together chlorine bleach and warm water. Pour both liquids into a deep bucket or similar container, being careful not to let them spill or splash. Aim for approximately one quarter of bleach for every three quarts of water you use. Stir the bleach solution using a wooden dowel.XResearch source
  • Chlorine bleach is a caustic chemical that can be extremely harmful if ingested, inhaled or contacted with bare skin. Whenever possible, wear gloves, eye protection and a ventilator or breathing mask when working with bleach.
  • Never combine bleach with hot waterthe steam emitted from the water can carry bleach fumes with it, creating a potential breathing hazard. Heat may also partially neutralize the effects of bleach.XResearch source
  • 2Brush the bleach over the stained concrete. Apply the bleach solution using a long-handled brush or roller. As an alternative, you could place the chlorine mixture in a sprayer to avoid making a mess and exposing your extremities to harsh chemicals. Pay special attention to spotted mildew growth and areas with especially heavy discoloration.
  • Test a sample of diluted bleach on an out-of-the way area of the concrete to make sure it wont leech the color out of a treated surface.
  • Be sure to work in a well-ventilated space. If your patio is partially covered, leave the doors and windows open and plan on spending no longer than about ten minutes at a time inside the enclosure.
  • How To Paint Your Concrete Patio

    • Written by Justin Stewart on Sep 18, 2009To ensure our content is always up-to-date with current information, best practices, and professional advice, articles are routinely reviewed by industry experts with years of hands-on experience.Reviewed by

    If you want to add some color and life to a drab, gray concrete patio, spruce it up with paint. You can paint the patio to match the color of your home or to provide an appealing contrast that helps set your patio apart.

    When painted properly, your colorful concrete can last years.

    Step 1 Clean the Concrete Patio

    Thoroughly clean your concrete patio to remove any dirt and debris. You dont want anything getting in the way of the paint and the surface, or even worse, mixing in with the new paint.

    For the best cleaning, mix water and some mild detergent, and then scrub it over the concrete using a broom or a long-handled scrub brush. Make sure that you completely rinse all of the soap away and allow the patio to dry.

    After its dry, use a good quality broom or shop-vac to remove any dirt and dust that still may have been left behind.

    Step 2 Apply the Exterior Paint

    As long as youve chosen a high-quality exterior paint that is rated for use on concrete, you should have no problem adequately covering the patio surface. Paint products usually specify if they are suited for outdoor use and what surfaces they will work best on.

    Step 3 Clean the Patio Again

    Step 4 Apply the Clear Sealer

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