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HomeQuestionsHow To Arrange Potted Plants On A Patio

How To Arrange Potted Plants On A Patio

Since We Are Staying Home So Much More This Year I Find Myself Spending Extra Time In The Garden And Working On Planting Projects Non

I couldn’t wait to get started so I gathered together some neutral pots and started planting!

I approach potted plants in much the same way as floral arranging. I try to mix colors that complement each other or make a statement. I also think ahead to where I will be using the containers and arrange taller plants at the “back” and trailing plants at the “front”.

I shared a few of my Container Planting Techniques HERE.

Since these potted plants were going to be used for outdoor decorating on our patio, I began by trying different plants together in the larger container.

I decided to use the petite Purple Tie Dye Petunias in my large container, knowing that they will fill in beautifully and be a bright pop of color on our patio

Did you know there are more than 60 colors and mixes of Wave Petunias ?!.

In the other large container, I used the white Beacon Impatiens mixed with the Rose Fusion Petunias for a softer look.

I love this mix of colors and flowers and know how easy they are to grow, even for someone like me who does not always have great luck with container plants!

It only took a few minutes to get all of my plants in their containers and then it was time to decorate!

Our outdoor patio is a cozy “room” with two couches and a few simple tables. It is a space where I often relax and read a book or where we gather with friends and family.

The pretty purple petunias added a welcome pop of color and the addition of a rustic lantern created a warm and inviting look.

Find Design Ideas For Containers Brimming With Bold Foliage Plants Colorful Flowers Trailing Vines And More

Lauren Dunec HoangMcCullough’s Landscape & NurseryFull-sun containers by McCullough’s Landscape & Nursery filled with silver-leaved Plectranthus argentatus ‘Silver Shield’, purple Plectranthus ‘Mona Lavender’ and a cascade of lime Illusion Emerald Lace sweet potato vine and white-flowering Supertunia ‘White Russian’ planted in large wooden apple crates1. Start With a Rich Potting Soil and a Large Containersoil you grow your plants inLush Custom GardeningFertilizing2. Water and Fertilize Consistently Throughout the Seasonphormiumsweet potato vine3. Include Bold Foliagecannas4. Choose Billowing Plant FormsBrook Landscape5. Make Plant Colors PopGlenna Partridgesweet potato vinecannas6. Grow Plants Up the Wallsstar jasmine7. Add TrailersSmalls Landscapingfuchsialantanasmandevillasweet potato vine8. Layer PlantsSusanna PaganAeoniumstring of bananasEcheveria9. Border a Seating AreaGarden TrotterNew Zealand flaxkousa dogwood‘Karl Foerster’ feather reed grass10. Group ContainersImperfect InteriorsImperfect InteriorsCYAN HorticultureYour turn: More on Houzz

The Best Flower Pot Arrangements A Guide To Striking Designs With Plants And Planters

The Sun is out and the birds are singing. The front porch has the early morning light. Things are looking up. Looking out the window gives the first light for the gardens that are springing up all around your home. All kinds of gardens are being set up, such as backyards, balcony planters. Even the front door is looking good in some places!

These gardens have some wonderful flower arrangements and the sweet smell of seasonal bloom. Somehow, you seem to be living in an area full of professional florists! Houses around have the most incredible floral beauty. Even more incredibly, their style of planters and foliage has made your place look like a desolate barren land.

No worries any longer. We’ll show a few tips on how to arrange your flower pot, container and planters. We’ll also show you how to maximise colour and texture with planter arrangements. We’ll show you how to display flowers in the Sun and shade. We’ll look at styles and effective display techniques around the house. Basically, it’s a mix of advice here. Firstly, we show you how to arrange foliage in pots. After that, we’ll look at planter arrangements within any space. Your garden will start looking lovely in no time at all!

How To Arrange Outdoor Flower Pots: Guide 4 The Pots With Medium Height Flowers

If you have a lot of pots filled with medium height flowers, you can place them on the garden bed. They can create the lush feeling if the flowers are in full blooms. You can also use them as the accent flowers in the garden. They look nice to place along the border of the deck, patio or gazebo.

Outdoor Flower Pots Pic

How To Arrange Outdoor Flower Pots: Guide 1 Choose The Right Flower Pots

25 Beautiful Container Garden Ideas

If you decide to have a single floor located inside a pot or a container, you can give a name tag. Each plant requires special treatment.  You can maintain the flower based on the fertilizer, light and water requirement.  If it has a name tag on the pot, it will be easy to decide the maintenance and treatment.

Outdoor Flower Pots Ideas

Use Contrast In Color And Texture To Make An Interesting Arrangement

So at this stage we have Black Pearl Ornamental Pepper paired with Mambo Ornamental Pepper bush. And, Mambo gives a bit of contrast but not enough to really amp up my container. So my next mission is to find something that will really contrast with my inspiration plant.

So, I took cues from the orange peppers in Mambo and set out to find another orange blooming plant. But not another pepper. I need something with a different texture than the shiny bulbs I already have. And that’s when I stumbled upon Celosia ‘Twisted Orange’ Cockscomb .

How unique and exciting are these blooms? This is just what I was looking for as far as contrast.

The blooms are a fuzzy, twisty orange mass which is much, much different than the shiny bulbs of the peppers I had.

It also has lighter green foliage that are a bit bigger than the leaves of the peppers .

Coleus Joseph’s Coat Verbena Fan Flower Calibranchoa & Petunias

Unlike cut blooms, a living flower arrangement planted in a container will give you color and beauty for months. Combine plants that thrive in the same growing conditions and offer colors and textures that complement each other. These six plants do precisely that: Coleus id perfect for adding color to pots, and loves shade; fan flower, with all its segments on one side, brings a unique shape to any garden container; and Joseph’s Coat, which has been described as having ‘wonderfully gaudy foliage,’ brings color like bright fire to any arrangement it is a part of. So let these six flowers be like a sextet, and share a harmony. You’ll love the sound of their voices alone and together.

Grasses and succulents have great textural contrast, so they make the perfect visual and textural combination for a container garden. Begin with something called ‘Amazon Mist’ sedge grass—which is not in fact actually a grass at all, but from a different plant family—which then combines wonderfully with creeping sedum and purple echeveria for a container planting that varies in shape, height, texture, and color. Here, the echeveria brings in tones of red, orange, as well as the purple, all of which pick up and play off of similar tones in the sedge. The succulents, low and full, also contrast the sedge’s light, airy, and wavy texture.

How To Arrange Pots On A Patio: Way 2 The Vertical Arrangement

The easiest one to arrange the pots of flowers in the patio is by stacking them in vertical position. You can have ladder shelves next to the patio furniture. Stack the artificial ribbon grasses and barberry on the shelves to add beauty and décor. Get ideas about garden stones here.

How to Arrange Pots on a Patio

Keep Your Containers Looking Great With These 6 Simple Tricks

Lorna Kring

It’s a sad sight to see. And it happens every year.

Planters and containers that were once rich with color and foliage slowly fade and fail, becoming worn out and tired-looking by the time mid-summer rolls around.

And the higher the temperatures climb, the more those pretty blossoms and plump leaves shrivel and disappear.

Well, this doesn’t have to be your tale of woe this year. You can help your containers to flourish with vibrant good health all summer long just by doing one little thing differently.

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Sounds good, right? It is! But first, let’s take a look at all of the steps that will help your pots and containers to put on a peacock-worthy display throughout the season this year.

How To Arrange Pots On A Patio: Way 1 The Artificial Flowers

If you have a very busy lifestyle, it is recommended for you to choose the artificial flowers. They are easy to maintain. You do not have to water or fertilize them. The flowers are long lasting since they are made of silk materials. But it is very hard for the people to differentiate the real and artificial flowers. Moreover, the artificial plants are easier to shape and decorate.

Decorative Pots on a Patio

Clever Planting Ideas For Striking Container Garden Displays


Container gardens are a fantastic way to grow plants. A collection of pots can lift a patio or front garden and brighten up walls and fences. Container gardening is ideal for people who have small spaces or city gardens, or even no garden at all! And it’s also perfect if your home is rented and you can’t dig over the garden.

With so many possibilities, it is a shame that container gardening is most often used to grow simple bedding plants. There are loads of ways to create a striking display with pots and planters. Here are five of my favourite.

How To Arrange Pots On A Patio: 5 Ways For Stunning Flowers


If you want to enjoy the beauty of stunning flowers, you need to get informed with the ways on how to arrange pots on a patio. The patio is the perfect place for the people to hang out during the summer season. You can install the patio from pavers, bricks, wood or even flagstone material. Despite the material that you choose, the patio should never be barren and dry. It should blend with the beauty of the lush plants. You can make the patio look chic, warm and homey by adding the flowers. You can choose the real flowers or the artificial ones.

Wonderful Ideas How To Organize A Pretty Small Garden Space

Fantastic garden arrangement ideas with flowers for the ...

Gardens are a great way to spend extra time. They can bring both life and curb appeal to your home. If you are a green thumb you may feel at a loss without a gardening project near at hand. However, sometimes space and resources do not allow for large and lush gardens

Many people think that creating a nice garden space requires a lot of outside space. But, actually to plant your favorite plants, create a nice dining area or just a space for relaxing and enjoyment, when you are limited in space is not so difficult and impossible. There are many ways how to organize your garden the best possible way and how to use smartly every inch you have in disposal. So, if you want an idea how to organize your small garden take a look at the following 35 wonderful ideas how to organize a pretty small garden space. Enjoy!

What are the pros and cons of a small garden?

Tips How To Balance & Properly Arrange Your Potted Plants

There are no rules set in stone when it comes to designing good-looking landscaping with potted plants. The most amazing outdoors spaces are created using imagination, not just following a set of rules. It’s what’s different that captures attention, not what looks the same as everything else. That doesn’t mean there are no rules when it comes to adding potted plants to your landscaping.

It’s hard to go wrong with great looking planters full of blooming flowers. Still, things can start to look awkward if you don’t follow a few key landscape design rules. Pairing the basics with your own creativity and eye for design will help your potted plants fit in with the rest of your landscape. Allow us to help guide your pursuit of planter perfection by providing the top 7 tips and tricks for potted plant display.

1. Think of Potted Plant Arrangements As A Sculpture

If you have a cluster of potted plants, how do you know if they all fit well together? Potted plants might not remind you of a sculpture, but that’s exactly how you can think of them to help decide if your collection of potted plants works or not.

In order to view your cluster of potted plants as a sculpture, imagine if they were all attached, would the design still work or would it appear awkward? While all plants and planters can vary, overall they need to flow into one cohesive form when arranged together.

2. Give Planters A Purpose

3. Planters Need Patterns

4. Potted Plants Must Match

Divide Plants To Fill Multiple Containers For Less Money

Did you know that just because you purchase one plant in a pot… it doesn’t mean that it’s only one plant? My mind was blown when I first realized this. And now I will never go back to purchasing premade arrangements.

Take a look inside of the plant that you’re about to buy. Do you see multiple stems coming out of the soil? If so, it’s likely that the plant can be divided into at least two different plants.

Actually, the ornamental pepper bush in the video above was actually 5 separate plants. So, I purchased one pot for $7.99 and was able to divide that into 5 different plants for my containers! Not a bad deal, right?

If you want to learn more about how to split plants in containers, just watch this video and I’ll show you how to do it.

Quick Tip: If you’re looking for more gorgeous fall container ideas, head over to this post, 10 Fall Flower Containers with a Unique Twist 

How To Arrange Outdoor Flower Pots: Guide 2 Display Area

After you have placed all name tags on each flower pot, you can place the potted flowers in the display area. When you locate the pots, you have to decide the side of the pots that you want the people to view. The angles are very important to make sure that the flower pots look engaging. Some flowers are good to see in any kinds of all angles, while other flowers are good to view in one side.

Outdoor Flower Pots in Pink

Create A Console Tabletype Planter For Alongside Seating

Instead of displaying plants on a metal stand, build a planter with legs and place it next to furniture on your deck, terrace, or patio. This planter was made from an old metal sink supported by rustic cedar posts, then filled with cactus mix, planted with succulents, and topped with gravel. In this almost waist-high display, a vivid-red pancake kalanchoe and cool-green sedums can be fully appreciated. Light-catching objects-—fishing buoys, slag glass, and rock crystal—add an element of surprise. For more on how to build the planter shown here, see slide 9 in this gallery.

Or Try This: Show off a collection of plants: ferns, alpines, even orchids.

The Reason Why Your Pots Never Work Out The Way You Plan

Plants in pots will do better if they’re sited in the right place. Be aware that the terrace or patio may be hotter, colder or shadier than the rest of the garden.

Our terrace is west-facing and sheltered, so the south-west corner of it should be a wonderful spot for plants. But in summer, the container plants are often shaded by the big parasol which is usually up over the table.

So we need to treat it as a shady location, and grow the plants elsewhere in the garden, then put them on the terrace when they’re flowering. The flowers will last longer under the shade, so this will work well.

When I replant these pots, I’m going to use plants that tolerate shade and much more structure from foliage

You don’t need lots of flowers for a smart patio or terrace. I’ve noticed that patios and terraces that inspire me with awe often don’t have many flowers at all. They just have good shapes in foliage and healthy plants. So I’m going to plant ours up with a mix of smart shapes, like box balls, which won’t mind the shade. Then I’ll add a few flower plants when they’re in season, and not expect them to last the whole summer.

Review Your Plant Choices To See If Anything Is Missing

So, what are these problems exactly? Well, take a look at your plant choices as a group and you may start to realize that something is “off” or “wrong”. In many cases, it has to do with the heights of the plants like I said above.

But in some other cases it will be something not as easy to pinpoint. But, here are some common issues that you may have and what you can do to fix them.

Ornamental Peppers Fall Container by Amy Fedele, Pretty Purple Door

Do you have plants that are different heights?

Think… tall, bushy, low. Make sure that there’s a variation of heights for your plants and that you really can’t see the soil. Or, once the plants grow in you won’t be able to see the soil. Adding some different height plants adds a lot of interest to your container.

If you don’t want this “style” of container, that’s ok too. There are lots of different things you can do. So, just move to the next point.

Is there enough contrast?

You want to make sure that your arrangement is cohesive. But it should also have enough contrast to create some interest. So think about color contrast… but also contrast in shapes and textures too.

In my planter, part of the problem was with contrast in the leaf shape. This was resolved by the strappy foliage of the millet. The majority of a plant is foliage so I tend NOT to rely on the color of the blooms to carry my designs.

What feeling does it evoke?

Does it remind you of anything?

Floral Arrangement The Basics Before You Begin To Grow

  • Choose plants to suit the environment – Some places have four seasons and a temperate climate. Others have two distinct dry and wet seasons with the weather in the high 20s/ low 30s. Some places are scorching hot and others are cold. The same applies to your chosen temperature in the house for your indoor floral arrangement. You must choose foliage to suit the climate. Plants in their natural climate exude and create colorful surroundings suited to that particular atmosphere. The flower box will thrive with life in certain climates, such as tropical plants. Others, like geraniums, will survive all types of weather and can look presentable.
  • Consider your structure and size – Plants don’t always adapt to certain pots, soil or atmosphere. Read up on the plants you want to pot. Some plants need big deep pots for soil fill. Others need smaller planters. Some need a structure to grow whereas certain foliage survives anywhere. The pot size and planter material are important. Do you want plastic or terracotta? Are they wall planters, ground pots or hanging baskets? How much soil is needed? Are your plants or flowers suited to this or will there be trailing growth? These are factors to consider.
  • Use Shelves To Organize Plants Into Clusters Or Groups

    Containerscaping: Take Your Potted Plants to a New Level ...

    The popular way for many people is to arrange plants separately and far away from each other. Sometimes this method works but it can also make the patio look cluttered. Organizing plants into clutters can help you to create a small corner or wall with all the plants that you love. It can become a focal point or a beautiful sight in your space.

    If you want to organize plants into clutters make sure that you use plant shelves. These shelves come in a variety of materials and styles. We have interesting shapes if you are looking for something creative. Using shelves to organize your plants can also save space if you have a lot of plants and you would like to save space on the patio.

    The Most Important Step: Fertilize And Fertilize Again

    That’s it. When practiced regularly, this is the one simple tip that will significantly improve the performance and appearance of your planters and containers.

    The addition of a slow-release fertilizer is always a good idea, and every planting should be finished off with granules that will feed slowly. A better idea is to give your containers a diluted drink of water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks, and even weekly for small pots that require frequent watering.Every time a container is watered correctly, to the point of water coming from the drainage holes, it flushes nutrients out of the pot and away from the roots. This is problematic…

    The reason is simple. Every time a container is watered correctly, to the point of water coming from the drainage holes, it flushes nutrients out of the pot and away from the roots. This is problematic, because unlike plants grown in the ground that can expand to find food, the roots are limited to an area within the container walls, with no access to fresh dirt and nutrition.

    The answer is to supplement with a diluted solution of an all-purpose, water-soluble fertilizer on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. A general purpose fertilizer of 24-8-16 will maintain and feed your plants in pretty much any environment, but specific formulas may be selected to cater specifically to your chosen plantings.

    Quick and easy, just as tips and tricks should be!

    Trailing Algerian Ivy Needle Palm & Colorful Annuals

    For big impact, use big pots. They’ll accommodate more and larger plants, and the added soil means they won’t need watering as often. This simple, straightforward, and direct advice is great to remember if you want to create large-scale drama in your container garden. Trailing Algerian Ivy is the perfect choice in this case, with its large, wide leaves. It is also an aggressive grower. The other perfect plant selection here is the Needle Palm, which may well be the hardiest plant in the world—so tough Southern summers won’t prove any challenge for this powerful palm. Add in some colorful annuals, and your perfect containers are full, fun, and fit for anything.

    Tie Your Container In With Your Existing Landscape

    Ok, so black pearl pepper is in my cart and I have already decided that I must need it. At this point, I HAVE to give myself a good old gut check. I call this the “gut check” test.

    So, I ask myself how this plant actually ties into my existing landscape. And, I know that it may be a strange question because this is a container arrangement… right? But, the fact remains that your landscape does not go away just because you decided to change out your container. So, there has to be some connection between your planter and your landscape.

    For me… there is because I use a lot of purple blooms in my landscape. So, even though the foliage of this pepper plant is WAY darker than anything in my landscape, it still has the purple blooms that tie in with my purple asters at catmint this time of year.

    Arrange Plants Depending On The Size Of Your Patio

    The first step is to determine how much floor space you have on the patio. This is a good point to start because you can think about proper arrangement depending on how much space that you are working with.

    Remember that the patio is not just used for a potted plant, you might have furniture and other items in the space. If floor space is not a problem you can go all out and try different sizes of pots and even space out the plants when arranging. On the other hand, if you are working with a limited space you have to think creatively about your arrangement so that you can save space.

    Find Plants To Compliment Your Inspiration Plant

    So, we have our inspirational plant. Around this time, I’m staring at it in my cart and grinning like an idiot as I bump into displays around the nursery… because I am in love with it and I’ve passed my “gut check” test.

    So, the next thing on my agenda is to find plants to go with this particular plant. And, in most cases I think about color. So I’m usually looking for something else that’s purple like the pepper… or something orange or yellow that contrasts with the purple.

    Quick Tip: Learning just a little bit about the color wheel and creating color schemes will up your gardening game.

    For me, it was another pepper plant. And yes, apparently I’m obsessed with peppers this year. But, this plant had so much going for it and I thought it was the perfect companion to my black pearl pepper. It’s called Mambo ornamental pepper bush .

    Mambo ties in beautifully with Black Pearl because it has similarities, but it also has differences.

    It has shiny peppers on it, but the peppers are a different shape and some are the same but some are different

    Also, the foliage of this pepper bush is the same shape and has the same shine as Black Pearl. The leaves are dark, but not quite as dark as Black Pearl.

    Snapdragons Penny Violas Tulips Parsley And Ivy

    One of the beauties of container gardening is the ability to create visual variety. Containers are the perfect canvas for unique approaches to color, texture, and composition. These showy snapdragons, in a cacophony of bold colors, add height to your containers. They pair well with a mixture of flowers that will act as your fillers and spillers, including Penny violas, tulips, parsley, and ivy. Each of these has its own wonder and surprise, rich with color, tone, and texture. This container garden feels incredibly expansive without taking up a great deal of space, so it works well in any number of locations.

    Turn A Container Into A Fountain Near The House

    This simple water feature, made from a Balinese urn, dresses up a rocky area at the bottom of a slope. It also adds calming sound to a nearby seating area and masks street noise. Because it’s placed near the house, there’s easy access to an electrical outlet for plugging in the fountain pump.

    Or Try This: For a more casual look, fill a zinc or galvanized metal tub with aquatic plants and a small bubble-jet pump.

    Consider The Placement And Material Of Your Pot

    How to Arrange Garden Containers in 2020

    Aesthetics aside, there are also practical concerns when picking pots.

    If you’ll be placing pots on a deck or a rooftop, look for lightweight materials, such as metal or composite. These and some glazed ­ceramic pots also have the advantage of being nonporous, so they keep soil moister. Porous unglazed terra-cotta gets a wonderful patina over time but allows soil to dry out more quickly.

    Any pot needs drainage holes so roots don’t get waterlogged; these should be covered with pottery shards, stones, or a small piece of screening to keep soil from migrating out.

    If containers sit on a wooden deck, consider using pot feet or a plant stand to elevate them so that the decking doesn’t stay wet, which will lead to rot.


    How to Place Pots

    Try A Tropical Houseplant Container Collection

    Even if you don’t live in an area where it’s possible to grow tropical plants outside year-round, you can create a temporary tropical container garden for the summer with a few favorite houseplants. When the weather turns too chilly to keep them outside, you can bring them for the fall and winter . Start with the largest plants first, such as a towering fiddle-leaf fig and glossy rubber tree. Then, fill in with medium-sized plants, such as sago palm, snake plant, and taller cacti. Finally, complete the grouping with a few shorter plants in the front. Succulents and cacti are perfect for this position because they’ll stay small, but they can add interesting texture and colors to the group.

    For the best arrangement, try to vary the size, texture, and heights of the plants you use. If you’re using plants with mostly green foliage, try using a few different colors of containers to add a little more brightness to the group. If you use a similar style of planter, even if the colors are different, they’ll all blend together well.

    Potted Plants And Extras What Are The Options

    We’ve looked at how to arrange plants in their pot and how to use certain planters to offer exhilarating displays throughout the home or office. Here is a list of planter types that might suit the style of your premises:

    Wooden crate -a very popular style at the moment. This gives a rustic feel to any garden. Be sure to replace them every year as they will rot in wet weather.

    Metal milk and beer containers – This is the retro pot. They can hold soil, water and plants well. They look very cool if arranged within a retro setting. Be careful in the Sun. Metal absorbs heat and scorches anything it touches, including your beautiful flowers.

    Terracotta planters – This is the classic ornamental planting pot and comes in a range of shapes and sizes. Terracotta maintains water and gives the plants room to breathe during the warm season. It also looks very sophisticated. They aren’t light on the wallet. Terracotta is wonderful but costly.

    Fibreglass planters – The 21st century has come and fibreglass looks destined to take over the market. They offer excellent space for a plant to grow and can be shaped and modified to suit any of the styles listed above. They aren’t the original, which disappoints some. They are very long-lasting. A bit expensive though. This is an investment for the committed gardener.

    Plastic or nets – The basic storage needed when planting. It is a good starting point. Any wise person would upgrade to a new pot asap.

    The extras for the garden


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