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HomeBuildHow To Build A Concrete Patio

How To Build A Concrete Patio

What Is Cheaper Poured Concrete Or Pavers

How to Make a Concrete Patio Bigger

Concrete pavers are individually placed bricks that can provide a variety of designs and colors. Because of the nature of the labor involved and the cost of materials, a patio made from pavers can cost an estimated $4 – $20 per square foot, depending on the size and detail of the design.

Choosing a plain concrete patio will most definitely save you money when compared to pavers. However, as you add upgrades, like stamping and coloring, the prices become more comparable.

Setting Up A Slab Perimeter

  • 1Measure out the space you wish to fill with concrete. Taking measurements is necessary if you plan on filling a large space. Use measuring tape to figure out the length and width your new slab needs to be. Write your measurements down so you know what supplies to get to pour a smooth, consistent slab later.XResearch source
  • If you are only going to pour a thin slab or patch up existing concrete, make a general estimate of the areas size and how much concrete you need for it. You can usually mix and pour a small batch without setting up a perimeter.
  • 2 Slab thickness is important and depends on your plans for your home. If you want the slab to reach up to your doorstep, for instance, you need to measure from the existing slab to the bottom of the doorstep. Use chalk to mark the height the slab should reach.XResearch source
  • Take your time measuring. The ground beneath the existing concrete may not be level, so measure on all sides.
  • 3Use the measurements to calculate how much concrete you will need. Measure the length, width, and depth of the area you wish to fill. Multiply these numbers together to get a general estimate of the amount of concrete you need. Add an extra 10% onto your total estimate to account for spillage.XResearch source
  • The calculation can be an imperfect estimate, especially for areas that arent perfect squares or rectangles. Always get more concrete than you need to ensure you have enough.
  • Materials For Your Concrete Paver Patio

    Project specific supplies:

    *Some Important Notes About Your Project Materials

    A 16 x16 paver is actually 15 ¾ x 15 ¾ and just over 1 ½ thick . This is important to know when it comes to sketching out your design so it fits the space well.

    If you are using larger pavers and installing the patio yourself, you may want to take weight into consideration. I used 16×16 pavers, which weighed 36 lbs each! I could carry only one at a time, so this made the project more time consuming.

    Instead, you can opt for the 12 x 12 pavers. Or if you have a little four-wheeled wagon and dont have a hill to go up to, that will make things much easier!

    When it comes to base layer and top layer materials, a landscape supply company in your area will know the best base material for your patio pavers.

    For instance, if you live in an area that has a high amount of clay in the soil, plan on using extra gravel in your base layer. Clay has draining issues and larger gravel will help with this.

    In my area, the base layer material is known as crusher run. A crusher run has granite dust and coarse and fine angular aggregate and the gravel is about ½-4 in size.

    For my top level, I used paver dust, but in your area, sand may be recommended. Again, trust the guidance of your local supplier.

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    Install The Gravel Base

    Fill the excavated area with 2 inches of compactible gravel. Rake the gravel smooth, then compact it thoroughly with the plate compactor. Add 2 more inches of gravel, and rake it smooth. Measure down from the layout strings and use the 2×4 with a carpenter’s level on top to make sure the gravel is level side-to-side and slopes end-to-end to follow the strings. Compact the second layer of gravel.

    How To Build A Concrete Patio With Bluestone Inlay

    Adding a Concrete Patio Adds Value to Your Home

    Were really excited to share this step-by-step guide for building a concrete patio with a decorative bluestone border. We partnered with Joe Bianco, President of SDG Home Solutions, to document how a contractor and their crew would tackle this home improvement project.

    This article shares pictures and tips covering everything from demolition to the finishing touches. We hope its a great resource for you, especially if youre considering a new concrete patio in the near future.

    Concrete Patio Remodel

    Heres Joe introducing the project and sharing why his crew is demolishing the existing patio.

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    Whats The Going Rate For R22 Per Pound

    Thereof, Is imprinted concrete cheaper than paving?

    Price Block paving is more expensive than pattern imprinted concrete because youre buying individual bricks rather than just concrete and colour. However, block paving is more durable and is cheaper to repair, so thats something to factor in when weighing up the price difference.

    Also to know is, How long do concrete pavers last? 50-100 years

    Subsequently, question is, Why is stamped concrete so expensive? You begin by having the client or designer pick out three things the stamp design, the color of the concrete, and the color of the release which gives the highlights. It can also be cost prohibitive for the contractor to purchase a set of stamps as they can run upwards of $4,000 for a complete set.

    Also, Is patterned concrete expensive?

    Stamped Concrete Cost. Basic stamped concrete costs between $8 and $12 per square foot, but more involved projects can be as expensive as $18 per square foot. How much youll pay for stamped concrete varies widely, depending on the prices for materials and labor in your local market and the complexity of the job.

    Quikrete Concrete Delivery Day

    This was an exciting day, when we finally got the concrete delivered. We used the Quikrete quantity calculator online to figure out how much we would need for our 450 square foot patio. We were told by Quikrete that it would be best to get 80 lb bags to get the job done. Typically they sell 50 lb bags at the hardware store, but we were able to get the contractor size bags. They were heavier, but you dealt with less bags. For the grand total of bags we had 275 bags, delivered on 6 1/2 pallets. That is a LOT of concrete people!

    Here I am unloading the truck. This was my first time using a forklift. I was a little nervous at first, then I got the hang of it by the last pallet of course. We had to rent the forklift ourselves to get it unloaded.

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    Two Videos Cover The Design Questions And Construction Process Of A Post And Beam Patio Roof Structure

    Video 1: Design a Roof extension over an existing patio

    Existing patio is outside the dining room on the west side of the house. the patio is essentially unusable on a sunny afternoon in the summer.

    This video looks at a couple of design options, including attaching the roof ledger below that of the existing eaves and setting the patio roof atop the existing roof.

    The latter option was chosen because the low roof and roof beam would have blocked the view from the dining area. Did we say that the house is in Bozeman, MT, where the view is worth viewing?

    Work from the view back, not from the house, out.

    • Calculate the sightline clearance height, about 6 feet, 2 inches, in this case.
    • Determine the beam size: 8 inches in this case.
    • Choose a roof pitch and roof structure

    This places the new roof on top of the existing roof. The next question is what to do with the existing eave under the new roof: kick it or keep it?

    To tie the design together, Peter chose to cut the rafter tails off the extend the exterior wall up to the underside of the new roof. As it turned out, the existing roof structure is a truss system, but they were able to contact the original truss manufacturer to verify that cutting the tails off would not jeopardize the structural integrity of the trusses.

    From the we-hope-this-is-obvious desk: Never alter engineered trusses without the approval of a licensed professional engineer. Ever.

    The next design decision: material selection

    Video 2: Construction process

    Let The Concrete Patio Slab Cure

    How to Pour a Concrete backyard Patio Slab [Beginner Guide]

    Concrete patios are versatile in their use and offer a higher level of durability compared to other construction materials. Moreover, concrete can be easy to work with, allowing you to create your own concrete patio yourself.

    Hopefully, this guide on how to build a concrete patio has helped teach you how to create your own concrete patio.

    Free Estimate

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    Not Having The Right Amount Of Concrete

    Another mistake homeowners make when pouring a concrete patio is underestimating how thick the slab needs to be. To make sure safety is maintained, a minimum thickness of any concrete patio is at least 4 inches. However, if it will bear heavy furniture or features, 6- to 8-inch thickness may be required. This is in addition to a 2- to 3-inch base of something like gravel, sand, or limestone.

    In the end, you only get one pour. Err on the side of caution and order slightly more than enough. If you have extra bags, you can always return them.

    How Do I Know What Style Roof To Choose

    Take a look at the style of your home. Your patio roof should look like it naturally belongs to your home. You should also consider the direction your patio faces and the climate where you live. This will help you choose a roof that will shade the right amount of sun and protect you from the rain and other elements.

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    Preparing To Build A Patio

    To frame the patio, builda grid of 3-foot squares,firmly nailed and stakedat all joints and corners.

    Choose the patio site carefully. Plan the patio for an area that’s level and well drained, and slopes slightly away from the house. Take sun, shade, and wind into consideration.

    The patio is constructed as a grid of 3-foot-square concrete units, framed by wood. Make a sketch of the yard area and plan the patio in 3-foot-square units it can be as few or as many units as you like. When you’ve decided on a design, outline the patio area on the construction site with stakes and string, to give you an idea of how it looks and to mark the site. Measure accurately be careful to keep the corners of your staking square.

    When you’ve finalized the size and shape of the patio, excavate the entire marked-off area to a depth of about 7 inches — 3 inches for a gravel base and 4 inches for the concrete itself. Keep the sides of the patio excavation vertical, and keep the bottom as level as possible. Then fill the entire dug-out patio area with a 3-inch-thick layer of gravel, and rake the gravel level.

    To frame the patio, build a grid of 2 × 4 pressure-treated ground-contact lumber on the excavated site. You must use treated wood or the frame will rot in the finished patio of, if you prefer, build the grid of 2 × 4 cedar or redwood stock.

    After you’ve framed the patio, the next step is to pour the concrete. We’ll cover this on the next page.

    How Do You Calculate Concrete Foundation

    DIY Concrete Patio in 8 Easy Steps

    Foundation construction: pouring concrete.STEP 1 : You must first determine how much concrete you will need to plan your foundation.STEP 2 : Multiply the width of your lot by the length to get the total number of square meters.STEP 3 : Then divide the square footage by the average depth of the concrete .STEP 4 : Then divide the cubic meter by 27.

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    Drying Concrete: Curing The Diy Patio

    Patio slabs need to be moist cured to keep their surfaces from drying too quickly- especially in our high desert heat of Twin Falls, ID. If the surface dries too soon, it will be weak and may later become powdery or crumble away. Cure your concrete by keeping it wet. Cover the slab with burlap, sand, straw, or other material and wet it . Wet it down as needed until curing is finished.

    Another option is to use plastic sheeting or a commercial curing compound. Water evaporating from the slab will be trapped, eliminating the need for wetting.

    Whatever method you choose, curing should last a minimum of three days-longer in cold weather- but it’s best to let the slab cure for a week, just to be on the safe side. Don’t walk on it for at least 3-4 days, nor drive a vehicle until 10 days have passed.

    Now it’s time to enjoy your new DIY cement patio!

    Need More Help? Check back to our site as we will be adding the best “how-to’s” on concrete, and articles for do it your-selfers.

    How Do You Find The Square Footage Of A Piece Of Lumber

    If you have specified the amount of wood in plank feet, you can easily determine how many square feet the planks will occupy. Remember that volume is a three-dimensional dimension and area is a two-dimensional dimension. Take the total number of legs in the board and divide by the thickness of the board in inches.

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    Diy Concrete Patio Extension

    How to build a concrete patio? Extend your patio with this DIY concrete patio extension, will be the best outdoor landscaping project ever. First, clean out the area by removing grass and set up the forms. Add a gravel base and then pour the concrete and smoothen up all. Do screeding, add joints, and create traction, and thats it. threeclementines

    Tips For Building A Concrete Patio

    Forming and Pouring Concrete Patio By Myself

    Buying concrete in dry, premixed bags makes sense for relatively small patio slabs. To get an idea of how many bags you would need, a 50-square-foot slab at 4 inches thick needs about 28 80-pound bags or 38 60-pound bags. You can buy bagged concrete a local home center or lumberyard, and you can rent a concrete mixer at any large rental outlet.

    For large slabs, consider ordering ready-mix concrete delivered by a concrete truck. Ready-mix is more expensive than bagged concrete, but it’s far more convenient, and you don’t have the labor of mixing the concrete or the concern of getting the mix just right. Discuss your plans with local concrete companies to compare costs and to make sure your site is suitable for ready-mix delivery.

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    Rebars Set In Grid Pattern

    Install the Rebar

    Rebar makes concrete much stronger and keeps it from cracking over time especially important in large areas of concrete such as a patio. Lay out the rebar in a grid patter, with one pole about every two to three feet. Use pliers and metal rebar ties to tie the rebar pieces together where they cross.

    Diy Large Concrete Pavers Patio

    Diy patios on a budget and then day two they poured the last 5 slabs backyard patio.Extra large pavers cement slabs with 1 inch black backyard landscaping patio design.Hold each piece together for a few minutes to give the adhesive a.How to build a homemade huge paver stones and gravel patio diy project whether it s for drivewa poured concrete.

    However, it does require some elbow grease and a sensible pair of safety glasses.I recently revealed our diy front porch we created out of pavers and pea gravel, you can see how our simple diy porch tuaparned out here.If not, you may immediately bypass this segment and continue to the next.If you need to make a cut in a concrete paver, the old fashioned way of doing it requires the fewest tools.

    Lay the first line of pavers, using the edge of your house or walkway to guide straight lines.Nowadays, protected patio designs are.Planning to diy large format pavers for your homes surfaces?Position pavers no more than 1/8 inch apart, and tap them into place with a rubber mallet.

    Take a chisel and scratch out the line you need to cut.The bigger the pavers the thicker they need to be to prevent cracking.The idea of making a patio seems hard, but i promise you its actually relatively simple to diy yourself.The preformed pavers fit together in several different orientations and can transform bare dirt into an attractive and practical.

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    How To Calculate Volume Of Concrete Needed For A Project

    DIY Concrete Patio in 8 Easy Steps

    How to calculate the concrete needed to pour a slab by measuring the volume of the slab The method of measuring the volume of slabs is quite simple. Converted to cubic meters and cubic feet. In most cases you will need to indicate the required amount of concrete in cubic meters to place the correct order. ReadyMix against concrete in bags.

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