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How To Keep Flies Off My Patio

Process Of Getting Rid Of Flies

Terrorize Flies How To Get Rid of Flies No Mess, No Traps, Really Works!

The process of getting rid of flies can be divided into two stages:

Stage 1 ; Stage 1 primarily comprises of the methods that can be used to control the further growth of flies. In these pest control techniques, we try to control the growth of flies by cleaning or rather destroying their breeding sources. This will help to stop any further growth of flies as after this they will have no place to lay eggs.

Stage 2 ; Now, after destroying the breeding place of flies, we will be left only with the adult flies. Since they now have no place to lay eggs, so the fly problem will get solved by killing these adult flies. And this is Stage 2 of the process.

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Flea And Tick Collars

Once your dogs, and if need be, your cats, have been properly washed and rubbed down, you can think about putting a flea collar on them to protect them from flies.;;

Other flea and tick preventative methods, such as drops or internal medicine, arent known to have any effects on flies.

People think of flea collars for cats and dogs and never consider that they might repel other bugs as well, but most of them do. They repel and kill them due to the action of the active ingredients.

The active ingredients on these collars in imidacloprid and flumethrin. Both are well-known insecticides that will kill flies as well as fleas and ticks.

Collars that use pyrethroids will be effective at repelling flies since pyrethroids naturally have repellent properties to them. Its part of their action, whether in an insect spray or on a flea collar.

Follow the directions on the collar and it will provide your pet with protection from pests of all sorts.

How To Prevent Flies In Drains

Drains clogged with organic matter can attract flies and other insects. Clearing the clog and cleaning the drain is a good start for eliminating the problem. Follow these steps to get rid of flies in drains and keep them out.

Simple Tips to Get Rid of Drain Flies

  • Use a plunger or drain cleaning tool to clear out clogged drains.
  • Clean the drain with a stiff brush and an antibacterial drain cleaner. Clean regularly until the fly infestation is gone.
  • Treat your drains with Gentrol , an insecticide that interrupts the fly maturation process.

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Extremely Easy Ways To Keep Flies Away Outside

Mar 21, 2021·

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Summer is finally here! And if you’re anything like me, you want to be able to sit outside and enjoy a nice picnic in the park or a BBQ in your backyard . Keep reading for fifteen simple and useful tips on how to keep flies away outside.

Here in the Pacific Northwest, summer is the absolute best time of year. It’s not raining, the sun is shining, and we try to spend as much time as possible outside. But when the flies are continually lurking, it’s hard to enjoy the beautiful weather over a meal.

Last weekend we sat down for a BBQ dinner on the patio. The table was set, the kids were happy, food was ready. And the view was amazing. What could be better than this? It was so relaxing and peaceful.

Until…bzzzz….bzzz…the flies found us.

Between swatting them away, and unsuccessfully convincing my two year old that it wasn’t a bee…just an annoying fly….dinner went from relaxing to tense and stressful.

How To Get Rid Of Flies Outside

How to Keep Flies Away from Food

This article was co-authored by Kevin Carrillo. Kevin Carrillo is a Pest Control Specialist and the Senior Project Manager for MMPC, a pest control service and certified Minority-owned Business Enterprise based in the New York City area. MMPC is certified by the industrys leading codes and practices, including the National Pest Management Association , QualityPro, GreenPro, and The New York Pest Management Association . MMPC’s work has been featured in CNN, NPR, and ABC News.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 31 testimonials and 82% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 1,415,817 times.

The average female fly has a lifespan of about 1 month, but in that time she can lay about 500 eggs. Obviously, even a handful of female flies around your patio could translate into thousands of flies in a very short time. Because flies feed on garbage and feces, they transmit diseases, so you should do all you can to keep their population to a minimum.

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Ways To Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Backyard Party

Throwing a backyard party can be all fun and gamesthat is, until a swarm of blood-thirsty mosquitoes start dining on your guests.;

Good weather and warm summer nights brings only one downside: the pests. Nothing can ruin a patio party like the nagging buzz of mosquitoes. If you plan on entertaining outdoors this summer, fear not. We went on bug patrol and came up with a list of easy ways to keep pesky mosquitoes from ruining your good time.

1. Citronella Candle SetThese chic candles are tougher than they look. They have a 50 hour burning time, plenty to protect your outdoor dinner parties all summer long.

2. Mosquito DunksWhile mosquito dunks dont actually repel mosquitoes, they can prevent them from invading your backyard to begin with. Place them in standing water like birdbaths and gutters to kill larvae for at least 30 days .

3. OFF! Clip-On Mosquito RepellentThe battery-operated fan emits mosquito repellant, providing up to 12 hours of protection. Itll even keep you cool on those sticky summer nights .

4. Badger Anti-Bug BalmBadgers all-natural balm protects skin from annoying pests, thanks to its blend of organic citronella, cedar, and lemon grass essential oils. Its completely free of DEET and other toxic ingredients, making it safe for the little ones to use .

  • TIKI Brand Citronella Scented Torch Fuel, $19 at
  • TIKI 6-Inch Molded Glass Table Torch, Red, Green & Blue , $16 at
  • TIKI Brand 57-Inch Luau Bamboo Torches, 4 Pack, $19 at

My Experience It Works

Glass + Water + Pennies = crazy fly repelling abilities.

It was unreal. Id say it reduced the flies by about 90%. At one point we looked up and the flies were just sitting on the deck railing staring at all the food they couldnt ruin.


Weve used the fly trick each outdoor meal since. The more glasses full of water, the better the fly repelling ability. The kids think this is the coolest thing ever and have learned not to drink the water with the pennies in it.

Apparently it has something to do with flies thinking the pennies were compound eyes of a much larger bug looking back at them. To us, they just look like coppery decorations that glittered in the sunlight. Theyre so PRETTY! my kids sighed

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What Are The Best Ways To Kill Mosquitoes That Are Inside Your Home

Human instinct will definitely tell us that the best way to deal with a blood sucking intruder would be to swat it instantly with a newspaper, a notebook, or even just your bare hand. Unfortunately, it isnt the most effective.

Swatting mosquitoes, provided that you are gifted with a fast reflex and accurate targeting skills, will only help you one mosquito at a time and not the entire population.

But if you are really into the satisfaction of killing mosquitoes one by one, a more convenient option would be to use an electric handheld bug zapper. It resembles a tennis racket but instead of nylon strings, the center features a maze of electrodes that can discharge 500 to 1,500 volts of direct current to any flying insect that gets caught between the gaps.

The racket is activated by pressing the button located at the handle. Swing it around in dark areas of the house or whenever you see a mosquito taunting you.

One ingenious way to kill mosquitoes inside your house is by using a plastic plate rubbed with oil. Simply rub an ample amount of oil evenly throughout the plate and swing it back and forth as you scour through the corners of your house.

Your plastic plate lathered with oil acts like a fly paper trapping mosquitoes one swing at a time. This is most effective when used in dark rooms of the house such as your garage and laundry area.

The following video will show you another safe and effective way in killing mosquitoes inside your house.

Use Citronella Candles And Torches

How To Keep Flies Away – Ace Hardware

Some homeowners often overlook citronella as an option to keep pests away from their patio. Citronella candles and torches have a reputation for being effective at warding off mosquitos, but theyre also effective at discouraging flies and similar critters. In addition to filling the air with scents that discourage pests from bothering you, burning citronella can add natural ambient lighting to help illuminate your patio.

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Use Blue Light Bulbs To Relocate Flies

Flies may hate yellow but they love blue. A recent study at the University of Florida for the Department of Defense showed that flies are more likely to be attracted to something that is blue. So if you are going to use one of those light traps that has blue lights be sure to hang it as far away from where the flies are being a nuisance as possible. This will draw the flies to it and away from where you dont want them.

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Do you have a question about bugs or pest control? Wed love to help. Let us know on our , in the comment section below, or by tweeting @insightpest. You may see the Bug Doctors answer to your question in a future post.

Discourage Flies With Clove Oil

The scent of cloves is particularly distasteful to flies and will repel them. The scent of clove oil is very strong, so a few drops goes a long way. Use witch hazel to make a spray for your skin, or use water for other surfaces:

Mix ingredients, shake well and spray in areas where flies are a problem.

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The Story Behind The Penny Fly Trick

I wish I hadnt promised that Id never mention bugs on my blog again, because last weekend a friend gave me a tip that just BLEW MY MIND. And it had to do with repelling flies with three things you have on hand RIGHT NOW. So if you dont want to know, Ill understand simply cover your ears and say lalalala until the post is over. But for the rest of you, read on to learn my friends trick for how to keep your next outdoor party fly-free!

One of my college BFFs came for a visit recently and after sitting down for a nice dinner on the deck we started to get bombarded with that pesky summer staple FLIES.

Dont you know the fly trick? college BFF

What fly trick? me

The pennies in the cup fly trick. college BFF

Id heard rumors of people using plastic baggies filled with water and pennies to repel flies in their home but hadnt thought to take the action outdoors. So I followed her directions and filled up three glasses with water and a few pennies , placed them around the food, and watched. We watched the flies come to land, see the water, and turn around and ZOOM AWAY.

Thats how I heard about it, and now I am thrilled to share this hack with you!

Keeping Flies And Pests Off The Patio

How to Keep Pesky Flies Away From Your BBQ
  • Written by Melissa Austin on Dec 23, 2009To ensure our content is always up-to-date with current information, best practices, and professional advice, articles are routinely reviewed by industry experts with years of hands-on experience.Reviewed by

What You’ll Need

An outdoor patio is a great place to spend a warm evening or entertain company. However, nothing can crash your outdoor festivities as quickly as the appearance of flies and other creepy, crawly bugs. Sometimes these pests are a menace just because they’re unsettling and gross. Other times they can be a problem for you and your guests because they bite, such as mosquitoes and midges.

Plant Repellant Flowers

Use flowers such as Marigolds or Calendula .These flowers don’t just smell good and add color to your patio; they also keep the mosquitoes and other biting insects at bay.

Burn Citrus or Citronella

Citrus candles work great alone, but they are even better when used in conjunction with citronella torches. To keep the flying bugs away, place citronella Tiki-Torches around the perimeter of your patio, and/or place citrus candles on surfaces such as tables or benches. This should help keep flies and other pests off your patio.

Spray with Hydrogen Peroxide

Use Anise Oil

Anise is a little known herb that works extremely well in repelling bugs. You can find anise oil in health food stores and some garden centers. You may even be able to find it in the spice section of your local grocer.

Use Dryer Sheets

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How Do You Get Rid Of Flies Outside

You can get rid of flies outside with these six easy steps:

  • Plug in an oscillating fan on an extension cord on your backyard patio. Flies cant fly very well, so the fans stiff breeze will make sure you get rid of flies outside.
  • Make natural fly traps by dissolving a quarter of a cup of sugar in one cup of water in a jar per trap. Create a cone by rolling a stiff piece of paper. Make sure it is long enough to reach from the top of your jar to just above the level of the liquid. Snip off the tip. Tape the cone inside the jar with the wide end filling the jars mouth. These natural fly traps will funnel flies right into the jars, and you will get rid of flies.
  • Light a citronella candle for a very easy, natural fly repellent. Citronella is a highly aromatic oil distilled from several varieties of lemongrass and repels both flies and mosquitoes. Light a few of these candles and set them around your picnic table and along the patio. The strong scent will tell those pesky flies theyre not welcome.
  • If you prefer something immediate, effective, and strangely satisfying, you can always swat flies. Grab an electric device for when your arm gets tired. It will electrocute the flies with a loud zap. Both methods will get rid of the flies.
  • Make Your Own Flypaper

    You can make homemade fly paper from a brown paper bag or kraft paper and corn syrup. It is easy but takes a while since the paper needs to soak and dry.

    How to Make Flypaper

    Cut a brown paper bag into 2-inch wide strips. Bring equal parts corn syrup and water to a boil, stirring constantly.Remove the mixture from the heat and add the paper strips. Soak the paper in the syrup for four hours or more.

    Remove the paper and hang them to dry for two to three hours. Hang them with thread or string in fly-infested areas.

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    Diy Homemade Fly Traps

    One of the most common how to get rid of flies methods is Vinegar and dish soap solution. Take a tablespoon of sugar and add the apple cider vinegar to a bowl. Mix dish soap and leave the solution for 24 hours.

    Flies will be attracted to it like a moth to light but wont be able to make their way out of the bowl!

    Decorate With Citrus Fruits

    Keep Flies Away From Porch | How to Keep Flies Away From House

    Citrus fruits like oranges, lemon, and lime make the best scents. What you may not know is that while you enjoy the citrusy smell of lemons and lime, some flies somewhere are finding the smell pungent.

    To keep away flies away from your patio party, slice some citrus fruits, and make some decorations with them on a tray. To make the hack even more effective, place essential herbs like rosemary on the newly cut flesh of citrus fruits in a decorative design.

    Your guests will love the scent but flies will not. However, the method will not work if you have an unhygienic outdoor environment.

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    How Do I Know If I Have June Bugs

    You may notice holes in the leaves of your shrubs or trees, indicating adult June bugs have been snacking on them. Or, if your yard has brown patches, June bug larvae may be living in the soil. Finally, do you have a problem with animals like moles or skunks digging holes in your lawn? They feed on the grubs and may be trying to get to them during the night.

    The best way to confirm if you have a June bug beetle problem is to dig up a small patch of brown or dead grass and look for the grayish-white grubs underneath. They look like fat caterpillars and curl up into a C shape if disturbed.

    Do Flies Carry Disease

    Flies are rightly considered rather filthy insects because they actively feed on feces and other decaying matter. As a result, they can spread a wide variety of germs, including the various bacteria that cause anthrax, typhoid, stomach ulcers, cholera, dysentery, and tuberculosis. This is worth remembering the next time you see a fly land on the hamburger that’s just come off the grill.

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