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HomeQuestionsHow To Keep Stray Cats Off My Patio Furniture

How To Keep Stray Cats Off My Patio Furniture

Why Do Cats Get On Patio Furniture And How Can You Prevent Itlook 7 Tips

If you’re having problems with cats scratching your patio furniture, that’s going to end here. We’re going to talk about all of the ways that you can keep them from coming back, from spraying scents to buying distracting objects.

As we discussed a bit before, cats scratch things because it’s part of their nature as animals and because it has multiple benefits for their health and well-being. Because of this, it would be difficult and cruel to try to eliminate cat scratching altogether.

Instead, you can make sure that your cat scratches where you want it to, which is definitely not on patio furniture. The following steps explain how to keep cats from scratching your patio furniture by supplying them with the right tools to scratch elsewhere, as well as making your patio furniture an unattractive candidate for soothing your cat’s scratching desires.

Natural Ways To Keep Cats Away From Your House With Active Repellents

Passive repellents are fantastic and useful, but they don’t work all the time. At some point, you’re bound to run across an especially determined cat who doesn’t let bad smells or uncomfortable footing prevent them from getting to your garden. When that happens, it’s time to dig into the active repellents.

This section covers repellents that activate when stray cats or the neighbor’s cats come near. You’ll learn about how to repel feral cats using sprays, mild shocks, and sound devices. We also show you how to set up humane traps to take care of the most stubborn kitties.

Spray Solutions On The Furniture To Make It Unattractive To Cats

Spray solutions make the perfect animal repellent for patio cushions. They are easy to get, and they don’t disrupt your furniture, like double-sided tape might. Spraying a bit of solution whenever you see your cat going near the furniture is a simple way to make sure they don’t start scratching. And multiple things can be used as a spray solution.

Apple cider vinegar is a multi-purpose ingredient that can be helpful in deterring more animals than one. This means that you could spray a bit of apple cider vinegar mixed with water on your patio furniture and keep out the bugs, spiders, and cats all at once.

Vinegar is an inexpensive solution that you probably already have in your kitchen. Just put some in a spray bottle with water and apply it to the concerning areas every few days.

Another natural element that repels cats as well as other animals are essential oils. You may even already have some in your home. To keep cats off your patio furniture with essential oils, try citronella, lavender, peppermint, lemongrass and orange. These scents naturally detract cats.

Many pet owners decide to use essential oils to keep cats from scratching, not only because they are natural but also because they use the essential oils to stop cats from spraying. Spraying is another way that cats make territorial marks, and essential oils are the perfect way to keep your cat from scratching and spraying, with just one remedy.

9 Best Ultrasonic Bug & Pest Repeller Reviews 2020

Ultrasonic Repellent Is A Repellent That Emits Ultrasonic Waves

If a moderate liquid cat repellent doesn’t work, you may need to take more drastic steps. An ultrasonic repellant will be useful in this situation. 

This works in the same way as an electric outside fence. It’s essentially a gadget that operates by producing an obnoxious ultrasonic that may irritate cats. Because cats are very sensitive to particular frequencies of sound, this is a great fit.

If you’re concerned that it’ll go off all day, be assured that it won’t. The majority of these gadgets are motion sensor triggered, meaning they will only turn on when they detect movement.

It’s also worth mentioning that the majority of these gadgets are solar-powered and really very waterproof; simply stated, they need very little upkeep. You can install them and then forget about them for the rest of your outdoor life, cat-free.

Cats Are Yowling Fighting Spraying Roaming And Having Kittens

How To Keep Stray Cats Off My Patio Furniture

REASON: These are mating behaviors. Once the cats are spayed or neutered, these behaviors will stop.

Quick Tips:

  • Conduct TNR for the cats. TNR stops mating behaviors and ensures no new kittens are born.
  • Find more information about TNR at Get help from local community cat experts by requesting a list of Alley Cat Allies’ Feral Friends Network members in your area at

Please remember: Do not take community cats to animals shelters. They are feral—or unsocialized to people—and therefore unadoptable. This means virtually 100 percent of community cats taken to shelters are killed there. Instead, community cats should be neutered, vaccinated, and returned to their outdoor homes.

Eliminate Incentives That Jumping On The Furniture May Have

Your cat may be getting on the patio furniture for reasons other than scratching. If you can eliminate any reasons why the cat may want to get on the furniture, they’ll be less likely to do it.

Make sure that the furniture is not positioned in a spot that helps the cat jump onto a windowsill or other comfy spot. If your patio furniture is located in a place that helps the cat reach another spot, try to rearrange it to remove this opportunity.

The cat may also be getting on the furniture because it’s comfortable, so try to remove the cushions when it’s not in use. Patio furniture is often used every once in a while, rather than every day. This means that you can store the cushions in your garage until you want to use the furniture.

How to Keep Dogs off Patio Furniture? 10 Special Tips

The Best Way To Keep Cats Off Cushions On Outdoor Furniture

Weather damage to outdoor furniture cushions may cause them to fade over time. If you have stray cats in your yard, your cushions’ lifetime may be shortened even more. 

Protecting your investment and having a secure location to put your cushions away is the best way to keep them off the cushions. 

Take them out just when you’re ready to use them, and no one will ever know. It’s a beautiful and easy solution that will keep cats away since they won’t have anything soft or comfortable to lay on.

Visit our article on home plants that are safe for cats for more information.

We’ve all been there: you’ve just finished taking down all the Christmas decorations from your front porch or deck for the winter, and you discover your cat has moved in. This is one of the most frustrating tasks you can have in your life, but you can prevent this from happening by following a few simple precautions.. Read more about how to keep cats off chair cushions and let us know what you think.

How To Keep Feral Cats Out Of The Yard With Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds can also work as an excellent ground cover in your garden, and not just because it’s a top-notch fertilizer. Just as cats’ paws are sensitive, so is their sense of smell. One scent they don’t like is coffee.

Coffee grounds work best if they’re used, as they have a stronger scent. So, the next time you make coffee, re-use your grounds by tossing them in your garden or any other area where curious cats have been hanging around.

How To Keep Cats Off Outdoor Furniture The Complete Guide

AJ oren

Is your outdoor furniture is frequently scratch by your cat? Many cat owners face this problem throughout the summer, especially. In this article, we are going to explain how to keep your cats off outdoor furniture. After reading this article, do not forget to implement what you have learned here.

The backyard is a significant part of every house. It is a perfect place to relax, sit with your loved ones, have the morning coffee, play with your children, and many more.

So, one can always keep some furniture in the backyard to take respite from daily life.

However, the presence of stray cats in the neighborhood or having cats in your household creates various problems, including spraying on the outdoor furniture, destroying the sofa by scratching, tumbling down garbage bins, etc.

One should not punish the cats for behaving like small children. There are several ways to restrict the access of cats or drive them away without scarring them for life.

In this article, we will discuss all the methods that one can follow to mitigate the situation.

What Can I Spray On Outdoor Furniture To Keep Cats Off

Buy a commercial repellent. You can buy a cat repellent if you don’t want to prepare one by yourself. There are companies that manufacture and sell them in the shops. These are safe to use and will not harm your pet or the neighbor’s cat, but they will definitely keep them off your furniture once sprayed. 

The commercial pet repellents contain odor scents that work like any other repellent to scare away animals. When you spray your yard with the product, it will portray a revolting presence that will keep the targeted animals away out of fear. 

The outdoor space is a place where you mostly go to have a good time. Your time in the yard is unlikely to feel good if you have stray cats hanging out on your outdoor furniture. If this sounds like an experience you are familiar with, then this guide is for you. 

Use any one or a combination of the methods we have discussed here to keep cats off your outdoor furniture and enjoy some peace of mind. 

Whats The Best Way To Stop Cats Pooping In Your Garden

One of the natural ways you can stop them from leaving deposits on your lawn is to scatter scents they don’t like. Cats are incredibly sensitive to smell so strong scents such as lavender, peppermint or cinnamon are great for keeping them away. Choose one of these scents, mix with water and spray around the garden.

Step 3: Give Yourself A Pat On The Back For A Job Well

Using a homemade cat repellent means you know exactly which ingredients you are spreading around your home. It is safer for you, kids, pets and the environment. It will also save you a great deal of money. If you have any natural cat repellent recipes that you have had success with, please let me know in the comment section below. Thanks and good luck!

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Cats Are Lounging In Your Yard Or Porch Or On Your Car

How To Keep Cats Off Your Patio Furniture

REASON: Cats tend to remain close to their food source.

Quick Tips:

  • Shift the cats’ food source to a less central location, where you won’t mind if they hang out.
  • Apply fragrances that deter cats around the edges of your yard, the tops of fences, and on any favorite digging areas or plants. See “Cats are digging in your garden” for a list of cat-deterring fragrances.
  • Install an ultrasonic deterrent or a motion-activated sprinkler. You can find humanedeterrent products at garden supply stores.
  • Use a car cover or place carpet runners on top of your car to avoid paw prints.

What Damages Can Cats Cause To Your Outdoor Furniture

Cats like to play by scratching and prying on objects. This is an entirely normal instinct for them. It is their way of staying healthy and having a good time. However, this is terrible news for you as the claws will not spare your furniture and cushions.

A scratched patio couch can mean a substantial loss, especially for expensive outdoor furniture. The furry fellows do not know about these costs, and they can keep spreading the damage as long as they are free to roam your yard.

Scratching or clawing at wicker or any outdoor furniture can damage the outer protective layer – leaving the items vulnerable to weather elements. Water and dirt can also accumulate in the damaged areas, creating a great petri dish for mold and mildew. 

Ideally, the scratching and clawing will accelerate the deterioration of your furniture. 

Stray cats can also bring fleas, bacteria, or ticks to your porch furniture and outdoor cushions when lying on them. This scenario would mean you have a whole new headache to deal with: fighting these disease-causing parasites.  

Then there is hair – lots of it to deal with. Cats are furry, and more cats mean lots of cat hair littering your furniture. You and your friends’ clothes could end up with cat hair hanging on them. Such a thing can be off-putting, particularly to those friends who are not fond of cats. 

Method 3 Of 3:changing Your Habits Regarding Cat Care

  • 1Stay away from spray bottles. Many owners use a spray bottle to punish a cat when they get on furniture. However, spray bottles are unlikely to help much when training your cat. Your cat is unlikely to make the connection between the punishment and the behavior. A spray bottle also only succeeds in stressing your cat out. Stay away from spray bottles as a training tool.XResearch source
  • 2Make sure your cat has scratching posts. Cats need to scratch to keep their nails trim. Unwanted scratching and pawing is often the result of uncomfortably long claws or nails. Keep a scratching post in your home. This will give your cat an outlet to scratch and keep it off the furniture.XResearch source
  • 3Give your cat room to play. Cats may take over areas like furniture if they don’t have space of their own. Have a room in your home, or a corner in one of your rooms, where you keep your cat’s toys, food, and bed. When you play with your cat, play in this area. If your cat feels it has its own space, it’s less likely to invade yours.XResearch source
  • Think about what kind of toys your cat likes the most and then fill its play area with them. The more you tailor the space to your cat, the more likely your cat is to spend time in it.
  • If you don’t reward your cat’s good behavior, it’s more likely to keep misbehaving.
  • You can tie a toy to a string a drag it off the floor. You can also throw items for your cat to chase.
  • Best Way To Keep Cats Off Outdoor Furniture Cushions

    Outdoor furniture cushions can receive weather damage and get faded out over time. And if you have stray cats in your outdoors, it might shorten the lifespan of your cushions even more. 

    The best way to keep them off of the cushions would be to protect your investment and have a safe place to store your cushions away. 

    Take them out only when you’re actually about to use them and none would be the wiser. It’s an elegant solution as well as a pretty simple one and is sure to keep cats away since they wouldn’t have anything soft or comfy to lounge on.

    For more content like this visit our page about the house plants that are safe for cats.

    See more

    Keep Stray Cats Away From Your House With Repellent

    One of the easiest ways to turn your property into a feline-free space is to make a homemade cat repellent spray to keep cats away. This spray has ingredients that repel cats and is easy to make with just a few supplies.

    • Dish soap

    Combine the vinegar and water in a spray bottle and swirl it. Squirt in some dish soap, place the cap on the bottle and shake to ensure mixing.

    Spray around your property in areas where the cats go. This includes gardens, bird feeders or other food sources, or a sandbox, which is basically a big outdoor litter box.

    Keep Your Yard Clean To Prevent Visits From Strays

    As always, preventative measures are some of the most effective tactics for keeping unwanted visitors away. Clean up your yard so there isn’t anything there to attract strays in the first place.

    The main thing to look for when cleaning is anything that may be a food source. This means no feeding any of your own pets outside, and keeping bird feeders in areas where cats can’t get to them. It also means cleaning up after yourself whenever you are grilling food or having an outdoor barbeque.

    Make sure your trash cans are inaccessible and that you clear away any spots that attract small prey like mice. Seal up any entrances or holes in garages or sheds where strays might seek shelter.

    Additionally, monitor your property for any areas with cat urine and wash it away with an enzyme cleaner. Cats return to spaces that are marked with urine.

    If skunks are a problem in your yard, in addition to cats, you can employ some of the same remedies listed here. However, a skunk deterrent can also be made from ammonia or dog urine to repel these cute but frightening creatures and ensure that they go elsewhere.

    Now that you know what keeps cats away, you can use these techniques to cat-proof your property. It is easy to prevent these furry felines from visiting without causing them any harm.

    Drop A Few Orange And Lemon Peels On The Furniture

    Cats have a strong sense of smell and can pick the mildest scents. While this should be an advantage, you can use it to your advantage when it comes to warding off the animals from your furniture. 

    Cats find plenty of scents unpleasant or too strong to endure. These include cinnamon, lavender, peppermint, and citrus. 

    You don’t have to spend a lot of money purchasing lavender or spices like cinnamon. Simply create some peels out of the lemon or orange in your kitchen. Place them directly on or underneath the furniture. The scent these peels will emit should get the cat to turn around and find a different place to sit. 

    If you have more of these natural repellants in your kitchen, then you may consider creating a potpourri with them. The mixture of dried fruit peels and scented flowers or plants will be pleasing to your senses, but the felines won’t find it nearly as alluring. 

    Your mixture can comprise things you already have in the kitchen, such as tangerine, lime, orange, and lemon peels, together with cinnamon and lemongrass.

    You can organize the potpourri in small portions, place them around your yard, or put them in small bags, which you can then place inside the cushion covers.  

    To make things even more effective, consider combining these with a homemade citrus-infused spray. A mixture of citronella oil, lemon juice, and water will work wonders bringing out the smell of your dried peels. 

    How Do I Stop Stray Cats From Spraying On My Patio

    You end up the lights to go to bed, which’s when you hear the roaring originating from the backyard. It ends up some feral felines chose to make the crawlspace under your patio their house for the winter season– charming, well, type of.

    Having a roaming feline relocation into your backyard may appear charming and cuddly, however strays have some concerns. They do not have the exact same domestication as housecats, and they can have wild personalities. Males and women do not get any neutering or spaying, and they have all their glands undamaged, in addition to a raving hormonal agent system.

    For that reason, a feral feline is more like a wild animal than a family pet. If you leave onto your patio, you may discover that it smells like feline pee.

    How Do I Stop Stray Cats From Spraying On My Porch

    How to Build a DIY, Insulated Outdoor Cat Shelter

    Anthony Duggan

    You turn out the lights to go to bed, and that’s when you hear the growling coming from the yard. It turns out some feral cats decided to make the crawlspace under your porch their home for the winter – cute, well, kind of.

    Having a stray cat move into your yard might seem cute and cuddly, but strays have some issues. They don’t have the same domestication as housecats, and they can have wild temperaments. Males and females don’t receive any neutering or spaying, and they have all their glands intact, along with a raging hormone system.

    Therefore, a feral cat is more like a wild animal than a pet. If you walk out onto your porch, you might notice that it smells like cat pee.

    Cats Are Sleeping Under Your Porch Or In Your Shed

    REASON: The cats are looking for a dry, warm shelter away from the elements.

    Quick Tips:

    • Provide covered shelter. Or, if the cats have a caregiver, ask the caregiver to provide covered shelter. Shelters should be placed in quiet areas away from traffic. Find tips to build or buy shelters at
    • Block or seal the area where the cats enter with chicken wire or lattice, but only once you are absolutely certain no cats or kittens are inside.

    What Not To Use To Keep Stray Cats Off Your Porch

    There are several suggestions online that can cause injury or death to cats and other animals alike. All of the solutions above are humane, and I would like to take a moment to share some solutions that you shouldn’t use. 

    • Mothballs – It’s true that mothballs can keep cats away, but they can also cause health problems for animals. The chemicals in mothballs are considered carcinogens by several health agencies and should never be used in any form other than directed on the packaging.
    • Essential Oils – Cats don’t like the smell of essential oils, but if they get some on their skin, in their lungs, or in their stomach, it can cause serious health problems and even death. If you have indoor cats, it’s also a good idea to keep essential oils out of reach and avoid using the new potpourri sprays that use them. 
    • Pepper – While sprinkling pepper around your porch or garden is common advice to keep cats away, recall a time when you were handling peppers and accidentally touched your eye. That’s essentially what you would be doing to cats, which is no fun. Stick to the humane treatments above. After all, cats aren’t irritating you on purpose, although it may seem like they are sometimes.

    Get Rid Of Stray Cats With An Ultrasonic Repeller

    Sound repellents are great, but they can repel more than cats. Noisemakers add noise pollution to your environment, so if you want to keep cats away with sound but don’t want to disturb your family or neighbors, choose an ultrasonic cat repeller.

    Ultrasonic repellers work in much the same fashion as sound repellers, but they produce sounds in pitches that cats can hear but humans can’t. There are plenty of excellent ultrasonic pest repellers available for purchase such as the Pest Soldier.

    Setup is generally quite easy and requires you to place the unit against an outside wall. Adjust the pitch to target specific animals, so your dog can enjoy the garden while cats avoid it.

    Lay Down Chicken Wire To Keep Feral Cats Outside

    As any cat owner can attest, cats don’t like uneven and difficult footing and will avoid it at all costs. That’s what makes this first cat repellent trick so useful. You can lay down chicken wire in your garden or flower beds to prevent cats from walking through it.

    Cats find walking through the chicken wire unpleasant, which you can use to keep them out of your yard. After you till your garden but before you plant, roll out chicken wire and lay it out across your garden. Cover it lightly with dirt and mulch to keep it in place.

    Plant your garden as you usually would, cutting holes in the chicken wire to accommodate growing plants. This method will also from invading your yard.

    How To Keep Cats Off Outdoor Furniture Cushions

    The whole joy of outdoor furniture is to be able to sit down and relax while enjoying the warm sun. Can there be anything more enjoyable than going out with a cup of coffee and a good book, making yourself comfortable on the outdoor furniture cushions and diving into your favourite story? Pure bliss. Unless, of course, you discover that your beloved outdoor lounge serves as a local playground and urinating spots for the neighbourhood cats. Whether you’re a cat lover or not, it is a frustrating situation. But don’t panic. There are a few things you can do to keep cats off your outdoor furniture cushions.

    Simple Tricks On How To Keep Cats Off Furniture


    If you are wondering how to keep cats off furniture naturally, you are not alone. That has been a problem for countless cat owners and is one of the more challenging aspects of owning cats.

    How to keep cats off furniture

    Cats do not just use the furniture to rest, but may also scratch and tear them. After having spent a large amount of money on home furniture, it is heart-breaking to see your furniture being damaged by  your adorable cat.

    It can also be bothersome finding the fur of your cat on your couch, sofa, door mats, carpets and bed  and could be even unhealthy.How to keep cats away from furniture? Well, this needs considerable effort on your part.

    Training the cat or your kitten at an early stage can help them keep away from your furniture. Once the cat is familiar with using the furniture of the house, it becomes difficult to train it to keep away from it.

    How Do I Keep Stray Cats Off My Patio Furniture

    Now, conditioning methods such as training your cat to stay off the patio furniture are only limited to your cats. How about cats from outside your home? These feline fellows have a mind of their own and will show up in your backyard and misuse your outdoor space at will. 

    To keep them off, you’ll need to make the furniture unfavorable for them. Here are some options to choose from. 

    Finishing Up Never Ever Approach A Stray Feline

    How to Keep Cats Off Outdoor Patio Furniture – Sunshine & Play

    It’s unexpected to find out that male felines can still spray, even after being neutered.

    Female felines likewise mark their area with urine, no matter if purified or not. In many cases of spraying around your house, male felines are most likely to blame.

    They do it to bring in women and mark area. Males are likewise even more territorial than women, and they tend to spray far more when trying to find a mate.

    If you have a female feline in your home, males may visit your patio in the evening to mark it in an effort to impress your feline.

    If you capture a roaming feline spraying, leave it alone. A few of these animals have extremely bad personalities, and they might even assault you. Being scratched by a feral feline needs a journey to the emergency clinic to tidy up your injuries.

    What Does The Vacuum Effect Have To Do With Tnr

    The Vacuum Effect has been documented worldwide in many species, including community cats. Animal control’s typical approach has been to catch and kill community cats. While this may temporarily reduce the number of community cats in a given area, it is ultimately counterproductive, as the population of cats rebounds. Other cats move into the newly available territory and continue to breed—this phenomenon is called the Vacuum Effect. It’s why catch and kill doesn’t work. TNR is the only effective and humane approach to address community cat populations. Learn more at

    Use Pine Cones Mulch Or Other Bristly Flooring

    This technique operates on much the same principle as the chicken wire method and takes advantage of the fact that cats aren’t fond of uneven surfaces that poke into their tender paw pads and between their toes.

    When you lay down a bed of pine cones and mulch with lots of bristles and texture, you create a surface your local feral cats won’t want to come near. Use pine cones as sharp borders to your garden, and add other sharp and inimical items such as eggshells and stone mulch as needed.

    You can also turn to human-made flooring products to drive away strays; try turning a plastic carpet runner upside down so that the nubs face upward and placing that in your garden. This method may also be effective to keep snakes away.

    What Are The Main Objects Cats Love To Scratch

    In terms of specific materials, cats like to scratch things that shred under their claws. If you have woven patio furniture, that might be what makes them want to scratch it.

    Sisal is a very attractive material for cats because it feels good to cats and it shreds when they scratch it. Hopefully you don’t have a sisal rug on your patio, because this is an ideal scratching material for cats.

    Cats like to scratch things that are tall and will shred apart when they put their nails in it. Hopefully, your patio furniture doesn’t match this description, but if it does, don’t worry. There are several measures that can be taken to distract them from your patio furniture to make sure that it stays clean and unbothered by cats.

    Tweet This Cats Off Tips

    Why Do I See Community Cats In My Neighborhood

    Community cats live outdoors. Like all animals, community cats settle where food and shelter are available, and they are naturally skilled at finding these on their own.

    Because they are unsocialized, community cats can’t live indoors with people, and are therefore unadoptable. Community cats should not be taken to animal shelters—nationwide, virtually 100 percent of community cats taken to shelters are killed there. Trap-Neuter-Return is the humane, effective, and mainstream approach to addressing community cat populations.


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