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HomeBuildHow To Level A Sloped Yard For A Patio

How To Level A Sloped Yard For A Patio

Part 2 Of 3:building The Terrace Walls

  • 1Opt for timber terrace walls to save money. Timber is a good choice for building shorter terrace walls on a budget, as its relatively inexpensive. Timber is also a nice complement to houses or backyards with a more rustic appearance.XResearch source
  • You can buy prefabricated wooden terrace walls at many home department stores or buy timber and cut it yourself from a lumber supply store.
  • 2Choose stone or concrete for your walls if you plan to make them tall. Stone and concrete blocks are popular materials for building terrace walls more than 2 feet tall because of their strength. Although building terrace walls to be higher than 2 feet is generally not recommended, definitely use stone or concrete materials to build your walls if you cant avoid building them this high.XResearch source
  • Stone or concrete should always be used for terrace walls higher than 4 feet and should be installed by professionals to ensure their structural integrity.
  • These blocks can be bought at home and garden shop or landscape supply yard. Note that stone and concrete are the most expensive materials to be used for building terrace walls.
  • 3Dig a shallow trench along the horizontal base of the slope. Dig the trench so that it is slightly wider than the material youll use to build your wall. You should dig it wide enough to leave roughly 1 inch of space on either side of the wall.XResearch source
  • For best results, use a pipe that is at least 18 inches long.
  • How To Level A Yard: 9 Easy Steps

    Leveling your sloping yard is a labor-intensive project and would take a lot of effort. You can decide to employ the help of professionals to help you level your yard. However, if you choose to do it yourself, having extra helping hands will reduce the burden and make it faster.

    Step 1: First Seek Permission

    Before you start any leveling project, you need the permission and guidance of the state. Some areas do not require approval for this kind of project, but you need to ask first. Contact your local council for the right way to go. 

    Also, contact utility companies to know if underground pipes and wires should be avoided while digging.

    Step 2: Remove all Vegetation and Clear Debris

    Before you start digging, you want to save vegetation you already have on your land. You can do this by digging them up, transplanting them into pots, and keeping them in areas with slight shade to reduce transplant stress.

    Clear all debris and dirt from the area so you can see the land level.

    Step 3: Grade

    Grading is necessary before leveling thatll ensure water is flowing in the right direction and not towards your building.

    A simple eye test will show you where you need to work on. Go round your building to identify low areas. Use sand to fill those areas up, then make the space compact by beating it with the back of your shovel.

    Grading will ensure that water flows away from your building after leveling.

    Step 4: Measure the Rise and Run of your Land

    Step 6: Water the Ground

    Creative Ideas For Yard Leveling

    There are ways to be creative too, when working with a slope. Adding in retaining walls, stairs or stone steps throughout the area can make the slope work to your advantage. Often times, clients will choose to work with the natural landscape, and create tiers to the property. Such as creating an upper level to the lawn, and perhaps a lower patio area on the bottom. We have designed stone stairways leading up a slope, or carved into the side of a mountain property to create a pool boulder wall. Working with a talented firm can provide you with new ideas and concepts to get the most out of the yard.

    Measure The Rise And Run Of The Slope

    This step will let you determine how tall the retaining wall will need to be. Take a look at the picture below:

    Two stakes are placed, one each at the top and bottom of the slope, and a string tied between them. The string is called the run, and its height on the second stake is referred to as the rise.

    On the top stake the string should be at ground level, and it should stretch to meet the other stake. At this point, place a spirit level on the line to check that it is level. Its important to get this right, as your new lawn will follow the line of the run.

    With this step you determine the height needed for your retaining wall, as well as the amount of soil youll need to fill the gap behind it.

    If you think back to high school maths, the rise and run measurements give you two sides of a triangle whose area you can calculate. Multiplying the area of this triangle by the length of your retaining wall will give you the approximate volume of the space needing to be filled behind the retaining wall.

    Leveling The Ground For Your Paver Patio

    how to level sloped backyard easy

    Pavers can transform any backyard into a beautiful retreat.  Theyre perfect to set the stage for family gatherings and backyard barbeques.  While it may seem simple enough to lay down some pavers, making sure the ground is level is key to having a great paver patio.

    Before you break ground on your new patio, make sure that there arent any pipes or wires where you want to dig.  You can find this information online or by calling 811. Measure the area in which you want to add your patio. Measure the length and width and multiply by two to get the square footage.  Add about eight inches around the perimeter for safety.

    Once you have decided on the paver stones you are going to use, measure the length and width of one of the stones and multiply by two to find the square footage.  Divide the area of the proposed patio by this number to determine how many bricks you will need. If you have pavers that lock together, measure the pavers when they are locked together to get a more accurate measurement.  

    To make sure your paver patio is done right and will last, contact professional pavers who can make sure you have your beautiful patio for years to come.

    What Every Home Owner Needs On Hand In Case Of A Water Problem

    So weve talked a lot about how to grade your yard for proper drainage. And, if its not possible to grade your yard you can use a french drain. But what do you do if you are getting water into your basement? This recently happened to me after we got 7 inches of rain in one day! Yes 7 inches.

    There was a tiny pinhole in my foundation in the basement, through which water was literally POURING out of like a faucet. I panicked. Water can cause so much damage so quickly. I was able to stop the flow temporarily with one of those stretchy erasers and some flex seal but I was lucky that this worked for a few hours until I could get the good stuff: .  FastPlug is a product by Drylock that comes in a powder form. You mix it with some water and it will plug a hole even with the pressure of water pouring in fast. Its an absolute lifesaver if you are having water issues. and I suggest that you keep some on hand at all times just as a precaution.

    Of course, FastPlug is really just a bandaid for the real problem of improper water drainage. Upon investigation, I noticed that on the opposite side of my house, theres a bit of a dip in the slope causing the water to head towards my foundation. So, off to the hardware store to get some topsoil and redirect the water here too. Its not a very serious slope, but it was enough to cause some damage during this really bad storm. So, just make sure you  while youre out gettting these yard grading supplies. Youll thank me later!

    How To Level A Garden By Hand

    If your goal is to make your lawn a more even surface or to lay a patio or deck, you can level a garden by hand. If its the lawn youre concerned with, bear in mind that although lumps and bumps arent desirable for most people, a slight slope overall is, and one thats gentle can create good drainage away from your home. 

    For any depressions in the lawn that are around 2 to 3cm deep top dressing is the remedy. Buy a top dressing mixture or make up your own using two parts of sand, two parts topsoil and one part compost. Fill out the depressions evenly and compact the soil with your feet or a rake, then water. Leave for two days, then add grass seed and a light layer of topsoil. Water as required.

    If there are deeper depressions in the lawn than this, youll have to dig out to about 4 to 5cm then take out any stones or lumps of soil. Compact the soil, then use top dressing as above and grass seed to fill out the bald spot. 

    For lumps, youll need to carefully lift the turf, then remove the soil below until the area is level with the rest of the lawn. Lay the turf back down and compact it afterwards.

    You can also level an area by hand if youre adding a patio or going to lay decking in your garden. Youll need to dig out the space to size and make it level it at the beginning of your project before continuing as necessary depending on whether its decking or paving slabs youre laying. 

    How To Flatten Out A Sloped Backyard

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    Sloped ground in your backyard may cause water runoff, soil erosion, uneven moisture retention and difficulty when mowing your grass or tilling your flowerbeds. The area at the bottom of the slope is likely to catch water runoff and remain too wet for healthy plant growth. Sloping backyards are often unsuitable for decks, patios and play equipment. Leveling the yard to decrease the slope will remedy many of these problems, allowing your backyard to become an inviting space.

    The Importance Of Yard Leveling

    If you are looking for information on how to level a yard you probably know it is instrumental in keeping your landscape aesthetically pleasing. A level yard provides stability to your outdoor landscape. It also allows you to avoid serious damage and costly repairs to your foundation.

    Your lawn must slope away from your home gradually to allow rainwater to drain away slowly from your foundation. If rainwater runs toward your home, the water will accumulate around the foundation walls. This will cause moisture to build up. Weakening your foundation. It may even become more serious. Seeping through foundation walls and filling your basement with water.

    If your home does not have a basement or is built on a slab, moisture can seep into the wooden floor joists. The water will rot the joists. Threatening your homes structural integrity.

    The problems dont end there though. Poor leveling will also damage your gardens, trees, and landscaping.

    As well as potential standing water issues. A breeding ground for mosquitos. Which are not only pests but carry disease.

    Correct Slope For A Patio

    There is actually a standard formula for the correct slope of a patio, which is one-fourth inch drop for every foot of length.

    You can have a steeper slope, but if you have anything less, you will take a chance that the water will run back toward your home.

    When you want to measure the patiolength, start at the side that touches your house. Measure in feetaway from your house to the furthest point of the patio. Take thismeasurement and multiply it by ¼ to determine how many inches thedifference in elevation should be between each end of the patio.

    For example, if the patio is 20 feet in length, the slope should be five inches. This means that the side furthest from your house will be five inches lower than your house.

    This is a two percent drop, and it is the ideal slope for a patio to effectively drain away from your home.

    When Should You Level Your Garden

    If youve been putting your heart and soul into the garden and all youve been rewarded with is uneven, bumpy dips then its time to take action. 

    Constantly running into problems with your drainage system is a clear sign that you need to level your garden. Drainage issues can be tricky to fix by yourself so you may need to seek advice from a landscaper.

    Damaged pipes are another red flag as they have the tendency to cause uneven ground and can waterlog your garden.

    The optimal time to start levelling your garden is throughout springtime. This will allow your wet soil to settle and gives your grass seed enough time to grow. You may be able to get away with a reasonable levelling during Autumn if you get lucky with the weather  

    The most important thing to remember is making sure your soil is moist and soft before you start. We advise you water your soil a couple of days before you intend to start if your soil is too wet it will be very difficult to work with.  

    Additional Tips For Concrete Pouring

    To estimate the amount of concrete youll need, do two calculations. First, use the length and width multiplied by the depth of the shallow end. This is your starting volume. Next, calculate the volume again using the depth of the deeper end and then divide this by 2.

    Add the first and second volumes together to find the total volume of concrete youll need. Once this is done, build your frame as usual and install what supports youll need. Then, pour the concrete as directed by the manufacturers instructions.

    Youll want to order a concrete that stays in place once its poured and leveled. Look for a blend with a low slump; this gives it the consistency it needs to stay in place once poured, explains Mother Earth News. You can contact your local home improvement store for additional tips about the proper type of concrete to buy given your soil and ground types.

    Maximum Patio Slope And Still Feel Flat

    playset on sloped lower yard with retaining wall

    I know the standard is to have 1/4″ drop per foot but have you ever been on a patio with a steeper grade and it still get relatively flat. One contractor said 1 1/4- 1 1/2 inch we wouldn’t notice but I find that really hard to believe….and gave me question as to his integrity. The patio will be 18′ so each little bit helps to minimize the frontage of the patio. Bottom line though the patio needs to “feel” flat.

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    Never know what to plant together? Find out with this FREE Plant Pairing Guide and become a pro at combining plants for the best garden design possible!

    Once you are panked and tamped and out of breath, you can get a drink of water, because you are done grading your yard.

    Well, almost. Its kind of ugly now isnt it? Maybe we should plant some grass so noone will ever know about our yard grading project!

    How To Properly Level A Patio Or Walkway

    Dear James: I am going to build a brick patio adjacent to a small fish pond in my backyard. I plan to use a gravel and sand base for the bricks. What is the easiest way to get them properly leveled? Charlie R.

    Dear Charlie: A brick patio and surround for the fish pond can be a very attractive addition to your landscaping. You might want to consider using patio pavers instead of ordinary bricks because the pavers are usually more decorative and they are made to fit together perfectly.

    Whether you use bricks or patio pavers, laying the base and the leveling process are identical. “Leveling” is the proper term to use, but you do not want the patio to be level. A slight slope away from the pond will keep rainwater from carrying patio dirt into the pond. One-eighth-inch slope per foot length should be more than adequate.

    A two-inch layer of crushed gravel covered by another two-inch layer of sand should be a good base for the patio. Always use crushed gravel, not pea gravel which will roll around. The angular edges of crush gravel lock the pieces together for a much more stable base.

    First, determine the height for the top surface of the finished patio. Drive wooden grade stakes in the ground around the perimeter of the patio so the tops are at the finished height. Locate them seven feet apart to facilitate creating a smooth surface for the gravel and sand.

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    Dump The Pile Of Dirt At Your Low Point

    Shovel the dirt into a wheelbarrow, and dump the pile of dirt at your low point. So, if the water is draining toward your house, youll want to dump a big old pile of dirt against your foundation so you can reverse the grade.

    Youll need to dump enough dirt so that this problem spot becomes your high point. Remember that measurement we just took? It should come in handy now! The pile of dirt needs to be taller than that number on your tape measure.

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    How Do You Level A Sloping Ground

    How to level a sloping garden

  • Make sure you have permission. This is an important first step that’s easily missed.
  • Measure the rise and run of the slope.
  • Water the ground you’ll be digging.
  • Build the retaining wall.
  • Pile up soil behind the retaining wall.
  • Ensure the new lawn is level.
  • Compact the soil.
  • To level ground, start by using strings attached to stakes set at the height where you would like the ground to sit to see how much dirt you will need to put down. Then, remove any existing grass from the area, and use a shovel to add an even layer of ground cover.

    Also, how do you level a sloped yard for a pool? Place stakes or sticks at areas that slope or are off-grade. You’ll need to dig away these area in order to create level ground for the pool. Dig away soil instead of building up low patches. Always dig away slopes and high spots to make them level with lower areas, even if it takes more work.

    Similarly, you may ask, how do you level an uneven backyard?

    Method 1: Leveling out a Mildly Uneven Lawn by Topdressing

  • In a wheelbarrow or similar container, mix up a batch of topsoil, sand, and compostbasically, a soil medium that can support turfgrass growth.
  • Apply 1/2 inch of this soil mixture on top of the low areas.
  • Rake the topdressing to spread it out evenly.
  • What does level ground mean?

    n. the floor of a building that is at or nearest to the level of the ground around the building. Full Definitions of ground level.

    How To Install A Swing Set On Uneven Ground Or A Hill

    Swing Sets can provide hours of fun for both children and adults. Children can build their confidence, improve their balance and just enjoy the fresh air. While adults can sit on a swing seat and reminisce about when they were growing up.

    Now you want to pass on those same childhood memories to your children. But the problem is your yard is not level. Keep reading to see if you can place a swing set on a slope.

    Leveling A Sloped Yard

    While every property is different, and every client has a unique taste, we see many similar tasks on most of our jobs. More often than not, a new project we take on requires the same initial steps. The best way for clients to get the most out of their property, is by leveling a sloped yard. Slopes and hills on a property make the space unusable. By creating a level lawn, or creating spaces with a sloped yard, the area to work on or enjoy is maximized.

    Depending on the site size and difficulty, the cost and time required will vary. Many clients want to know how much does it cost to level a sloped yard? It is a tricky question to answer. Prices vary from anywhere starting at a couple hundred dollars for minor jobs to the upper thousands for larger scale projects. However, working with a landscape architect can help. Initial consultations and plans will determine the cost and time involved to achieve your desired end result.

    How Much Does It Cost To Level A Garden In The Uk

    10 Wonderful Ideas to Design a Sloped Yard

    The cost to level a garden in the UK will depend on the size of the garden as well as the extent of the work is requires. If youre calling in a professional landscaper to level then build a patio, you might expect to pay around £1,800, including materials.

    If a lumpy lawn is beyond rescue and its a question of preparing and laying a new lawn area, including the levelling work, then expect to pay around £1,200 including turf rolls.

    More extensive levelling work will be part of a landscaping project, and the final garden landscaping costs will depend on the entire design, what you build in to the space including decking, patios, lawn areas, raised beds, fencing and so on. For a smaller garden, expect to pay from around £10,000, but for larger spaces and complex designs for sloping gardens, expect to pay £50,000 and more.

    Is There Enough Space To Regrade My Lawn

    I get this question a lot. And, Ill address it a little later when I talk about slope. But, the short story is that if you need to grade your yard slope AWAY from your house, but you cant raise the soil high enough to be above the highest point of your yard that you need to slope towards, you cant move forward with regrading. The math/numbers need to work!

    Also, you should leave about 6 minimum of your foundation showing in order to ensure that you dont damage the homes structure.

    Check with your local building officials to be sure. This regulation is part of the International Residential Code that most cities in the U.S. adopt. You can look it up here 

    How To Build A Patio On A Slope

    A well-built patio adds beauty, value, and a place for fellowship to your home. If your backyard backs right up to a hill, you may be concerned that you wont be able to make your patio dream a reality.

    Im happy to tell you that whether youre using pavers, stone, or paved concrete, building a patio on a slope is not really that different than building on a level surface. Stay tuned, because Im about to share what I know about how to build a patio on a slope.

    Why Would You Need To Grade Your Yard

    The reason for grading your yard is to move the water/runoff from where its currently traveling to a different location. In most cases, home owners regrade the yard in order to get the lawn to slope AWAY from the house so that it doesnt pool next to the foundation and potentially cause flooding and water problems in the future.

    Yard grading is helpful if you have standing water pooling in different areas of your yard. Not only is stagnant water ugly and annoying, it attracts those PITA mosquitoes and other bugs, kills your grass and plants and can even weaken your homes foundation.

    In addition, improper water drainage is often a symptom of much larger problems. So, regrading your yard slope can remedy these larger problems .

    First, if you already have water leaking into your basement, you should consider grading your yard . Proper grading can move the water away from your home so that you dont get flooding and all sorts of other foundation issues.

    In my case, when my home was inspected, there was some concern about the slope of the yard slanting TOWARD the house. While I didnt notice any water/flooding issues , this is definitely something that I wanted to fix ASAP.  Its best to correct this problem before there is a big issue.


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