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HomeLawnWhy Does My Lawn Have Brown Patches

Why Does My Lawn Have Brown Patches

Fertilising Will Enable The Grass To Better Control Moisture

How to fix brown patches in your lawn

Fertilising your lawn not only provides the nutrients grass needs in order to photosynthesise and produce food, but it also helps the plants moisture control mechanism.

Fertilise your lawn in the Spring and Autumn with a fertiliser with a high percentage of Potassium.

This will ensure the grass and its roots can hold on to moisture.

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Why Is My Grass Still Turning Brown Despite Watering

In Lawn & Garden by JamieJuly 14, 2020

I want a green and healthy lawn and I know you do, too. And I know you have exerted all your efforts to keep your grass at a perfect dark green shade.

One of the common things you can do is to make sure it is adequately supplemented to avoid nutrient deficiency. You can do so by applying fertilizer evenly in your entire yard.

Another familiar step people take to keep the grass green is watering them or creating adequate irrigation to make sure the grass wont be dehydrated. However, some might wonder why even after all these efforts, their grass is still turning brown despite watering.

If your grass is still turning brown despite watering and fertilizing the issue could be a fungal disease or issues relating to your soils pH levels.

It is very important that you check your grass and soil. Brown grass can be caused by other issues too that we will discuss below, but first, we look and lawn fungus and soil pH levels.


  • 3 Grass Care for Greener Lawn
  • Fungal Disease

    One thing you should carefully look into when your grass still turns brown despite regular watering is the existence of fungi in your turf.

    According to a study, Rhizoctonia Solani Isolates, also known as brown patch, is a type of fungus that is associated with the browning of turfgrass. It exists most notably in a warm grass environment paired with intense humidity.

    Other Types of Lawn Disease
    • Red Thread

    Soil pH Level


    Chemical Fertilizer Or Gasoline Spill

    If brown spots quickly and mysteriously appear, look for possible soil contamination. Dead grass from fertilizer and chemical spills can be flushed with water, just like dog spots, but gasoline or other petroleum spills are trickier. These cant be flushed through the soil, so you may have to dig out the contaminated soil and replace it before reseeding these spots.

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    Brown Spots In Your Lawn Dont Always Mean Mistakes

    We feel its important to mention, before delving more into what may be causing dead or brown spots on your lawn, that even the best-cared-for lawns can get brown spots from time to time.

    Whether you are currently performing DIY lawn care or youre working with a professional lawn care company, the truth is, brown spots on the lawn are not always the result of a mistake. Sometimes there are factors outside of your control.

    Even so, it will help to have a better idea of what to look for. Thats why weve rounded up some helpful advice on identifying symptoms and considering root causes.

    What Does Brown Patch In A Lawn Look Like

    How To Treat Thatch In Lawns

    They are likely to be roughly circular, though a bit irregular. If brown patch has been active for a while, the spots might look like patches of good grass with rings of dead or dying grass around the edges. They can also be found on sidewalks and in parking lots. Brown patches may also appear on trees and shrubs, especially in the spring and early summer.

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    Brown Patch Lawn Disease

    Brown patch lawn disease is one of the most destructive of all turf lawn diseases. It sneaks up on you and destroys large areas of turf virtually overnight when the weather conditions are just right.

    Brown patch lawn disease isnt picky it attacks a wide variety of grass types, and really likes the lawns receiving large amounts of fast release nitrogen fertilizer.

    Brown Spots On Lawn: How To Identify The Cause

    Brown spots on lawns are frustrating to deal with! Just when you think youve done everything right, suddenly theres a patch of grass thats dead or dying. There are a number of causes of brown spots in lawns, from insects to disease to human error.

    To get to the bottom of the situation, youll have to do a little old-fashioned investigating. Heres a checklist to help you determine the cause of brown spots in your yard.

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    What Causes Brown Spots In The Lawn

    Discover the most common causes of brown patches in your yard and how to treat them.

    It can be alarming and frustrating to see brown spots ruining what would otherwise be a beautiful green stretch of grass, especially if youre not sure how they got there or what to do about them. Brown spots in the lawn can show up for many different reasons, so the first step toward treating them is to identify the cause of the problem. Below are the most common causes of brown spots in the lawn and how to treat them so you can get your lush green lawn back.


    Brown spots due to fungal problems usually show up as irregular patches. If the disease has been active for a while, the inside of the patch may recover, leaving a ring of dead grass around it. Extremely rainy or humid weather can encourage fungal outbreaks, as can lack of sunlight and poor air circulation. Although you cant control the weather, there is something you can do to protect against fungus. ApplyScotts® DiseaseExLawn Fungicide according to the label directions to not only treat active diseases, but also to prevent future problems from listed fungi.


    Dog Urine Burns

    Weed Dieback

    Dead spots can also occur in the lawn when annual weeds like crabgrass, annual bluegrass, and foxtail begin to die back. This is a natural cycle that can be avoided with proper lawn maintenance and quickly patched withScotts® EZ Seed® Patch & Repair. As always, be sure to follow the directions on the label.


    Spring Is Here But Why Is My Lawn Still Brown

    Why is my Grass Turning Yellow | Brown Patch in Zoysia | Scott’s Disease ex

    After a slow spring, lawns are finally starting to come to life. While recent rain has been a welcome sight, you may still be finding brown spots in your lawn. These spots can be attributed to a wide range of factors and correct diagnosis of the problem is important in order to recommend a treatment. The first thing you will need to consider is the past history of the lawn. Was there a disease problem last year? Was the lawn dormant for a long period of time last summer? Have there been any activities on the lawn that could cause a problem? This article will discuss a few of the problems we are seeing this spring and what can be done to fix them.

    As always, if you have questions about the brown spots in your lawn, extension personnel will be happy to answer you questions. Turf samples may be sent to the Plant Disease Clinic, 323 Bessey Hall for diagnosis. Include affected areas as well as healthy turf. Pictures of affected areas are very helpful.

    This article originally appeared in the May 3, 1996 issue, p. 67.

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    How To Patch Bare Spots With Sod

    For a quicker fix than reseeding, try using sod. Sod is a fairly inexpensive way to repair bare spots of dead grass.

    • Remove Debris

    Similar to reseeding, remove any leaves, dead grass, weeds, or debris from the brown patch area before getting started.

    • Till the Soil

    Using a garden hoe or rake, till the soil a few inches deep to break up the solid pieces of dirt.

    • Measure the Area of the Brown Patch

    Use a tape measure to evaluate the width and length of your brown patch. Then, purchase a piece of sod from your local gardening store that will fully cover the area.

    • Select the Right Turfgrass

    Be sure to select the correct turfgrass sod for your lawn, identify the grass you have growing, and try to match this when buying pieces of sod.

    • Cut the Sod

    Using a sharp shovel or garden tool, cut a piece of sod that is slightly larger than the area you are covering.

    • Lightly Fertilize

    Applying a small amount of fertilizer to the soil before laying sod will encourage the roots to establish and anchor down the sod piece.

    • Firmly Place the Sod Piece

    Place the sod on top of the brown patch matching the shape as best you can. Compress the sod down into the lawn by tamping it down with a rake and then immediately walking on it.

    • Water the Sod Immediately

    The sod will need more water than regular seed grass. Keep the area moist by watering two to three times a day if needed. Monitor the edges of the new sod they will dry out first.

    • Hold Off on Weed Control
    • Assume Regular Lawn Treatment

    Other Common Summer Lawn Fungus Diseases

    Large Patch is very similar to brown patch, caused by another strain of the Rhizoctonia solani fungus, the Clemson HGIC says. Affected grass will show the same symptoms thinning patches of light brown grass. Symptoms will vary greatly depending on soil conditions and grass types.

    Dollar spot is also caused by a fungal pathogen, presenting smaller brown spots.

    Red thread thrives in cool, humid conditions such as the Pacific Northwest, mostly in nutrient-poor soils, according to a guide from manufacturer Scotts. Youll know youve got it if you see thin red hairs or strands extending from the grass blades themselves.

    Rust diseases appear as irregular light-green or yellow patches on the lawn, but looking closely will reveal orange-yellow rust spores on individual grass blades. Proper fertilization in the spring can help prevent it.

    Summer patch usually appears between June and September, during periods of high humidity when daytime temperatures climb above 85, showing up in the form of irregular brown patches, rings and crescent shapes.

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    Enlist The Help Of Professionals

    Lawn care providers such as Green Oasis Lawn and Reticulation can help you establish and maintain a healthy turf thats less susceptible to brown patch by handling soil aeration, disease control, moisture retention, de-thatching and more. With over 15 years of experience in lawn care, we are a dedicated team of turf and irrigation professionals who will restore your lawn to its former glory.

    For more information and enquiries on treating brown patch in lawns, dont hesitate to call us today.

    Can Brown Grass Turn Green Again

    What are the brown spots on my lawn?

    The brown lawn will be revived by rain. If the rain isnt enough, you should water the lawn once a week to help it recover from the dry spell. If you have a lawn that has been damaged by drought, you may want to consider planting a new lawn in the spring. This will allow the soil to dry out and the grass to grow back faster.

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    Whats Causing Brown Patches On My Lawn

    Finding brown patches on the green lawn you work so hard to care for can be disappointing and distressing. Unfortunately, Midwest summers lead not only to increased use of the outdoor spaces around your home but also to summer lawn diseases that can devastate even the best-maintained lawns. Lawn diseases like brown spot, Pythium blight and dollar spot love warm, humid weather and thrive during the months of May through September. But they arent the only causes of brown patches in your lawn.

    Learn more about all the situations that can leave brown patches in your lawn and what to do if your brown patches turn out to be one of the three most common fungal diseases that attack grass in the summer.

    An Ounce Of Prevention

    1. Soak your pets favorite areas in your lawn to remove salts from the root zone before they kill the grass.

    2. Fertilize your lawn in the spring to boost the overall color and mask the darker green dog spots.

    3. Train your pet to urinate in a designated area. Replace or repair the grass in this area annually or cover it with mulch.

    4. Keep your pet well hydrated to make its urine less concentrated.

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    Causes Of Brown Spots In Lawn

    One of the most common questions that Im sure every lawn company hears is, Why are there brown spots in my lawn? No one wants the grass to be greener on the neighbors side of the fence. There are a few different reasons why you can get brown spots in your lawn. Today were going to identify the most common reasons for brown spots and help determine what might be causing yours.

    The three most common causes we have seen for brown spots in your lawn are ineffective/inefficient watering or drought, billbug grubs, and sod webworm. Each of these three causes can cause the dreaded brown spots. However, if you look closely, you can determine which of these three is the culprit.

    Lets start with the most common: watering issues.

    How To Identify Brown Patch

    Easy FIX for Dry Spots in Your Lawn

    If your lawn has begun to yellow rapidly, take a closer look at the size and shape of the affected areas. With brown patch, they are likely to be roughly circular, though a bit irregular. Patch sizes can range from a few inches to several feet in diameter. If brown patch has been active for a while, the spots might also look like patches of good grass with rings of dead or thin grass around them.

    Besides yellow, do you notice any other colors in the patchy areas? Brown patch patches can be darker purple or burgundy on the outside, for example. Other signs include irregular tan spots bordered by a darker outline on grass blades, brown and shriveled blades, rotting at the base of the blades, darker blades that look water-soaked, and possibly white, cobweb-like growth around the blades .

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    Three Most Common Diseases Causing Brown Patches On Lawn

    Most of the summer lawn diseases that attack tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass common in Midwest lawns prefer warm/hot and humid weather. The best conditions for brown patch or Pythium disease growth are daytime temperatures between 80 and 95 degrees F, night-time temps around 65 to 70 degrees F, and high humidity. High summer temperatures combined with late afternoon showers every day in late May through July can be a recipe for disaster for lawns.

    There are three types of fungal diseases that our RYAN Pros treat most often. Every tall fescue variety is susceptible to these three diseases brown patch, dollar spot and Pythium blight. Learn how to differentiate between them and what you can do to get rid of these lawn diseases in your yard.

    1. What Is Brown Patch Disease?

    Brown patch disease appears as circular patches in your lawn.

    Brown patch is a common lawn disease found in all cool-season grasses in the U.S. caused by a fungus called Rhizoctonia solani. It appears as brownish-yellow, irregular circular patches that range from 6 inches to several feet in diameter. Brown patch begins to grow when temperatures reach 65 degrees F, but it grows fastest when temperatures reach 80 to 85 degrees F and there is high humidity.

    The diseased leaves usually remain standing, and close examination shows tan, irregularly-shaped lesions on the leaves with a dark brown border.

    2. What Is Pythium Blight Disease?

    Pythium blight appears suddenly and can kill your lawn.

    Controlling Grubs In The Lawn

    Beetles, like Japanese and chafer beetles, emerge in early summer, feed on plants in the garden, and lay their eggs in the soil in the lawn. Later in the summer, the grubs hatch and immediately begin to feed. They will continue to eat and grow until mid-fall, when they move deeper in the soil so they can survive through the winter. When the soil warms up again in the spring, the large, mature grubs move back into the upper soil levels, where they transform into adult beetles that emerge in early summer and start the whole process over again.

    The key to controlling grubs is to kill them before they hatch and begin to cause damage to your lawn. In spring or early summer, apply a preventative grub control product, such as Scotts® GrubEx®1 to your lawn, following label directions. This is especially important if youve had problems with grubs in the past. One application of Scotts® GrubEx®1 can kill and prevent grubs for up to 4 months.

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    Common Reasons Why Lawns Develop Brown Spots

    Brown grass usually indicates that, in one way or another, the grass is not getting the water or nutrients that it needs to thrive.

    Here is a list of the most common reason for brown patches in your lawn:

    • Drought
    • Pests & Disease
    • Forgotten Toys and Tools

    Below Ill go over each common reason why your lawn is turning brown in spots, and share my best advice to address the underlying issues that have caused your ugly, brown-spotted lawn.

    Signs Of Grub Problems

    Why is My Lawn Turning Brown in Spots? (How to Fix)

    There are several easy-to-spot signs that you may have grubs in your lawn:

    Raccoons, skunks, armadillos, or birds are digging up your yard. These animals all love to dine on large, mature grubs.

    You can pull back the dead patches on your lawn like pieces of loose carpet. This happens because grubs eat the roots holding the turf firmly in place on the soil.

    Before the dead patches even appear, your lawn feels spongy when stepped on, as it it were freshly laid sod.

    To check if you have a grub problem, peel back a square foot of green turf in each of several areas of your lawn. If you see 6 or more grubs in each area, it may be time for action.

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