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HomeLawnWill Lawn Fungus Go Away On Its Own

Will Lawn Fungus Go Away On Its Own

Choose The Best St Augustine Grass Brown Patch Treatment

Q& A How do I get rid of this grey fungus in my lawn?

The most effective lawn disease treatments contain Myclobutanil, Azoxystrobin, Chlorantraniliprole, or Propiconazole. Certain types of fungi can develop a defense mechanism against a particular fungicide over time, so it is recommended to change them periodically. But I still consider Dow AgroSciences Eagle 20EW to be the best at managing St Augustine grass brown patch. You can choose other items from my list as a replacement option. Remember, the key to success is the timely identification of a specific disease.

Have you ever encountered a lawn disease? Which product was effective? Please share your personal lawn protection tips with other readers!


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How To Treat Lawn Fungus Naturally 3 Ways To Do It

Do you observe patches in your grass lawn where the grass is dormant to grow? Then most probably it is a fungal infection taking place in your lawn which maybe you are unaware of.

To treat lawn fungus naturally, you can take baking soda mix with water and spray twice a week in the lawn or you can use neem oil which works as a fungicide in the lawn which can be sprayed once a week or twice a month. There are other ways like spraying milk and water mixture, which is also an organic and natural way to eliminate fungus from your lawn.

Now you know what are the natural ways but there are some other things that you need to know like how to identify the fungus and cure them according to type. What are the causes that result in fungal colonization? Lets discuss these in detail.

Understanding Fungal Lawn Disease

When we talk about fungal disease in your lawn, we are talking about the overwhelming spread of certain fungi that will cause damage to your turf, which is known as lawn disease. Under certain conditions, the fungal spores in lawns will rapidly multiply and destroy everything green in their path. Wind, rain, excess debris, and generally unhealthy turf can all spread lawn disease. This damage is characterized by dead, thinning, and/or discolored patches of grass, and the following situations could lead to such problems in your yard:

  • Temperatures between 75 and 90 F
  • Hot days leading into cool nights
  • Having a susceptible grass species

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Our List Of Lawn Diseases

The commonest lawn diseases are listed below.

Red thread

The red thread is one of the commonest fungal diseases on lawns, especially on lawns that are deficient in nitrogen. It produces brown patches, especially during a wet summer and during the autumn.

The red thread is caused by the fungus Laetisaria fuciformis. It rarely completely kills the grass and the patches recover with proper lawn preparation and treatment. Affected grass produces a reddish tinge, later becoming light brown or even bleached in appearance and the leaves may bind together. Patches vary in size, usually from 7.5cm to 25cm in diameter, but can be much larger.

Fusarium patch or snow mould

Fusarium patch, more commonly called snow mould, is a common cause of brown patches on lawns. It is particularly prevalent in autumn or during mild spells in winter, but attacks can occur at any time of the year.

Snow mould is caused by the fungus Monographella nivalis and at first produces small patches of yellowy, dying grass that usually turn brown later. The patches increase in size and may reach 30cm in diameter, sometimes merging so that large areas can be affected. During wet conditions a white or pinky, cotton-like fungal growth may be noticed, especially at the margins of the patch.

Fairy rings

Fairy rings are caused by a number of different fungi that produce rings of dead grass and usually toadstools in the lawn in late summer and autumn.

Take-all patch

Common Diseases Of The Grass

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Now that you know what the causes and signs & symptoms of fungal diseases of the grass are, lets go ahead and look at the few common ones. Make sure that you take your time while trying to identify a fungal disease on your lawn. Many fungal diseases have somewhat similar effects on the grass, and misinterpretation of the signs and symptoms is a common problem. So, take your time and read this guide thoroughly:

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Apply Fungicide If Needed

To control lawn diseases such as brown patch and dollar spot – or help prevent them if you have had disease problems in previous years – apply a fungicide made for lawns. Scotts® DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide provides broad spectrum disease prevention and control. You can apply any time on all lawn types. Just be sure to follow the directions on the label.

First What Are These Things

Summer lawn diseases are various kinds of fungus that thrive in the high temperatures and high humidity of summer. When conditions are right, these lawn invaders can strike fast. You can go to bed after happily gazing at your healthy green lawn, then wake up the next morning to a bunch of straw-colored circles and holler, What the fungus?!

  • Red Thread actually looks like red threads in your lawn. Youll see tan, pink, or red circular patches ranging in size from a few inches to two feet in diameter.
  • Dollar Spot causes bleached patches ranging from a few inches to a foot in diameter.
  • Necrotic Ring Spot creates circular straw-colored patches usually less than 12 inches across.
  • Ascochyta Leaf Blight causes large irregular patches of turf to quickly turn straw-brown in color and appear dead.
  • Brown Patch appears as irregular circular patches in the lawn that are brownish yellow in color and range from six inches to several feet in diameter.

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Lawn Diseases Call Rainmaster

Nobody wants to look out at the lawn and see stringy red threads, big bleached circles, brown patches, or dead lawn. Yuck. Lawn diseases attack your lawn just when you want to enjoy your yard the most.Help keep lawn fungus from creeping in by setting up your lawn for success, with a proactive lawn care program that includes a custom nutrition plan and aeration for your lawn.The roots will be nourished, the soil will be packed with nutrients and drain better, and your lawn will be thick and healthy, so lawn diseases will have a harder time taking hold.Also, consider a regular irrigation maintenance program, to make sure your sprinkler system delivers the right amount of water at the right time so you’re not encouraging lawn diseases.Ready for a lawn care program to fake out the fungus? Request a quote today! Well review your lawn care options together so you can make a great choice. Then, you can finally enjoy your lawn and stop worrying about it.

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5 Tips To Prevent Fungus & Disease In Your Lawn


If the word fungus makes you queasy, maybe you should finish your bologna sandwich before reading this. Up to you.Maybe youre lucky and youve never had to deal with these summer lawn diseases with the crazy names like Red Thread, Dollar Spot, and Ascochyta Leaf Blight. But when they strike, youll know it. They can make your lawn ugly real fast. Heres how to say so long to lawn fungus.

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Treating Zoysia Patch Fungus

Theres good news. Fortunately, most of the time this fungus doesnt affect your lawns root system and your lawn will make a full recovery. The recovery process can take weeks to months, and it wont go away on its own. But eventually, the grass will recover. In rare extreme instances, Zoysia Patch can damage the roots and the remnants of the damage can linger for more than one season.

And theres more good news: it can be prevented. The best treatment, as with any soil borne fungi, is a preventative fungicide, but we can help with curative measures too. Fungicide treatments tailored specifically for Zoysia Patch will have your lawn healthy again.

What Kills Lawn Fungus Naturally

There are a few things that can kill lawn fungus naturally. One of the most effective methods is to use baking soda. Baking soda helps to create an alkaline environment, which will help to kill the fungus. You can either spread baking soda on your lawn manually, or you can mix it with water and spray it on your lawn. Other natural killers include:

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Common Types Of Lawn Fungus

  • Fairy Ring: This lawn fungus tends to leave ring formations of dark green and/or dead grass. In more extreme cases, you may even see patches of brown mushrooms. Fairy ring flourishes especially near dead vegetation such as tree stumps and thatch.
  • Rust: Light green to yellow to brown grass is the calling card of rust fungus. Heavy dew and excessively warm, moist weather helps spurn the growth of this fungus.
  • Pink Snow Mold: Identified by brown patches and yellow grass showing white or pink fungus spots after heavy rains. Heavy snow covers often associated with hills or banks can often lead to this fungus.
  • Slime Mold: White, yellow, or gray slime shows the presence of slime mold that clings to grass and occurs during prolonged wet periods. Slime mold also likes grass that has been left unmowed.

What Causes Lawn Fungus

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Excessive heat and humidity are the leading causes of fungus. As mentioned above, fungus often occurs in times of stress, such as drought, long rainy seasons, and overwatering.

Fungus often develops because water stays on the leaf surface far too long. Mycelia use the water as a highway to travel from leaf-to-leaf. This allows the fungus to spread to other parts of the lawn.

This is also the reason that you should not walk through your lawn when it is battling fungus. If there is moisture on the lawn you can spread the fungus across the grass.

Another cause of fungus is undernourishment. When grass does not have the right amount of nutrients it is more susceptible to disease.

After it rains, theres typically more water available in the soil for the grass plants. When plants take up that water, they are also taking up nutrients thats in the soil. The more it rains, the faster that nitrogen is used up. If the nitrogen is not replenished, the problem will continue.

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Will Lawn Rust Go Away On Its Own

Minimizing the shade your lawn gets can help kill lawn rust and prevent it from reappearing. Fungicides should only be applied to grass with lawn rust infestations in the most severe cases and before the disease goes dormant for the winter. Lawn rust may go away on its own if it is properly fertilized.

How Can I Get Rid Of Lawn Fungus Naturally

Following some cultural recommendations can definitely have an impact on the likelihood of a fungal outbreak as well as getting rid of lawn fungus faster. If you have an existing fungus problem, youll still need a lawn fungicide to control the spores but these additional practices will also help.For one, you should make sure that youre watering properly. The hot and humid weather of Northern Virginia can be like an incubator for fungal growth. But you can avoid contributing to excessive nighttime moisture by watering your lawn in the early morning and allowing evaporation ample time to do its work.Proper mowing can also make a big difference. Mow your lawn to a height of around 3 to 4 inches in the summer using a mower with sharp, clean blades. Lawns that are mowed too short are stressed and more likely to succumb to fungal infections. If youre aware that your lawn has diseased patches, be sure to wash and disinfect the underside of your mower after each use to prevent spread.

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What Happens When Lawn Fungus Is Ignored

In the interest of the season, lets use the example of dollar spot a common lawn fungus that can appear anywhere between late spring and late fall in Ohio.

When these straw-colored patches of grass are treated like the rest of your lawn, the movement of mowers and foot traffic is bound to spread the disease. While a homeowner can reduce these types of movement, other environmental factors like strong winds or heavy rainfall have a similar effect.

As dollar spot spreads throughout a lawn, what was once a small patch of weak grass can turn into a damaged lawn that ultimately needs to be replaced. In terms of cost, lawn replacement can add up to $1.75 per square foot .

What Causes Anthracnose In The Lawn

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First and foremost, anthracnose is caused by several different fungi that affect different species of plants, vegetables, and fruits. But in the lawn specifically, the main culprit is Colletotrichum cereale.

Beyond the fungus itself, treating your lawn has some sway over the manifestation and spread of anthracnose. All of these common lawn issues might contribute to conditions ripe for anthracnose:

  • Hot temperatures and moist weather conditions
  • Improper fertilization

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How To Prevent Fungus

Water early in the day

Watering early in the day will allow your lawn to absorb the water and then dry off throughout the day. Watering late in the day or in the evening does not allow the lawn to dry and will promote fungus. Because fungus moves through water, a wet lawn will allow fungus to spread much faster.

Sharpen mower blades

It is always important to mow with sharp mower blades, but especially so when trying to prevent fungus. A dull blade can shred the grass blades leaving many openings for disease to enter.

Raise mowing height

When mowing, do not remove more than of the grass blade. This will allow the grass to stay healthy and strong. Scalping the lawn stresses the root system.

Dont over or under fertilize

Use high nitrogen fertilizer only in the spring. High nitrogen in late October/November will promote snow mold next year. When lawns have the right nutrients they need to grow, they are less susceptible to disease. Diseases such as red thread can often be controlled by adding nitrogen to your lawn.


Thatch is a layer of organic matter between the crown of the grass plants and the soil layer. Thatch can appear as a result of an imbalance in your soil or improper lawn maintenance practices.

We recommend removing thatch in the fall. Thatching brings up weed seeds and these are more prevalent in the spring. Use a heavy rake or thatching machine as needed to keep thatch to a minimum. The regular use of organics will help to keep thatch in order.

Eliminate As Much Shady Space As Possible

Although it can be nearly impossible to eliminate everything from your yard that can cause an obstruction to the sun, cutting large branches and trimming down bushes will help reduce the fungi buildup that is normally associated with shady spots.

Fungus thrives in moist, dark locations that typically dont see very much sunlight.

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Lawn Fungus Treatment And Prevention

There are several things homeowners can do to help treat the fungus and to prevent lawn disease. You might consider taking some of the following steps:

  • If you have grass clippings, fall leaves or other debris sitting in your yard, make sure to remove them so that your yard isnt vulnerable to fungal growth. When you mow, bag your clippings so that you dont spread possibly diseased grass all over your yard.
  • Lawns with high nitrogen levels promote fungus growth, so test your lawns pH before adding fertilizer and add any amendments judiciously.
  • Water deep and infrequently in the mornings so that the grass and soil have time to dry.
  • Aerate your yard annually.
  • When mowing, dont take more than inch off at each time. Raise the mowing height to allow more surface area for your grass blades to take in sunlight.
  • Fungicides will help treat the diseased grass, while pesticides can help get rid of insects that are destroying your yard.
  • Avoid urea-based fungicides when treating take-all patch and take-all root rot.
  • If you have take-all root rot, lowering the pH levels in your yard can sometimes help.
  • Avoid walking through or mowing the diseased area when conditions are wet because there is a greater change you will accidentally spread the fungus to unaffected areas.

The best treatment for lawn diseases is a combination of turfgrass management and application of the right fungicide at the right times.

How To Treat Brown Patches In Lawn

Grass Fungus Treatment Baking Soda

Proper mowing, watering, and fertilising help limit the risk of fungus in grass. However, if you already have brown patches or other fungal issues, you need to address the problem to keep it from spreading.

Some fungal diseases can continue to spread until they destroy a lawn. Use the following steps to treat the problem:

  • Use a fungicide to kill the fungus
  • Collect grass clippings when you mow
  • Avoid excess foot traffic on the lawn
  • Repeat the treatments if the fungus returns

The fungal disease may not go away on its own. Apply a fungicide to kill the fungus and begin restoring the health of your grass.

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Although the proper treatment and fungicide will vary from fungus to fungus, here are a few things that you can do to treat fungus and boost the lawn recovery:

  • Water your lawn deeply and infrequently
  • Ensure proper aeration as fungi love compacted soil
  • Ensure proper fertilization. Under and over-fertilization both can boost fungal growth
  • Dethatch your yard regularly to prevent active fungal growth
  • Use organic mulch or topdressing to ensure healthy soil
  • Resolve drainage issues, and do not let your lawn stay wet
  • Use sharp mowing blades and mow the grass at a proper height


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