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HomeBuildHow To Build A Patio Cover

How To Build A Patio Cover

Proper Patio Cover Pitch

How to build a patio cover

After determining the size and design of the patio cover, go back to your drawing and add the cover. Starting at the outboard support, there should be at least 6 ft. 8 in. of clearance between the ground and the bottom of the lower girder. That will set the lowest point of the patio cover.

Now set your ruler from that point up to the roof. The height of the patio cover above the roof will determine what length Roof Riser you will need. The point here is that you need to provide enough pitch or slant so that the patio cover readily sheds precipitation. The proper pitch will be determined by manufacturer recommendations as well as the rated snow loads for your area. The pitch of the patio cover can also affect the sizing of the rafters. If need be, the pitch can be raised easily by installing taller roof risers.

How To Build A Deck Cover

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Building a deck cover adds shade and shelter to any homes deck to make it a more useful outdoor space. With the right tools and some basic carpentry skills, you can add a cover to your deck by installing some corner posts and cross-beams. After that, you just need to attach some rafters and then cover them to achieve the look you want. Make the final product look like part of the home by adding actual roofing, or turn it into something more simple and natural, such as a vine-covered pergola.

Diy Patio Cover Size & Cost

The patio area to be covered is fairly large, 24X12, so spanning it became the major obstacle.; The two choices were to run 12 beams and then get 24 engineered trusses to cover the span, or run 24 beams and run 12 2X8s to span the 10 gap.; If we had chosen the former, we would have gone with a gabled ceiling trimmed out with tongue and groove cedar, and covered with asphalt shingles.

In the end, the cost differential was substantial enough that the latter was a better choice.; The final cost including all the finishing materials was just under;$2000.

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Louvered Patio Cover Cost

The cost of a louvered patio cover is between $4,320 and $20,700. This makes the total cost of a patio with a louvered roof between $6,048 and $26,100. Louvered roofs come in many configurations and materials. A roll-formed roof is the least expensive. This is a thinner type of slat material. An extruded roof is the most expensive. This is a more durable and longer-lasting roof option, but costs can approach $100 a square foot if you choose to include all the options.

Plastic Freestanding Patio Cover Idea

How to Build a DIY Covered Patio

Having breakfast outdoor is just a terrific idea to spend your weekend. You do not need to take a road trip to make it true.

You can do it right in your covered patio in your backyard. This freestanding patio features a plastic cover that sits perfectly on the beamed ceiling.

It helps you keep the glare and heat at bay. You can still enjoy your breakfast outdoor even though it is raining because the cover is water resistant.

The good thing about plastic materials is they are usually less expensive than wooden materials.

Therefore, this freestanding patio cover will just make a perfect shade without burning a hole in your pocket.

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Ways To Build A Diy Window Awning

;·This tutorial guides you on how to build your own window awning, complete with images to complement the instructions. Materials you will require for this window awning include pine boards, corrugated metal roofing, wood screws, jigsaw or miter saw, dark stain, metal screws, gloves, tin snips, tape measure, a level and wood screws.

Get The Materials To Start The Construction

You need to keep in mind two things when constructing the patio cover- the look and the fit. The material that you select should fit into your patio structure.;

If you wish to give the cover a slope, then rule out the shingles. Tar roof may not be an ideal option because of its heavy smell. Instead, use corrugated metal roofs because of its advantages. It is light in weight, resists high wind, and is sound structural.

Corrugate metal helps to decrease the incline of the slope to just a little over 10 percent. So you can install the patio cover to start from the edge of your roof and slope it evenly to one foot down. This means that if the patio starts at a height of 8 feet, it slopes down to 7 feet leaving ample space of more than 6 feet between the ground and the lowest frame.

Listed below are the lumber materials used in the constriction:

  • 2 x 6 x 10 boards for joists 11 nos.
  • 2 x 8 x 10 boards for beams 3 nos.
  • 1 x 6 x 10 boards for metal roof nailers 10 nos.
  • 4 x 4 x 8 treated for patio cover posts- 3 nos.

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Begin The Construction Process

Before you begin, lay the corrugated metal sheets and the ten-foot board in the backyard roughly in the pattern you may have pre-decided on.;

Step 1:;Install the ledger board.

The 2 x4 solid frame is perfect to attach the ledger board and binds the cover and the roof frame. Pre-drill holes of 1/8 at a distance of 6 inches in the ledger board to give the deck screw a start. Attach the ledger board along with the 4 decking screws.

Step 2:;Dig the post holes.

Digging the post holes can be a bit tricky. Here is what to do. Stand up a couple of posts at the edge of the roof and use a bubble level to ensure that it is perfectly straight. Measure 9 1/2 feet on the joist boards and lay them on the ground. Mark one end on the straight post and the other marking on the place where you need to dig the hole. Do this on both the edges of the ledger board and lay two joist boards of ten-foot between them.

Use angle iron or square to create the corner square. Mark the spots to lay the three post holes. The middle post hole should be at the spot where the two 10 footboards just meet. Measure from corner to corner. This will ensure that both the measurements are the same. Mark the center for the post holes and an 18 circle around it to dig an 18 deep hole.

You can dig the holes using a simple shovel. A garden hole works perfectly to compact the dirt and tamp it down to the bottom of the hole.

Step 3:;The posts should be even.

Step 4:;Assemble the frame.

Step 5:;Raise the frame.

Building Your Own Patio Cover Heres How

How To Build a Patio Cover – Lots of Tips

A typical project between my hubs and I includes us both having completely different ideas on a) what we want, and b) how said project should be achieved. So of course the patio cover was no different. Spencer had this grand plan to make basically this. While that is a very lovely pergola, it didnt have the two essentials I wanted: to provide shade and protect from rain. A few tweaks to his design later and Spencer came back with the most GLORIOUS, solid, awesomely wonderful drawing and I was sold. One of the things I love about building your own patio cover is that not only does it save cash versus hiring it out or paying for a prefabricated one. BUT, youre basically adding square footage to your house. Usable space = WINNING.

Let me waste no more of your time with our spousal disagreements and lets get into building a freestanding patio cover!

Tools and Materials:

Step One: Plan

As you plan out your patio cover, some key questions to think about: How tall do I want it? How large of an area do I want it to span? Do I want it covered or left open? Do I want to slope my roof ? Each of these will help determine the amount of material youll need. Here is an example of what we did. Obviously yours will likely look different if you want a different size, etc. Once you have your design and materials, its time to get to work!

Step Two: Dig, Move to Step Three, Then Dig Some More

Step Three: Measure, Level, and Cement

Step Six: The Beams

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How To Build Patio Cover

The south wall of my workshop is about 31 long and borders the pool patio. Unfortunately, getting out of the sun can be a real challenge if we are hosting a lot of people since there is not a lot of covered patio space. Today Im going to do something about that. I am going to build a 6 x 31 covered sitting area and basically walk you through the steps so that you too can be empowered with the information needed to get out there and build one of your own.

Ill start by clearing up some lingo real quick. Im not sure if its a southern thing or what but I have been calling this thing an awning when talking to some of my friends on line; most of which are not from the south. Come to find out, the correct jargon is verandah..which to me, sounds a lot like a brand of womens eye shadow or something : ) Nonetheless, this thing is getting built, and as the builder, Im gonna call it an awning. : )

Things I Used In This Video:

Initially I took the time to understand exactly how I wanted the awning to attach to the building. As I saw it, I had the choice of either butting up directly to the existing building eave, going directly underneath the building eave, or tearing into the building eave and attaching to the main structure directly.

Setting the Posts

Attaching the Rafters

Roofing Yuck : )

Note: If you are repeating this project, be sure to stagger or offset the joints of the plywood on each row of plywood as seen below.

Installing The Ledger Board

First I removed the 1/4 plywood dressing right below the drip edge and saw a very solid framing 2×4 underneath, perfect for attaching the ledger board, which attaches the cover to the roof frame. The local building code required a 2×6 ledger board, which meant I had to saw off two inches of wood from the top of the bay windows box. Next, I pre-drilled 1/8 holes, 6 inches apart, in the ledger board, because it was treated lumber and the deck screws would need a little help getting started. After attaching the ledger board with 4 decking screws, I used a large staple gun to staple the phone, internet, and cable lines to it, on the inside toward the house, to better protect them from the weather.

Post hole position and completed post hole

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Tongue And Groove Freestanding Patio Cover

This patio is such a great place to spend your afternoon. It can also make a great living room in which you can invite your friends and colleagues to come over for some tea or coffee.

Each post features natural stones that complement the fireplace as well as accentuating the patio.

The tongue-and-groove ceiling creates an epic finish look. Each of the roof sides has a glass window that allows natural light to pass through.


  • Natural stones around each post are the icing on the cake.
  • The tongue-and-groove ceiling makes the patio look more attractive.


  • Installing tongue-and-groove ceiling can be arduous and take a lot of time.

How To Easily Build A Diy Patio Cover

How to Build a Detached Patio Cover

A DIY Patio Cover can be easier than you imagine.

There are many possibilities to plan and build a patio cover; every area is uniquely different. In spite of the differences from project to project, in most cases, in less time than the average turkey takes to bake, you could build a gazebo, pavilion or pergola to cover your patio. We have had families enjoying lunch or dinner beneath their newly erected ShadeScape kit the same day it was built.

Covering a patio can extend your home and provide shade while reducing cooling costs. It also is perfect for multi-level homes/buildings, great for apartments and condos, entryways, existing patios, balconies, etc. to give more livable space. Best of all, it does not have to be a stressful or strenuous task. A patio cover can be quick and easy, built to last and stand against strong winds.

It looks awesome!! Only took about 3 1/2 hrs. My brother said this is a GREAT kit!!! Said if you ever needed anyone to install in our area that hed be more than happy to do it. Just wanted to let you know how excited we are!Karen Reynolds Enterprise, AL

You may be wondering how building a massive, oversized timber frame structure can be as fun as our ShadeScape families tell us.

For many reasons, but firstly,

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Secondly,we do all the hard work for you.

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General Instructions For Building A Patio Polycarbonate Roof

Build a cover patio is not an exclusive job for professional people. On this guide, we go through the few steps required to build a beautiful roof for you patio. First of all you want to take the measurement of the roof support. If youre building it for the first time, consider building the structure with purlins at a proper distance. The purlins which of those ones need to be spaced no more than 800mm between each other. Consider also at least a 5°;slope, This will ensure correct water run-off. Moreover, Ensure the side that has UV protection is facing the sun. This is the side with an adhesive label or ink-jet marking on the edge.

Risk Of Safety And Security

A patio cover built without a permit can be putting yourself, your family, and anyone using your patio or deck in danger. Permits are in place to ensure that structures are built to the newest, most specific building codes. These codes ensure sturdy and safe structures. Building inspectors will pass or fail your structure once it is complete, and without a permit, there is no inspection.

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Where To Attach A Patio Roof Ledger

On a one-story house, it is often best to attach the ledger for a patio roof just below the houses eaves.

On a two-story house, you can usually tie the ledger into a band joist , located between the floors, as shown below. Find the band joist by measuring down from a second-story window.

Browse Tools for This Project on Amazon

A Freestanding Patio Tends To Be Easier To Install

I built a cover for my patio. How to build a covered patio DIY video.

Attaching the cover of your patio on the roof of your house can be arduous and harmful. If the structure of the roof is not strong enough, it cannot support the cover.

Unlike the ones that rely on the roof of a house, a freestanding patio is stronger and safer because it is supported by four posts that do not rely on any other buildings.

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Diy Pergola With Lattice Roof

This one is a good inspiration to make a pergola which gives a better shade for you. The wooden panel with lattice pattern is added to the top of the pergola which works well as the shading roof.

Then, some curtains are also installed to make the patio way more comfortable to enjoy. The size of the pergola is enough to protect a large dining set perfectly.A

Patio Cover Plans Pdf Download

If you want to learn more about wooden patio cover plans, you have to take a close look over the free plans in the article. I had many requests to design a lean to roof that will be attached to the patio.; Therefore, this wooden structure is sturdy and it can be built with common tools. In addition, I have these plans in an easy printable format for you, so you can download them. Remember to read the local codes before starting the project and to comply with the local regulations. The codes differ from one area to another, so it is safer to read them thoroughly.

If you want to get the job done in a professional manner, we recommend you to plan everything with attention, as to prevent costly mistakes and to build a professional garden project. Invest in high quality materials, such as cedar, pine or redwood, as the bench will be exposed to all kinds of weather. Apply a few coats of paint over the components, to enhance their appearance and to protect them from bad weather.

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Freestanding Patio Cover With Traditional Accent

This patio provides a bit traditional accent to your backyard. It is like the ones that you can encounter in Bali.

The stained wooden posts give a more natural and impressive look to the patio. The exposed beam ceiling makes the patio look more attractive although it does not feature sophisticated patterns.

The black roof shingle plays an important role in creating the traditional ambiance. It suits the chairs perfectly.

Since the roof slopes down from the center, it does not accumulate water, snow, and leaves which makes it easier to clean.


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