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HomeProtectHow To Keep Wasps Away From Your Patio

How To Keep Wasps Away From Your Patio

Keeping Flies And Pests Off The Patio

What You’ll Need

An outdoor patio is a great place to spend a warm evening or entertain company. However, nothing can crash your outdoor festivities as quickly as the appearance of flies and other creepy, crawly bugs. Sometimes these pests are a menace just because they’re unsettling and gross. Other times they can be a problem for you and your guests because they bite, such as mosquitoes and midges.

Plant Repellant Flowers

Use flowers such as Marigolds or Calendula .These flowers don’t just smell good and add color to your patio; they also keep the mosquitoes and other biting insects at bay.

Burn Citrus or Citronella

Citrus candles work great alone, but they are even better when used in conjunction with citronella torches. To keep the flying bugs away, place citronella Tiki-Torches around the perimeter of your patio, and/or place citrus candles on surfaces such as tables or benches. This should help keep flies and other pests off your patio.

Spray with Hydrogen Peroxide

Fill a spray bottle 1/3 of the way with hydrogen peroxide. Then fill the rest with water. Shake well to mix. Spray the surface of your patio and the perimeter with a light mist. Pay special attention to tables where foods and drinks will be set and places where your guests will linger.

Use Anise Oil

Place a few drops of anise oil into a spray bottle and fill with water. Anise Oil is potent, so you only need a few drops. Spray patio surfaces and tables with the anise oil.

Use Dryer Sheets

Spray Mouthwash

What Can You Put Outside To Keep Wasps Away

 You can keep a variety of plants in pots or planted around your patio that are known for repelling wasps. You’ll want to do your research before planting anything. You could do more harm than good if you plant something floral-scented that would attract more wasps. If you like gardening, this can be a fun and effective for keeping wasps at bay while developing a hobby.

 Some very fragrant plants that wasps don’t prefer the smell of include lemongrass, clove, citronella, sage, wormwood, geraniums, thyme, rosemary, and wintergreen. Not only will you be able to repel wasps naturally, but you can also take advantage of some of these great plants for medicinal and edible use. 

How Do I Keep The Bees

You might be wondering if theres a way to repel wasps while also attracting welcome pollinators like honeybees. Unfortunately, the answer is mostly no.

There arent any plants that attract bees while repelling wasps. If youd like to keep your honeybees around, youll have to find ways to live peacefully with their wasp cousins . Ill leave that up to you!

How To Deal With Trespasser Wasps

Not all of the anti-wasp measures mentioned above will work for everybody. Experiment with them all and stick to one that works the best. While youre still experimenting, you may need a quick, temporary fix to deal with an errant wasp or two buzzing around your balcony. Here are a couple of ways in which you can tackle them:

This Genius Trick Will Keep Wasps Away From Your Homefor Good

How to Keep Bugs Away From Patio

Taste of Home

It’s difficult to enjoy a summer barbecue or an evening outside on the patio with wasps and hornets buzzing around. They’re called pests for a reason, right?

But before you reach for an expensive store-bought solution, you may want to consider a different approach. Just as there are natural repellents for mosquitoes and clever ideas to keep flies away, there are also DIY solutions for keeping the wasps at bay.

Distract Them With Something Sweet

Image credit: Colin Poole

Gardeners could also consider placing a small glass of orange juice in a remote corner of their garden to draw wasps away from an occupied area, says Catherine Alyons. This tip works best if you have a large garden space, and want to keep wasps away if youre planning to have dinner in the garden.

If you dont have any orange juice to spare, the tip will also work with overripe fruit, sugar water and banana skins too.

How To Keep Wasps Away From You And Your Home

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Are wasps keeping you from enjoying your deck, porch, or pool? Does it seem like theyre out to ruin your BBQ or picnic every weekend? Its time to learn how to keep wasps out of your home and away from your outdoor spaces.

Grow Strong Scented Plants

Image credit: Colin Poole

Smells that can be used to discourage wasps from certain areas include tomato stems, fresh mint, ground coffee and cloves, says Catherine Alyons, buying director at

A border filled with fresh mint will help prevent wasps from venturing into your garden. Alternatively, fill a window box with mint not only will the sweet smell waft into your home on a summers day, but itll be sure to keep the wasps at bay.

Are Wasp Traps Effective

Wasp traps have a liquid that attracts wasps, making them crawl looking for the source of the sweet smell.  They will eventually get stuck and drown. Hanging wasp traps is the most common and effective way of ridding your garden. The traps should be changed often as accumulated dead wasps in the trap can be nasty to see.

Make Sure To Get Into The Crevices

Spray soapy water at the nest to kill existing wasps, then spray essential oils around your porch to keep them from coming back.

Warm, soapy water kills wasps. Fill a backpack hose with a dish-soap-slash-water mixture and spray it at the nest. If youre afraid of getting stung, wear a hazmat suit in case any of them come at you.

Once the existing wasps are exterminated, remove the nest from your porch.

After that, youll need some essential oils. Mix twenty drops of clove oil, twenty drops of lemongrass, and twenty drops of geranium with a gallon of water. Put it into your backpack sprayer or a spray bottle and spray it on every surface of your porch.

Make sure to get into the crevices anywhere wasps might build a nest. They hate the smell of these oils, so itll deter them for at least six weeks or so. We spray every four weeks just to be safe because once the wasps start building a new nest, youll have to repeat the whole process from the beginning.

Get Rid Of A Wasp Nest With Dish Soap And Water

Be careful to follow these instructions carefully so that you dont get stung. You want to spray the nest at night or in the early hours of dawn when the wasps are asleep. Do not try this during the day when the wasps are active.

Wear protective clothing and prepare your exit path ahead of time. Use a hose spray attachment filled with 1/4 to 1/2 cup of dishwashing liquid and water. You want a thin liquid that flows well but contains a lot of soap.

Blast the nest with a powerful spray of water and soap, covering the nest from all angles. Keep up the spray until the nest is thoroughly soaked and no wasps are emerging. Leave the area immediately

Use Ground Dried Bay Leaves

Bay leaves also have eugenol essential oil, which can be effective in deterring wasps away.

Grind up dried bay leaves and scatter them on areas where wasps are commonly seen buzzing near your home. 

You can also add it to cinnamon powder or chili powder in producing a much stronger scent. I guess by simply reading, you already smell a little bit of a stench in your nose. Well, thats how this trick goes!

Aside from grinding bay leaves, you can simply scatter them all around your area.

Its SUPER important to grind your bay leaves up. This releases the eugenol oil and helps to give off a pungent scent.

Moreover, youll need to apply dried bay leaves regularly so the trick will continuously do the repelling.

Using Plants To Keep Wasps Away

How To Keep Wasps Away From Your Home

One of the easiest ways to keep wasps from making their homes in or under the deck is to plant species nearby that wasps avoid. Mostly, it is the essential oils in plants that work to keep insects away, in particular those essential oils found in spearmint , peppermint and ginger mint .

These oils have some ability to repel both paper and yellow jacket wasps, as does American wintergreen . Planting the species that correspond to these oils can help deter wasps, though not as effectively as the concentrated oils. Some scientists believe that mixing the extracted oils together works better than using one individual oil.

Some people also use fake wasp nests to keep real wasps away. Wasps can be territorial, and the sight of a competing nest can deter them from encroaching on another swarm’s turf.

Be Aware Of Food Source And Leftovers:

Wasps, in general, become hyperactive during the spring and early summer seasons. So, they look for more nutritive foods and your food and leftovers are the easiest way for them to meet the nutritional demand.

Thus, they will look for any sign of leftover foods. It includes pet food, leftover chicken bones, compost piles, picnic scraps, and many more. Also, they will naturally attract sweet food including fruit juice, apples, etc.

You should check your patio, lawn, porch, or balcony to find these sorts of the food source. If you find one, immediately remove it. Once the wasps dont find any food near the home, they will decide to leave the space in search of new sources.

Also, after a picnic, always clean the area as neatly as possible. Also, if you compost piles, cover them until reuse.

Types Of Wasps That Nest In Umbrellas

 Any of the wasp varieties that form paper nests are the more likely culprit when it comes to building a nest in your umbrella outside. Their nests are formed by the cellulose created from nearby trees and the saliva of the wasps.

These nests are generally built under your home’s eaves or inside a safe structure like your patio umbrella. Your patio umbrella isnt likely to be a target for a wasp species like the ground wasp

 If you have found a very large wasp nest inside your patio umbrella and youre very nervous about taking care of the problem on your own, call in a professional to help you get rid of the wasps. They can also give you some personalized tips for preventing a wasp problem in the future.

Wasps Eat Many Different Things

Social wasps, such as yellow jackets, paper wasps, and bald-faced hornets, are attracted to fruit because of their sugar content, so if fruit is left outside, you can expect some of these unwanted guests. 

Wasps are also very opportunistic and will seek out any protein that they can find, including chicken scraps, beef, turkey, and even other insects like bees.

Turn On Fans To Repel Winged Bugs

Install or place one or more fans around your patio so that the wind will keep bugs from being able to hang out in your space. Having air circulation will help freshen up your space and keep the bugs away. This is a great way to improve the overall environment of your patio while solving your bug problem.

How To Get Rid Of A Wasp Nest In A Hole In The Ground

To kill ground bees, locate the nest during the daylight and mark it so you can find it in dim light. However, wait at least until dark or even until the middle of the night or very early morning to treat it as the bees are not as active at this time. Mix a 1/4 cup of dishwashing detergent in a large bucket of water.

Pour the soapy water into the hole or burrow and quickly cover the hole with the upended bucket to trap any wasps that try to escape. Leave the bucket in place for several days to make sure all wasps are dead.

Making Hornets Repellent With Essential Oils

There are many types of oils that many insects hate and spraying these oils where hornets congregate drives them away. Essential oils are the best way to get rid of yellow jackets and other stinging insects and are excellent as hornets repellent.

  • Glass spray bottle

How to get rid of ground hornets or those with ariel nests starts by pouring water into a glass bottle and adding a few drops of each of the essential oils. Shake it well and label it for safety reasons.

Deter hornets and keep wasps away by spraying areas where they frequent, such as the picnic table, and outdoor garbage can. The spray is also useful for applying directly to their nest, but specific safety measures are required.

Different Kinds Of Wasps In The Yard

There are different kinds of wasps. This includes hornets and the yellow jacket known to be their cousins. Whatever their family relation is, one thing is for sure wasp stings are really dangerous especially to those who have allergic reactions to these insects.

Wasps have gained a reputation for building their nests around residential properties and your house is no exception. This is why it is important to prevent nesting behavior as these pose an imminent threat to homeowners. 

Wasps are attracted to places where there is an abundance of flowers, sweet food, and warm areas to apply their nesting habits. If your yard seems to be a good spot, then it will be no wonder when European hornets start to come to build nests. If you happen to notice a good number of wasps circling your area, they might be scouting for food or considering the viability of building a nest in the vicinity.

Wasps are subdivided into two groups including the solitary wasps and the social wasps. The majority of these wasp species are solitary.  Solitary wasps prefer to live alone and build a solitary nest. Solitary wasps will also feed on paralyzed insects and spiders and this will also serve as food for their young. 

Social wasps, on the other hand, live in colonies following a caste system. They have several queens, a few drones or males, and a sterile female called workers. Social wasps are known to make a nest from wood fibers that have a paper mache finish gaining them the name paper wasps.

Spray Wasp Repellent On Your Clothes

How to Keep Wasps Away From Your House

People who are strongly allergic to wasp bites must take extra precautions when outside. Mix lemongrass, thyme, and spearmint essential oils with water to make your own non-toxic wasp repellent. The ingredients in these oils have a strong, anti-wasp odor. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray it on yourself and your children at regular intervals if youre spending a lot of time outside. This wasp repellent is safe to spray on pets too.

Vacuum Up Single Wasps

Slow moving wasps resting on your walls or floors can be quickly sucked up with a vacuum cleaner. This method works well in the spring when wasps are coming out of hibernation and are sluggish. It is also a very effective method to keep flies away.

Later in the summer they are more energetic and may get away. Be careful to avoid a wasp sting.

How To Prevent Wasp Nests

Remove sources of food from around your porch. This means removing ripe or rotten fruits and berries from your property. Move hummingbird feeders away from your home to the trees in your yard as well. Lastly, make sure no pet food is left outside.

Keep doors and windows shut. Use caulk to seal any crevices and cracks around your porch to prevent wasps from entering your home. Remember, wasps can sneak through even the tiniest of holes.

Place wasp-repelling plants around your home and porch. Instead of planting flowers around the areas in which you enjoy relaxing, consider placing wasp deterring plants to add a natural border of protection. Such plants can include wormwood, marigold, mint, basil, pennyroyal, and geranium.

Check for nests. It is important to locate nests before they develop and grow into larger ones. Check sheds, garages, and wall cavities in early spring while they are still golf ball size or smaller and can be treated quickly.

Seal garbage cans and cover compost piles.Wasps arent picky and love old rotting food just as much as freshly cooked meals. In the spring and summer wasps crave protein-rich foods, which means they will be drawn to any kind of meat you have on the grill this summer. In the colder months, wasps become sweets junkies, attracted to every sugary substance.

Pick up trash. To add to the last tip, it is very important to make sure no trash from food or drinks is left lying around your property for wasps to gravitate to.

What Does A Wasp Nest Look Like

So how do you know whether the nest on your porch belongs to a bee or a wasp? The biggest difference is building material. Bees build their hives out of wax, while wasps construct greyish, cylindrical nests out of paper and saliva.

Wasps like to build their nests in secluded, protected places. Some examples are:

  • crawl spaces
  • in attics
  • or even hanging from tree branches

During the cold months they seek refuge in warm, dry spaces. Below is an example of what a wasps nest looks like.

Keep Vegetation And Debris Away

Be vigilant about checking for nests in early spring, which will be smaller and easier to treat quickly. Keep vegetation and debris away from your home, as well as the grass short around your home. Its important to also make sure that screens on porches are sealed, and close windows during the warmer months to prevent wasps from getting inside.

Dr. Nancy Troyano

What Attracts Wasps To Your Property

One reason wasps travel towards your home is in search of a safe, warm haven. Male wasps die off in the fall after impregnating nearby queens, so at the onset of winter, queen wasps typically look for a protected place to spend the colder months. As such, your homes insulated walls and hidden cracks, crevices and cavities make for a perfect living environment. Social wasps, or wasps that live in large colonies, are a perfect example. Take the yellow jacket wasp. These wasp colonies tend to be more prevalent in hollows in or near the ground, which means you might find these insects making their nests underneath your home. Talk about a good reason to keep wasps away!

In the warmer months of the year, queens begin emerging from hibernation and begin looking for food. That explains why wasps gravitate towards your home around the summer months when we tend to be spending more time in our yards. If you see wasps flying low to the ground, theres a good chance the insect is looking for and preying on insects, grubs or larvae in the soil. These types of wasps are called digger wasps and generally can be left alone. The digger wasp also looks for sugar in the form of fallen fruit from trees, spilled food or drinks outdoors or aphid honeydew. The cicada killer wasp, however, searches for cicadas eggs. Dont be frightened by the name, as these insects are not aggressive and primarily prey on cicadas.

Grow Wasp Repelling Plants

Dont fill your balcony with pots of flowering plants or those that give off a sweet smell. The nectar in the flowers will attract not just wasps but also bees and other insects. 

Instead, grow wasp-repelling plants. Eucalyptus, spearmint, pennyroyal, thyme, and citronella produce strong-smelling oily substances that act as wasp deterrents. Plant these herbs in pots and place them in your balcony to keep the wasps away. As a bonus, these plants will also keep mosquitoes at bay. 

is another effective wasp-repelling plant, but it may be poisonous to small animals and people. If you have pets or small children at home, avoid using the plant.

Make Your Own Wasp Trap

Wasp traps lure wasps into a container filled with sugar water. These traps are almost impossible to escape for those small insects. 

Wasp traps are available for purchase offline and online, such as the . But if youd rather make one yourself at home, go ahead. It will take you a mere 10 minutes. All you need is:

  • An empty 2-liter soda bottle
  • Duct tape

To make your own wasp trap, follow these steps:

  • Cut the top off the 2-liter soda bottle. 
  • Pour a little soda or maple syrup-water mixture into the bottle. 
  • Place the head upside-down on the bottle, and secure it in place with duct tape. 
  • Place the trap in the balcony. 
  • After the bottle gets filled with wasps, discard it, and make a new trap. 

The sweet liquid inside the trap attracts wasps, but once they swoop into the bottle, they cannot escape due to the funnel-like design of the bottle.

Use A Wasp Repellant:

How to Keep Wasps Away

If you dont find the homemade water trap or the other prevention technique fruitful, your last resource is to use commercial wasp repellent.

Therere multiple repellants for wasps and not necessarily, you have to be fixed with one specific kind only. Some are a simple as the homemade water trap. We recommend you to use the following commercial wasp repellent and trapping products-

  • Yellowjacket and Wasp Trap
  • Glass Wasp Trap
  • Both work fine and should meet your requirements perfectly.

    Furthermore, you may use chili pepper with water to spray it as a wasp repellant. Another homemade solution can be peppermint oil with water. It also works as a nice repellant agent.

    Take The Trash Out Frequently

    As you can guess, having trash around your patio is a bad idea if you dont want to have bugs. While you may not want to take the trash out daily, you certainly shouldnt be leaving the house trash can right next to your patio. If you do, you may find a swarm of bugs near the trash that could spread to your patio. Instead, isolate your trash collection from your patio and take out the trash as frequently as possible.

    How Do I Keep Wasps Away From My Balcony

    keep the wasps awaywaspwaspsyouryourwasps

    Tips and home remedies for wasps and bees on the patio and balcony

  • Leave no open jam jars or sweets on the table.
  • Use mosquito hoods for use sausage plates.
  • Cover glasses and cups.
  • Screw bottles or always put a closure.
  • Hang wasp traps made of glass or clay with attractant
  • Subsequently, question is, how do I get rid of wasps on my porch? Clove-Geranium-Lemongrass Oil BlendYou can try applying these oils by mixing several drops of each with water and dish soap in a spray bottle and coating areas on the outside of your home where wasps like to build nests: under eaves, porch roofs, and other ledges and crevices.

    Similarly one may ask, what smell do wasps hate?

    peppermint oil

    Do Wasps hate vinegar?

    Once the wasps enters the water, it won’t be able to get out and will drown. Alternatively, white vinegar mixed with equal parts water can be used as a spray to keep the wasps away. Another creative, natural repellent is a wasp decoy, which can deter wasps from building nests around your yard or inside your home.

    Natural Wasp Repellents: Vinegar And Other Essentials

    If you find yourself with a number of wasps nests in and around your home and want to avoid using any chemicals to control them, there are several natural wasp repellents to consider. First off, wasp preventionlike we mentioned above, removing any inviting food sources or pathways into your homeis sometimes the best way to keep wasps out of your home.

    Mixing together common household ingredients can be an inexpensive and effective way to remove wasps. Vinegar, for example, can be used to create a water trap. Once the wasps enters the water, it wont be able to get out and will drown. The full water trap requires sweetened water, apple cider vinegar and a drop of dish soap. Incidentally, you can also use a similar solution to get rid of fruit flies. Alternatively, white vinegar mixed with equal parts water can be used as a spray to keep the wasps away.

    Another creative, wasp natural repellent is a wasp decoy, which can deter wasps from building nests around your yard or inside your home. This is especially true for red paper wasps, which are territorial. Most decoy nests can be purchased at home improvement or garden stories, but if you prefer to build your own wasp decoy, the process is relatively simple. Take old newspapers, crumple them into balls, stuff them into plastic shopping bags and tie them closed. Then place the tied shopping bags in paper lunch-size bags and hang them up in corners or your home and around your yard.


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