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HomeQuestionsHow To Take Care Of A Patio Lavender Tree

How To Take Care Of A Patio Lavender Tree

How To Use Anouk Spanish Lavender Tree Form In The Landscape

Originally, Anouk Spanish Lavender is a fantastic specimen to put in a herb or perennial garden. However, the tree form absolutely shines as a container plant on your patio!

Try planting in a container and using this little tree as an accent to decorate your front porch. That way those passing by can notice and fall in love with it just as we have! It’s a real attention grabber!

Add two to both sides of your entryway or front door. They’ll frame the entrance perfectly and make a stunning first impression!

Because this plant has been custom designed into a fantastic topiary, it has the look and shape of a miniature tree and adds quite a bit of charm wherever you decide to place it!

New Patio Personality Anouk Spanish Lavender Tree Form

  • Charming Topiary Look
  • Blue Bracts Fade Pink When Mature
  • Gorgeous Gray-Green Foliage
  • Attracts Butterflies
  • Great for Patio Decoration

Searching for the perfect small but spectacular centerpiece to your patio or front porch table? Rather than settle, try astounding your audience with an Anouk Spanish Lavender Tree Form !

This tree form of the already lovely Anouk Spanish Lavender brings all the same classy characteristics of the original on a petite standard!

Each spring, this little tree looking perennial sprouts a dense layer of light gray-green foliage. Then, as spring starts to feel like summer, deep plum purple flowers will emerge on top of the leaves and reach toward the sky!

These flowers are topped with blue long-lasting bracts that will fade to a pretty pink as they mature! Talk about a visually interesting plant that puts on a show year after year!

We can’t talk about lavender without mentioning the immensely enticing fragrance the blooms have! You’ll want to plant this near a window so the sweet scent of lavender can waft on the afternoon breeze through your kitchen and living room!

Anouk Spanish Lavender Tree will bring pollinators to your garden from near and far! Butterflies will have your patio a flutter with their exceptionally colorful wings!

Try clipping a few of these extraordinary blossoms and bringing them inside to decorate! Not only with they spice up the look, they’ll also bring their fragrant lavender scent with them!

Potted Lavender How To Take Care Of A Lavender Plant

Lavender is an exceptionally beautiful plant with many useful qualities. It can be found in many gardens, astonishing with its intense color. Lavender has been valued for many years not only for its beautiful color but also strong fragrance. It is also easy to grow and not too problematic. As it turns out, you don’t have to own a garden to benefit from this plant. If your space is limited, potted lavender is a perfect solution for you. Are you wondering how to take care of it? We know tricks that will make your lavender a truly stunning decoration.

Part 1 Of 3:setting Up The Right Growing Conditions

  • 1Select a variety of lavender that suits your climate and space best. There are 45 different species of lavender with hundreds of varieties, so try narrowing your search by what you want lavender for. Lavenders in general are drought tolerant, but don’t handle the cold very well.XResearch source
  • If you live in a climate where the winters are very hard, you can still grow lavender plants, but you will probably have to treat them like annuals and replace them each year.
  • Uses for lavender include landscaping, dried buds, culinary, crafts, fresh cuttings, and essential oils. There are different varieties that fit each of these uses differently.XResearch source
  • 2Look for large pots. Lavender plants can grow to the size of a small shrub, so a large pot for starting will allow for this growth. 12-16 inch containers are the sizes you should look for. Do not look a pot with an attached saucer as this will limit efficient drainage. Remember that lavender plant roots are susceptible to rot if the soil retains water too long.XResearch source
  • It would be best if the pot had multiple draining holes to further encourage quick drainage. You can drill extras if the pot you choose only has one drain hole.
  • 3Fill the bottom 1-2 inches of your pot with the packing peanuts or gravel.XResearch source Even it out along the bottom, but it doesn’t need to be perfect. Make sure this material isn’t falling out of the draining holes.
  • How To Care For Lavender Indoors 9 Essential Tips

    Lavender Standard Topiary Tree for Sale

    Touting beautiful flowers and the revered aromatic scent many people are familiar with, it’s no surprise to see more and more homeowners growing lavender plants indoors. Let’s start with a quick summary of how to care for lavender indoors, before moving on to the details.

    How To Care For Lavender Indoors? Position near a window that gets at least 3-4 hours of bright direct sunlight per day and grow in well draining soil to keep your indoor lavender plant healthy. Water once the top inch of soil dries out, fertilize twice per year and provide low humidity and moderate temperatures.

    Growing a lavender plant indoors isn’t difficult if you understand the basics do’s and don’ts. Acquaint yourself with the following basics on how to care for lavender indoors and you’ll be rewarded with an incredibly aromatic plant that thrives in your home.

    Light Conditions For Lavender Plants Grown Indoors

    Providing your lavender plants the light they need is one of the most important aspects of growing them indoors. When outside they thrive in full-sun conditions, so they need as much light as possible when grown indoors. Regardless of where you place your plants, rotate the container weekly to promote even growth and flowering.

    For the best growth put lavender pots on the windowsill of, or in close proximity to, a south-facing window where they can receive a minimum of 3 to 4 hours of direct sun every day. If you don’t have a south-facing window the next best option is a west window; they get a long period of direct sun but often miss the hottest part of the day. 

    If you don’t have a south or west window or if your windows are partially shaded it may be necessary to provide supplemental lighting to keep plants from getting too leggy and spindly. Suspend high output T5 fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent, or full spectrum LED grow lights about 12-inches above your plants.

    Honey Bees Love The Colorful And Fragrant Lavender

    Why Lavender Standards?Imagine effortless versatility and adaptability – with the Lavender Standard, it’s simple. Whether you plant this landscape star in a raised garden bed or larger container, it shines with color, fragrance and more.

    Purple hues and honey bee pollination equal beauty and ease. Showy blooms stand out on this unique topiary, which finds its origins in Spain .

    Why is BetterBut the best part of the Lavender Standard Topiary is its ability as a proven performer. No matter where it’s planted, from patio to deck and beyond, it does its job. That’s because it’s been nurtured and monitored since day one, shipped with care, and selected by experts. The extra work has been completed so you get results when the Lavender arrives to your door.

    So, you’ll reap the rewards, month to month and year over year. There’s nothing like the promise of great looks and no-nonsense maintenance, right in your landscape. Order your own Lavender Standard today!

    Lavender In A Pot What Should You Know About It

    Lavender in a pot is perfect for anyone who wants to enjoy this plant on their balcony. You can decide to buy a seedling or seed it yourself. The latter method requires significantly more attention, as the seeds need to undergo stratification. It is nothing else than cooling the seeds, which should last approximately three weeks.

    The best time for lavender seeds stratification is February. How to do it? Prepare a small container and fill it with soil. Plant the seeds and put the container in a room in which the temperature remains around 0°C – for instance basement. You can also cool the lavender seeds in the fridge – it’s a definitely more convenient method. This way you don’t have to worry about ground frosts.

    Growing a lavender plant at home is not a very difficult task. The plant does not need too much attention. Well planted, lavender will serve as a decoration for many years. There are many lavender species, and most of them can be potted. Plants that are not resistant to frost are perfect for this purpose.

    Lavenders That Are Leggy And Have Yellow Foliage

    • Symptoms. Leggy growth, few flowers, foliage may turn yellow.
    • Causes. Soil that is high in nitrogen. Using fertilizer.

    Lavenders natural soil preference is for soils with low to medium fertility. In their native environment lavenders grow in sandy or gravelly soils. Lavender are specially adapted to these seemingly harsh conditions.

    If lavenders are planted in soil that has a high organic content, or high in nutrients, then the lavender will grow leggy and produce fewer flowers which are contrary to the aim of gardeners!

    Lavenders do not need feeding and supplementing the soil with fertilizer will often turn the foliage of the lavender from green to yellow. Yellow leaves are a sign that there is too much nitrogen in the soil and the plant will be more susceptible to disease.

    How To Revive Leggy Lavender With Yellow Foliage

    • If you are adding fertilizer to lavender, you should stop immediately.
    • Remove lavenders from rich gardens soils and transplant them to either a pot or amend the garden soil with sand or gravel and plant somewhere else in the planting boarder.
    • Prune back the leggy growth of the lavender either in early Spring or late Fall, but only cut the top third of the flexible growth. Do not cut back to the woody base as it does not rejuvenate very easily.
    • Follow the best practices of caring for lavenders and be patient as it may take some time to fully revive.

    Amending the soil with sand or gravel is important as this will balance out the fertility of the soil and recreate the low to medium soil fertility that lavenders require.

    Sand or gravel do not contribute much nutrients to the soil and do not retain nutrients to any great extent.

    It sounds counter intuitive but lavenders flower more in lower to medium fertility soils!

    Once the lavender has settled into its new home then it may take a season and a good prune to fully revive from its leggy growth and yellow foliage.

    Diseases And Pests That Attack French Lavender

    There aren’t many. Actually, this flower often helps as a pest repellent. Like marigolds, it repels aphids.

    In cases where the plant is severely weakened due to extreme drought or overwatering, the shrub may develop diseases such as leaf spot due to Septoria.

    Although butterflies love to drink its nectar, you won’t find any caterpillars on the leaves, none like to eat it!

    How To Overwinter Lavender Indoors & Outdoors

    As mentioned above, English lavender is winter-hardy to Zone 5 and may only need a bit of help in the form of a thin layer of straw. Otherwise, lavender shouldn’t need any extra care outdoors. Spanish and French lavenders, on the other hand, are only hardy to Zone 8, and will need to be brought indoors in colder areas. 

    During winter, the plants want to rest and will not produce much, if any, new growth. They are basically dormant from September until April.

    While your lavender is indoors for winter, follow these practices:

    • Watering: They need less water in winter, too; wait until the top inch of soil feels dry before giving them a drink. Overwatering will rot the roots and means sure death. 
    • Lighting: Although they won’t be actively growing, these plants will still need a lot of light. If you lack a spot on a cool, bright windowsill, try using a grow-light to supplement the natural light. 
    • Temperature: During winter, lavenders like it cool but not drafty; the temperature can drop to as low as 40°F at night and shouldn’t be warmer than 65°F during the day. This means that you ought to keep them away from heaters that will dry them out and drafty windows that could chill them too much. 
    • Fertilizing: The plants may look a little sad, but do not fertilize them until new growth starts in the spring. Unused nutrients can build up in the soil and become toxic.

    The leaves of fringed lavender have toothed edges.

    Your Guide To Growing And Harvesting Lavender

    Growing Lavender

    This aromatic perennial thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, and is a necessity for provincial gardens

    Whether you’re in town or the country, lavender is essential for bringing casual elegance to your garden. Growing lavender is as easy as cooking a roast in a crockpot: You set it and forget it. All thrive in full sun and well-drained soil; add organic matter to improve heavy soils, but otherwise, these lovely, fragrant perennial herbs are a cinch to plant, a breeze to grow, and as laid back to preserve as an afternoon in Provence.

    You may know lavender by its scent, but that’s only one of this herb’s endearing qualities. Lavender is easy to grow in the West’s warm, dry climates, requiring little in the way of pest control, fertilizer, and, once established, water. Its scent is soothing, which is why its essential oil is a prized ingredient in many aromatherapy products, such as lotions and candles. And you can even cook with lavender flowers.

    Photo by Linda Lamb Peters

    How To Care For Lavender Plants In The Winter


    21 September, 2017

    Winter care for lavender plants is very simple and straightforward, centering almost entirely on protecting the plants’ roots from both cold temperatures and winds and the attendant drought that comes with them. Late fall preparation for winter ensures healthy lavender plants come spring.

    Refrain from pruning or mowing down dying lavender foliage and flowers at the end of the season in the fall. The dying foliage will serve as part of a blanket and mulching system to protect the plants over the winter and allow them to awaken in the spring and perform without delay or injury. In the spring after the last frost has passed, cut away the dead plant material, making room for the new growth.

    Water the lavender plants deeply one last time before the first killing frost of fall to help reduce the coming drought stress of winter and prepare for spring growth.

    Add a thick blanket layer of mulch over the lavender plants that is at least 2 inches deep. Use an organic material such as straw, shredded bark, evergreen boughs, leaf mold, cocoa hulls or compost or some combination of the above for a well-insulated and moisture-holding cover.

    How To Prep Your Lavender Plants For Winter

    General Plant Care for the Winter

    Water less frequently than in the summer. The lavender will be undergoing its dormant period . If your plant will be inside for the winter, keep it in a cool, non-freezing location with sunlight and air circulation.

    In the Late Summer/ Early Fall

    Slow down watering of plants. Lavender prefers a dry soil, and the amount of rain that naturally falls will be sufficient for the plant. If the plant is receiving too much water, once the ground starts to freeze, ice will form and will damage your plant. 

    Lavender Plants in the Ground

    Prepare plants for winter by pruning. Once harvesting has been completed for the season , a light pruning to create a mound can help to minimize damage by snow.

    Cut the newer stems, but avoid cutting the woody part of the plants. A major pruning will be done in the spring. The woody parts of the plant are weak and can be prone to splitting and breaking under the heavy snow and ice of winter.

    Lavender Plants Outside

    Dig a hole in the ground deep enough to place the whole pot in the ground, with the soil level of the ground the same as in the pot. This will give some protection and insulation to the roots and help it survive the winter.

    If you cannot bury in the ground:

    Move pot near a wall to offer some protection from wind .

    Put pot into larger pot and fill the spaces in between the two pots will leaves and mulch to offer insulation.

    Move pots inside to give more protection from the winter cold.  


    Part 3 Of 3:caring For Your Lavender Plant

  • 1Drench your plant in water. Water when the soil is almost dry. They need to be watered heavily so the plants get enough moisture. However, lavender plants must also be watered infrequently so the roots aren’t in contact with moisture long enough to rot.
  • Depending on where you live and what season it is, infrequent watering could mean weekly or biweekly.XResearch source
  • 2Place pots where they will get at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight. Shade reduces growth and fragrance of the lavender plants.XResearch source
  • Place on concrete surfaces in cooler temperatures to amplify the heat the plants receive.XResearch source
  • 3Store your potted lavender plants in a garage or indoors during the winter to protect them. Freezing temperatures and snow aren’t handled very well by lavender plants.
  • One danger of leaving your lavenders in pots in the cold is that if there is enough moisture in the soil, it could freeze and crack your pots. The plant can handle the freezing, but your pots are less likely to.
  • 4Prune your lavender plants. Lavenders should generally be pruned around August, but pruning time varies depending on what your climate is like. Use a pair of good pruning clippers to snip bunches of the stems away.
  • As a general rule, prune at least a couple of months before winter sets in.
  • Pruning a large lavender plant will take very little time with good pruning clippers
  • Snip the stems about three fingers above the new stems that are springing up around the base of the plants.
  • All There Is To Know About French Lavender

    French lavender got its name from the country where it was developed and grown intensively for perfume. In France, a common name for it is “butterfly lavender” because the tips of the flowers look like butterflies.

    Their flowers are stouter that those of common lavender, and like its cousin, both types of French lavender have been grown for thousands of years. Traditional uses were for bathing, its scent, and medicinal properties.

    A very cute plant, this sub-shrub is one of the symbols of Provence, of the Mediterranean sun and typical fragrance.

    Used in olden days to perfume bath water and clothes, lavender today serves to beautify our rock beds, flower beds and gardens.

    Today, French lavender is used when elaborating perfume and essential oils.

    Easy to care for, this particular lavender only requires watering in case of strong heat waves.

    Note: in some regions of Australia and Spain, French lavender is considered an invasive weed and should not be planted.

    Read also:

    What Are The Characteristics Of Lavender

    Lavender is a shrub belonging to lamiaceae, mint family. It is both decorative and cultivated plant. Lavender typically reaches half a metre, however there are also higher species. Its characteristic feature is purple, sometimes blue flowers, growing vertically. They release a slightly camphoric scent. Lavender is valued for its health benefits. The plant is also used in perfume industry and for culinary purposes.

    The valuable parts are flowers, usually in dried form. They are also used for essential oil production. It has antiseptic purposes.

    Lavender has many other purposes that might be appreciated by every woman. In the age of natural cosmetics lavender becomes more and more appreciated. It hinders skin sebum production, therefore it is perfect for oily and combination skin. It’s a great help for acne and pimples, as well as skin discoloration.

    If you grow lavender in your garden or as a potted plant on the balcony, you can make your own skin products.

    Lavender has a soothing effect on human nervous system. It is also a good stimulant in case of mental fatigue. Drunk as a herbal tea or added to various dishes, lavender stimulates digestive system and relaxes muscles. It also soothes pain.

    Color And Fragrance From Patios To Yards

    Effortless versatility and adaptability merge to make the Lavender Standard second to none. Whether you plant this simple-to-maintain Lavender in a raised garden bed or larger container on your porch, it shines with one-of-a-kind color and fragrance.

    Honey bees pollinate this purple-hued plant, meaning beauty and ease combine. The Lavender’s showy blooms stand out on a unique, topiary-style silhouette that hails from Spain. Eye-catching perks and low-maintenance care are a given with this go-to plant.

    But the best part of the Lavender Standard Topiary? It’s a proven performer. From patios to decks and beyond, it makes a statement. And that’s because it’s been nurtured and monitored since day one, shipped with care and most importantly, selected by experts. We’ve done the extra work so that you get results when the Lavender arrives to your door.

    All of this and more means you’ll reap the rewards, month to month and year over year. Plus, great looks and no-nonsense maintenance are a given, right in your landscape. Order your Lavender Standard Topiary today!

    Part 2 Of 3:planting Your Lavender Plant

  • 1Remove the Lavender plant from its current pot. Squeeze the bottom of the pot your lavender plant is in. This helps loosen the lavender and its dirt ball from the smaller pot. Tilt the lavender sideways and pull gently on the plant’s base. With the loosening of the previous step, the lavender plant should ease out of its old pot.XResearch source
  • The dirt should be solid enough that it feels like it will come out in one chunk if handled gently.
  • Handle your pot-less lavender gently to avoid breaking the dirt and damaging the roots as well as the foliage above the dirt.
  • Now you’re ready to pot your lavender plant in the new pot!
  • 2Place the lavender plant in the center of the pot. Nestle it into the dirt that is already in the pot for security. The base of the plant should sit 3-inches below the rim of the pot.XResearch source Gently break the surface of the lavender dirt ball with your fingers to release some of the roots.XResearch source
  • Root binding happens when a plant has been in a small pot too long and the roots rival the dirt for space. This makes the dirt hard and unless the dirt and roots are loosened, the roots will not expand in their new pot and the plant will soon die.XResearch source
  • Most potted plants won’t be root bound, but it’s a good idea to loosen up the roots and dirt a little to ensure the roots get a healthy start.
  • Don’t pack the soil around the Lavender plant. The soil needs to stay loose for effective drainage.
  • Ideas For Using Lavender In The Kitchen

    Lavender Cake with Lavender Cream Cheese Icing

    A member of the mint family, lavender has been used for centuries as a versatile, unexpected flavoring in both sweet and savory foods. English lavenders are the best varieties for culinary purposes, and both the buds and leaves can be used fresh or dried. Because the flavor of lavender is strong, use it sparingly so it won’t overpower your dishes. The buds are best harvested right before they fully open, when the essential oils are most potent.

    • Immerse a few dried lavender buds in a jar of sugar to give it a sweet aroma. Use the sugar for baking and in desserts.
    • Chop the fresh buds and add to a cake batter or sweet pastry dough before baking.
    • Add flower buds to preserves or fruit compotes to give them subtle spicy notes.
    • Sprinkle fresh lavender on a salad as a garnish.
    • Use fresh lavender to infuse teas, cocktails, and other beverages.
    • Use chopped buds and leaves to flavor roast lamb, chicken, or rabbit.
    • Make Herbes de Provence by blending dried lavender with thyme, savory, and rosemary.

    For more ideas, check out these 15 lovely lavender recipes from Boulder Locavore.

    Lavender At Home Example Arrangements

    You can plant a lavender individually or in groups – just make sure your container is large enough. The plant looks very good and therefore is a decoration itself. You can also combine it with other species of balcony plants. Choose plants of similar requirements.

    Species that can grow with lavender in one pot are:

    • sages,
    • pinks.

    Lavender should be combined with flowers of delicate colours that won’t overwhelm it. A good idea is to make a composition with Herbes de Provence. It is a perfect arrangement for the kitchen – it can serve both as decoration and indoor herb garden.

    Lavender fits best in rustic style interior designs. Choose interesting containers for it – for instance colourful ceramic pots. You can also use metal buckets or even an old watering can.

    Revive Lavenders In A Pot Or Container

    The most common reasons for potted or container lavenders that look unhealthy and in need of revival are:

    • The pot is not big enough for the roots or for insulation
    • There are no drainage holes in the base of the pot or the use of a drip tray underneath.

    Ideally pots should measure 16 inches across with a similar depth. A pot this size has the capacity for enough soil for insulating the roots from cold weather and to contain the right soil mix of sand or a porous texture and good drainage.

    Small pots can limit the growth of your lavender. Lavender soil need to have a porous structure so that water drains through the soil and away from the roots quickly and so that there is enough oxygen in the soil for root respiration.

    Always plant lavender in a 16 inch pot even if it is a smaller variety such as ‘Hidcote superior’ or ‘Munstead’ to keep the plant healthy and blooming each year.

    All lavenders pots or containers should have drainage holes in the base so water does not pool around roots. A common mistake is to use a drip tray underneath to catch the water so it does not go over a patio or indoor area.

    This will have the effect of keeping the soil moist and will promote the conditions that lead to root rot.

    Lavenders do not need watering often so I would recommend that you move the lavender pot onto a lawn or somewhere similar for 30 minutes after watering so that the water does not trickle over the patio or indoor area.

    Temperature For Indoor Lavender Plants

    When grown indoors lavender plants need slightly different temperatures at night than they do during the day, and they need cooler temps in the winter versus spring/summer/fall when they are actively growing. These differences in temperature will encourage flowering and strong, healthy foliage growth.

    From spring to mid-fall, ideal temps are about 70°F during the day and 50-55°F at night. In the late fall through the winter, temperatures should be 60-65°F during the day and 45-50°F (7-10°C at night. 

    Pruning And Caring For French Lavender

    Pruning French lavender is possible, but must be exclusively performed on growth that still bears leaves. If you prune dry wood, it won’t grow back…

    • At the end of winter, prune as you wish, but follow the rounded shape of the plant.Avoid cutting off old growth, because those branches rarely send out new shoots.Favor pruning only on young, tender shoots rather than old, hard wood.
    • If your climate zone has mild winters, you can also trim your lavender bush in fall.
    • After the blooming, snip off floral scapes to avoid needlessly draining plant nutrients.

    Cut lavender flowers are an excellent way to perfume clothes and laundry.

    If your French lavender has grown bare spots, you’ve two options to help make your lavender full again.

    Is A Lavender Patio Tree A Perennial


    Place your container grown lavender plants somewhere they receive full sun and water them sparingly. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, but don’t let it get so dry that the plant wilts. Lavender likes heat, and many varieties won’t survive a cold winter.

    Subsequently, question is, how do you winter a lavender tree? English lavender is hardy in Zones 5 and warmer, usually overwintering in the ground outside just fine without any added protection. In an open winter with no snow cover, we may pile a thin layer of straw or shredded leaves over them for added cover.

    Also to know, can you plant a lavender patio tree in the ground?

    Plant your lavender tree into soil that drains well. If you have perlite or builder’s sand on hand, mix a handful of that into the soil to sharpen the drainage. You might want to add a few inches of limestone gravel to the bottom of pots, but only if space permits. Do not overwater a lavender tree.

    Is Lavender a sun or shade plant?

    Most species of lavender will grow in partial shade, but Lavandula latifolia, “Spike Lavender,” is an exception. It should be planted in a location with full sun exposure and well-drained soil. It may not grow at all if planted in the shade.

    Benefits Of Growing Lavender Indoors

    Native to the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and India, lavender’s history dates back more than twenty-five hundred years. It gets its name from the Latin word ‘lavare’, which means to wash.

    Ancient Romans used lavender to scent bath water in private and public bathhouses. Its aromatic reputation still follows it to this day, lending itself to culinary, medicinal, and crafting uses.

    Culinary: sprigs of foliage or the flowers are used to flavor desserts and drinks such as lemonades, and other alcoholic beverages.

    Medicinal: both plants and the essential oils are used as a sleep aid or for stress relief.

    Crafting: dried flowers are used to create potpourri, scented satchels, and added to candles, soaps, and bath bombs.


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