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Should I Fertilize My Lawn In The Fall

Don’t Forget To Fertilize Your Lawn This Fall

How To Fertilize Your Fall Lawn

Grass blades may be going dormant in late summer, but your lawn’s roots are still developing and fall is the ideal time for fertilizing. A healthy lawn with proper autumn nutrition will be better able to recover from summer’s damage, resist the cold and drought of winter and fend off diseases, weeds and pests. But when should you fertilize in fall, and what should you use?

Fall Fertilizer Choices

All fertilizers include three principal nutrients, all of which are essential for a fall lawn.

  • Nitrogen â For better blade growth and stronger foliage
  • Phosphorus â For strong root growth and development
  • Potassium â For overall strength and better nutrient absorption

The exact proportions of each nutrient will vary for different fertilizer blends and grass types. In early fall, a nitrogen-rich fertilizer will help turf recover from the summer and be prepared to green up well in spring, while later fertilizer applications should have more phosphorus to strengthen the root system.

When to Fertilize in Fall

The best dates for fall fertilizations will vary depending on your local climate and the overall health of your lawn. A good rule of thumb is to be sure the heaviest summer heat has ended before the first application, and the second should always be applied before the first hard freeze.

Good Feeding for Your Fall Lawn

Which Is Better: Liquid Or Granular Fertilizer

The truth is that neither liquid nor granular fertilizer is superior to the other. Both fertilizers offer the same proportions of nutrients, so really which you choose will come down to the equipment that you have on hand, and which method youre more comfortable with.

You may have noticed that the products I recommend on this page are granular products thats because this is the method I use and have had great success with on my cool season lawn.

In my free cheat sheet I have some more specific recommendations about some liquid products you can use in-tandem with your fall granular application, so check that out if you havent grabbed your copy yet. You can get yours right here.

For now, heres a quick comparison of each fertilizer types pros and cons, which may be helpful guidance to you.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Liquid Fertilizer

  • Not the easiest to apply
  • Slow-acting, making it unsuitable for a lawn thats in distress

How To Choose The Best Fall Lawn Fertilizer

Finding the ideal fall fertilizer for your lawn can be daunting, especially if its your first time buying.

To help you make a more informed decision, there are several factors that you should take into account.

It also helps to familiarize yourself with common mistakes that buyers make. This brings us to our next section:

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Fall Lawn Weed Control

Other annual weeds such as dandelion, plantain, and even clover, can also be controlled in late fall when these plants are still actively growing.

Applications of lawn herbicides are best done when the daytime temperatures are 50 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, so be sure to keep an eye on the weather forecast when planning late fall applications. Always use the ester forms of lawn herbicides in the fall as these formulations are more effective than amine forms in cooler weather.

So find that fertilizer spreader in the back of your garden shed and provide some nutrition for your lawn at the time of year when it is most needed late fall and winter.

Mike Hogan is an associate professor at Ohio State University and an educator at the OSU Extension.

Should You Fertilize Your Lawn

When Should I Fertilize My Lawn? in 2021

There are many things to consider before answering this question. Not everyone’s goals and circumstances are the same. So the answer will vary from individual to individual.

If you want a great-looking lawn, and if you have the time, energy, and money to achieve that objective, then the answer is unequivocally yes. Proper fertilization is one factor that can make one lawn in the neighborhood stand out above the rest. Which brings us to the question, How often should you fertilize your lawn? Because, if you truly care about showcasing your lawn, you will want to fertilize it more than someone who is content with a patchy lawn. For the ultimate manicured lawn, you should fertilize it two or three times per year.

But not everyone needs a lush lawn. There are homeowners who value low maintenance over having the showiest lawn on the block. There are some homeowners who are organic gardeners, who shy away from using chemical fertilizers. Homemade compost can be applied to a lawn, instead, but there is work involved in making compost. Gardeners may value what compost is available too highly to waste it on lawns rather than on vegetable gardens. And there are some who simply hold lawns in low esteem for them, grass-covered areas are utilitarian, functioning merely as spaces for walking from point A to point B in the landscape.

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What Is Lawn Aeration

We all know what its like to be at a party and need to step outside for fresh air. But now imagine thats what your grass is feelingand it cant open the door alone. Grass roots often experience a similar need for oxygen under the surface of your soil.

If youre often treating your lawn with a healthy dose of water and other essential nutrients and your grass is still suffering, chances are its time to turn toward a genius but often overlooked step of lawn maintenance: aeration.

Ill explain the what, why, when, and how-often of lawn aeration. Were about to poke some big holes in this subject, so get ready. Your lawn will soon be vibrant with appreciation.

Tree And Shrub Fertilizer

Fall is also a great time to fertilize shrubs and trees. In my opinion, all trees and shrubs need fertilizer, because most of them are located in mulch beds that use up nitrogen as they decompose. In addition, every fall we rake leaves off these beds, depriving plants of the nutrients that decomposing leaves would traditionally release.

To compensate, I recommend applying one to three pounds of slow-release nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of bed and cultivating lightly. I prefer fertilizing trees in late September and early October to promote root growth.

These nutrients will still be in the soil come spring when plants start to grow. If you have a tree or shrub that does not flower well, a dose of super phosphate will help promote flower growth. However, if the plant is not located in the right spot, all the super phosphate in the world won’t make it flower.

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Read The Instructions On The Bag Of The Fertilizer Carefully

There are varieties of fertilizers on the market. Do you think all of them are suitable for your lawn to apply in Fall? Of course not. In each fertilizer bag, you will find application tips, specific timetables, and instructions to apply.

So, make sure to check them properly so that you can choose the right fertilizer for your lawn and apply it in the right way. It is also essential because the fertilizer materials often get changed due to formulation technology thus, reviewing the label is crucial.

Timing Fall Lawn Fertilizer Applications

When Should I Winterize My Lawn?? | The ins and outs of Fall Fertilizer

The best time to make late fall applications of lawn fertilizer is typically in November or the very beginning of December when the grass stops actively growing or has slowed down to the point of not needing to be mowed. Even though the leaves and shoots of the grass plant have stopped actively growing at this point, the roots are still actively growing, allowing the plant to make maximum use of available fertilizer in the soil. It is common to apply fertilizer following the last mowing of the season and fertilizer applications should never be made once the ground is frozen.

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Cultivate A Happy Healthy Lawn All Year Long With A Nutrient Boost Before Freezing Weather Occurs

Charlotte Germane has almost 15 years of experience as a garden writer for nationally known horticultural companies, organizations, and magazines. A Master Gardener and Master Composter, she has been a home gardener in varied regions of the U.S. with expertise in organic gardening, edible landscaping, bulbs, and gardening with children.

Making sure your lawn has all the nutrients it needs will go a long way toward keeping it healthy and green. You may have heard that it’s a good idea to apply a winter fertilizer to your lawn to help it weather the colder months and come back strong in spring. While that may be true in some cases, it depends on the type of grass you have and where you live. That’s because you want to add nutrients when grass roots are growing. For cool-season bluegrass, fescue, or rye grass, their most active root growth happens in early fall, and for warm-season grasses such as Bermuda grass, zoysia, and St. Augustine, they do better with a fertilizer boost in spring. Once you know your grass type, you’ll be able to figure out exactly when your lawn needs fertilizer.

Kelli Jo Emanuel / BHG

Can Fall Lawn Fertilizers Be Used In The Spring

Yes, they can. But, youre better off using spring fertilizer that are properly formulated for that stage of your lawns growth.

Autumn lawn food is formulated with ingredients that prepare your lawn for the chilly, icy conditions of winter.

Specifically, they contain higher amounts of potassium to strengthen your lawn and make it more resilient.

So even if you use the best fall lawn fertilizers in spring, they wont be as beneficial as they would be in autumn.

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When Should I Aerate The Lawn

Early September is an excellent time to aerate lawns growing in heavy, clay soils and those subject to heavy foot traffic. Aeration relieves soil compaction, improves water and nutrient movement in the soil, and prevents thatch accumulation.

Aerate lawns with a core aerator. Core aerators have hollow metal tubes or tines that remove plugs of soil. Remove soil cores that are approximately three-fourths of an inch in diameter and 3 inches in length. When completed, properly aerated lawns should have 20 to 40 holes per square foot. This usually requires several passes of the core aerator. Lawns also can be aerated in April or early May.

If You Can Use A Lawn Mower You Can Use A Lawn Fertilizer Spreader

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Youll notice that on your purchased package of fertilizer, the manufacturer lists the ideal number of granules to be applied per square foot. You can set the spreader to output precisely that amount, but heres a superior method: Set the spreader to disperse half of the recommended volume, run the spreader over the lawn in one direction, then take it in the reverse direction, hitting the areas you initially missed. Because the effects of fertilizer are confined to the area immediately surrounding the spot where the granule hits the ground, the key to success is even dispersion. But when in doubt, underfertilize.

Bear in mind these additional tips for using and maintaining a fertilizer spreader:

  • Fill the spreader in the driveway, not the lawn, to avoid spilling and overfertilizing one particular area.
  • For the spreader to operate correctly, both the tool and the fertilizer granules must be dry.
  • Wearing gloves is a sensible precaution to take when youre handling fertilizer granules.
  • Once youve completed the work, clean the spreader before storing it away. Otherwise, the metal components might rust over the course of the off-season.
  • Also note that if youre left with a partially full bag of fertilizer, youre best bet is to seal it airtight and keep it in a dry place. Exposed to the air, fertilizer hardens up and becomes unusable.

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Is It Too Late To Fertilize Your Lawn In November

The exact timing to fertilize varies based on weather conditions and climate zone however, the final fertilizer application should be done sometime in November in most regions. This is the point when the grass has stopped growing or has slowed down to the point of not needing to be mowed.

How do I overseed my lawn in the fall?

For cool-season turf, start the overseeding process by thoroughly aerating the lawn. Apply the new seed with a fertilizer spreader, following the products recommended coverage rate. Its ideal when the seeds fall into the aeration holes because they wont dry out as quickly and will germinate faster.

What should Winterizer fertilizer look like?

Depending on what brand you choose, each winterizer contains different ingredients, but most well known brands contain mostly Nitrogen Fertilizer. The label on your winterizer should list the nitrogen as a quick releasing water soluble nitrogen . Avoid fertilizers that list water insoluble nitrogen .

Espoma Organic Lawn Food Fall Winterizer

Best Organic

Searching for a fall treatment for your lawn thats also eco-friendly? The Espoma brand is my go-to for my edible garden, and for any organic lawn care regimen that I recommend. Theyre a great, well-respected company that has been doing organic well for years.

Heres a more comprehensive review of what you can expect from Espoma Organic Lawn Foods fall fertilizer.


A common misconception is that organic fertilizers lack essential nutrients. But this is a far cry from the truth.

While this 8-0-5 fertilizer may not knock your socks off with its nitrogen or potash levels, these nutrients work well together to give your lawn its beautiful green color while also preparing it for winter.

The thing that makes this fertilizer different is that it sources these nutrients from organic matter. This eliminates the risk of chemicals contaminating your lawn soil while also minimizing the risk of fertilizer burn. In fact, this product provides two and a half times more slow release nitrogen than a conventional synthetic lawn fertilizer.

Another advantage offered by organic matter is that it enhances water movement within the soil.


One of the biggest selling points of this fertilizer is the fact that its safe and eco-friendly. So if you have kids or pets who are likely to use the lawn right after an application, you wont have to worry about their safety.

Espoma Organic Lawn Food Fall Winterizer Specifications

Fertilizer analysis

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When To Fertilizer Your Lawn In The Fall

The best time to apply your last fertilizer application is between August 15 and October 1. Ideally, your last lawn feeding should take place six to eight weeks before the average first frost in your area. So, if this date is Oct 10, like it is in Minneapolis/St. Paul, you should target August 15 to September 1 as your last application. If you live in Des Moines where the average first hard frost is October 27, then youd want to target your last fertilizer application six to eight weeks earlier, or between September 1 and Sept 15.

Planning fall fertilizer applications around average frost dates gives your lawn plenty of time to absorb all of the nutrients before it enters its dormant stage. Theres no need or benefit to carry over nutrients through the winter.

If you apply fertilizer too late, youre making your lawn stay up past its bedtime when all it wants to do is go to sleep for the year. Late fertilizing of cool-season lawn grasses will keep it actively growing when frigid weather, snow and ice usher in winter, potentially causing winter kill and disease issues next spring.

When Should You Fertilize Your Lawn In The Fall

When To SEED and FERTILIZE Your Lawn In Fall?? + More Plot Updates

The best time to fertilize can depend on your specific climate. Typically, September and October are the best months to apply fall fertilizer. The most important factor is that you make sure to complete your fall fertilization 2-3 weeks before the ground freezes. Thus, ensuring that your lawn reaps the full benefits of the fertilizer and avoids winter damage.

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Why Fertilize Your Lawn In Fall The Best Fall Month And Time Of Day To Fertilize

Summer heat is stressful on our lawns. Falls cooler temperatures provide the perfect setting for lawn to regain strength.

Fall is the best and most important time to fertilize your lawn because:

  • Falls morning dew delivers moisture to help turf absorb the fertilizer.
  • The grass has a chance to build stamina before a chilly winter.
  • Supporting root growth in fall leads to a healthier, greener lawn in spring.

While fall is naturally good for feeding our lawn, you can deliver an extra oomph by fertilizing as best as you can, too.

Why Is It Important To Fertilize The Lawn In Fall

Fall is the best time to take necessary actions to prepare your lawn for the upcoming Winter. Cooler seasons always prevent the growth of grass. And medicating them in the Fall might bring you a lush green carpet after the chills get over.

In Fall, the grassroots stay active because the soil temperature stays warmer than the average air temperature. The upper part of the grass blades usually does their photosynthesis. As they turn sunshine into food, it promptly gets handed over from leaves to roots.

However, there are a lot of reasons professionals will tell you to feed your lawn in the Fall. Do you want me to specify the reasons? Have a look at these benefits of fertilizing your lawn in the Fall that might help you understand the fact clearly.

So, these are the significant reasons you should fertilize the lawn in Fall. I am sure that you have already got your reason for doing it. However, there is something essential about Fall fertilizer you should know for sure. So, dont skip the following parts.

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